SIT Study Abroad: Peru - Indigenous Peoples and Globalization

4 recent reviews

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Explore how indigenous peoples in Peru are adapting and innovating to preserve their cultural values and shape their own future in the face of globalization.Up to 45 percent of the population in Peru identifies as members of an indigenous communit... read more

All Reviews

Based on 4 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
I would choose to do this program again because I improved my language skills a lot, got to see many beautiful parts of Peru, eat delicious food, and had the unique opportunity to learn about relevant social issues from indigenous leaders and communities that have broadened my worldview and shaped my future interests. It was abs... - Kenyon College View Entire Review
It was absolutely worthwhile and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I learned so much about the Andean region and their beautiful culture. - Middlebury College View Entire Review
I gained skills in Spanish speaking, cultural competency, research, and general travel skills. It was incredibly worthwhile - I learned and gained a lot and I know it will benefit me in the future. - Elon University View Entire Review
I learned a lot more about Peruvian history and indigenous cultures. I also gained valuable research experience from my Independent Study Project. It took a lot of work and effort, but all of it was worthwhile. I had a great time and would love to go back. - Miami University View Entire Review
I learned about Peruvian culture and I do feel like it was a good experience to live in a foreign country - Middlebury College View Entire Review
I learned so much about cultures I really had no prior knowledge about. Being able to visit and interact with different indigenous communities was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I am so grateful to have had. I also do not believe I would have been able to achieve the level of Spanish I am at now without my time in Peru. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Absolutely. You are constantly learning about yourself and your surroundings. In addition, it is more than a vacation. Most days good ones but you live there long enough to where your emotions may go through some hardship. THIS IS OKAY. These moments help you realize what it is you need to do to help yourself. - Sewanee: The University of the South View Entire Review
I had the opportunity to go and see things that most other students don't. I truly did enjoy my experience abroad; however, there are some aspects of the program I feel need to change. I loved my fellow students on the program, our trips throughout the country, but there are things I would change about SIT. - Trinity University View Entire Review
Past Review Sit Peru
It was definitely worthwhile I saw amazing places and met very cool people gained a lot of perspective and improved my spanish a lot. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I learned that it is very important to have an open mind about everything. Studying abroad has taught me to try new things even if they are outside of my comfort zone (like trying a guinea pig). It was definitely worthwhile. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
My Spanish got better, I learned so much about indigenous rights, and I think most importantly the program challenged me to think differently about development and the way we view the earth and its resources in general. It was definitely worthwhile, and I'm positive this experience has impacted the future I envision for myself. - Occidental College View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with SIT Study Abroad: Peru - Indigenous Peoples & Globalization
I learned a lot about the peoples and cultures of Peru. Additionally, I greatly improved my Spanish skills and feel much more confident in my ability to communicate with others in Spanish. I made many great friends, both Peruvian and from the states, that I know I will stay in touch with for a long time to come. I learned many t... - The College of Wooster View Entire Review
Past Review Mountain Livin'
Mastery of a language, a host of new friends (many of whom I consider family), and a different adventure every day. I couldn't have asked for more. - Kenyon College View Entire Review
SIT Study Abroad Peru offers an incredible exploration of Peruvian history, culture, indigenous identity, and contemporary challenges. Through academic excursions that facilitate meetings and discussions with incredible leaders and scholars, immersive language learning, and interesting topics, there is a lot to learn on SIT's Pe... - George Washington University View Entire Review
March 10, 2023 Stuck With Me!
It was absolutely worthwhile. I improved quite a bit in my target language and saw multiple ways of life beyond what I knew existed before. Through my independent study project, I combined several areas of interest and learned a lot about my topic that I never would have learned otherwise. I will be discovering ways that this ex... - Kenyon College View Entire Review
I grew academically as well as personally from this experience. It was definitely worthwhile. - Occidental College View Entire Review
I certainly improved my Spanish and reflected on the things I like and don't like about my own culture, and what kinds of values I wanted to take back with me. It was 100% worthwhile for me to study abroad. - Claremont McKenna College View Entire Review
Past Review Be Wary!
I gained a new family which is the best! I still keep in touch with my host mom to this day and can't wait to visit her again. - Skidmore College View Entire Review
I learned so much about Peruvian culture, history, politics, and language, as well as a ton about myself. My study away was definitely worthwhile. - Macalester College View Entire Review
I really improved my Spanish, met some great people, and learned a lot about Peruvian culture and history - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I gained a new appreciation for indigenous people and the struggles they face on a daily basis and learned a lot about myself in a few short months. Completely worthwhile! - University of Redlands View Entire Review
I learned how to live in a different country and communicate in a language and culture that I was not originally comfortable with. It was definitely worthwhile. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I have become a more confident, kind, and accepting person. Every second was worth it, I would not change any part of my experience. - Bucknell University View Entire Review
It was worth while because this program opened my eyes to the injustice of the world, and that there is a small hope that people might be able to help those who are suffering from having their land used as a petrol drilling area - Luther College View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with SIT Study Abroad: Peru - Indigenous Peoples & Globalization
I deeply cherish my study abroad opportunity with the SIT Perú: Globalization and Indigenous People program. Community within the program grows deeply and closely between the students within the program and the program staff, while also offering endless possibilities for you to be as much or as little immersed into the Peruvian ... - Wake Forest University View Entire Review


