Bethel University
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Bethel University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Bethel University student, please check with the Office of Off-Campus Programs/International Studies for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured.In the capital of Buenos Aires and its surrounding areas, you will explore how Argentina’s healthcare system is organized by interacting with professionals and experts and...
Discover how vulnerable ecosystems are impacted by human activity and climate change in Southern Patagonia...
Study social movements in a country internationally renowned for its innovation and protagonism in the struggle for human rights for its diverse populations.Argentina has ...
Explore rain forests, coral reefs, highland canopies, and coastal mangroves as you study tropical conserva...
Study the ecological patterns and human influences affecting Australia’s two most diverse environments: th...
Learn about Tibetan and Himalayan politics and religion and the issues faced by communities in exile.The d...
Tensions related to migration through or from Mexico are high and policies change frequently. Start your program in Tucson, Arizona, near a major point of entry into the U...
Study the complex history and politics of the Middle East and learn about efforts to promote peace and glo...
Benefit from the unique experience of studying at one of Asia’s top universities, Korea University, and taking classes alongside both Korean students and fellow internatio...
Hospitality is an important part of the nomadic heritage of Jordan, evident from the Kingdom’s providing shelter to those who have fled conflict in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, P...
Study the impact of climate change on Arctic ecosystems and societies. Visit renewable energy centers, glaciers and awe-inspiring scenery.The power of nature is evident in...
Learn about public health through traditional medicine and intercultural health practices, indigenous customs, community welfare, and social justice.Live in ethnically div...