Explore how indigenous peoples in Peru are adapting and innovating to preserve their cultural values and shape their own future in the face of globalization.

Up to 45 percent of the population in Peru identifies as members of an indigenous community. Here, you will witness the impacts of globalization on indigenous peoples and be challenged to scrutinize the complexities of identity, transformation, and marginalization. You will have two homestays, one in urban Cuzco and a second on Taquile Island, where you will experience different Peruvian lifestyles, perspectives, and identities.

During three weeks of travel to the Peruvian Amazon and Machu Picchu, and the floating reed islands of the Uros people of Lake Titicaca, you’ll see how communities are working toward their own definition of development and cultural preservation. You will also learn about research methods and ethics, which will prepare you to conduct a month-long Independent Study Project on a topic of your choice related to the program themes.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
Instruction Language(s):
  • Spanish
Language Requirement(s):
  • Spanish
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Latin American Studies
  • Spanish Language, Literature
  • Hispanic and Latin American Languages, Literature
  • Cultural Studies
  • Social Sciences
Minimum GPA:
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SIT Study Abroad Scholarships

Students who are Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO) Scholars will receive a $2,000 award for SIT Study Abroad semester or summer programs.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

To recognize and support alumni of EIL summer high school programs who also participate in SIT Study Abroad programs. $1,000 for semester programs and $500 for summer. A $400 scholarship is also available to students who indicate that they have an immediate family member who has participated in an EIL or its College Semester Abroad program.

$400 - $1,000

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

For students enrolled at Hispanic-serving institutions, including member institutions of HACU who demonstrate financial need, SIT will award a $3,000 scholarship for participation in a semester program and $2,000 for a summer program.

$2,000 - $3,000

Deadlines April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

For students enrolled at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and who demonstrate financial need, SIT will award a $2,000 scholarship for participation in a semester program or $1,500 for a summer program.

$1,500 - $2,000

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

To recognize students participating in this community service program. Upon receipt of confirmation from a student’s Bonner mentor, SIT will award $2,500 for semester programs and $1,000 for summer programs.

$1,000 - $2,500

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

To recognize students participating in the National Security Education Program (NSEP) funded award, which focuses on study abroad in areas of the world that are critical to US interests and underrepresented in study abroad. Upon receipt of the student’s Boren confirmation letter, SIT will award a $1,000 scholarship.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

For students enrolled at Big 10 Academic Alliance universities. Eligible students demonstrating financial need will receive a $1,500 scholarship for semester programs and a $750 scholarship for summer programs.

$750 - $1,500

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

This is an automatic scholarship to recognize and support students who participate in two or more SIT Study Abroad programs, including alumni of short-term summer programs. The scholarship will be applied to a student’s second full term of study with SIT. The scholarship is $1,000 for a fall or spring semester program or $500 for a full-term, international summer program.

$500 - $1,000

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

An average of $4,500 (amount varies) is awarded to one female student, 22 years of age or younger, who demonstrates international awareness and a desire to create a more peaceful world through international exchange. This scholarship is available for summer programs only.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

These scholarships ($30,000 divided between several students annually, with an average award of $3,750 per student) are for students who wish to study in Latin America or East Africa and focus primarily on women’s reproductive health and/or other topics such as girls’ education, poverty, social justice, ecology, or regional integration. Preferred SIT East Africa programs are those based in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, or Tanzania.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

This $10,000 scholarship opportunity is for one student per year. The student must demonstrate extreme financial need, attend an HBCU (or other minority-serving institution), be a first-generation college student, and have never previously traveled abroad.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

SIT matches Federal Pell Grant funding up to $2,500 for semester students who use their Pell Grant to help pay the cost of their SIT program. Students utilizing their Federal Pell Grant for SIT Study Abroad summer terms receive up to a $1000 match.

$1,000 - $2,500

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.






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