SIT Study Abroad: Netherlands - International Perspectives on Sexuality and Gender

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Famous for its “progressive” social policies, Amsterdam is an ideal city to explore the intersections of gender and sexuality with race, class, and religion. You will interrogate the city’s self-styled reputation of tolerance by homing in on the s... read more

All Reviews

Based on 7 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
I learned a lot about international politics and relations. It was definitely worthwhile. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I learned that I was able to adapt to a new city and culture. This experience has motivated me to consider living abroad again. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
This program was very unique in that the academics were very engaging, the host family situation was wonderful, you are allowed a lot of flexibility in independent study or internship, and can engage in independent European travel. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
It so worth while. I learned about my own capabilities for adjusting to new environments and made me feel very independent and capable. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I learned more about my interests in the field of gender and sexuality studies and potential career directions. - Franklin & Marshall College View Entire Review
I learned mainly more about myself and what I care most about. It made me want to be more active in my work and the social justice work I want to do. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
My experience abroad was absolutely worthwhile. The experience helped me to become more independent and self-sufficient. I learned a lot about the Netherlands and about gender and sexuality, and I made some really good friends. I developed a close and lasting relationship with my host family. - Smith College View Entire Review
I learned a lot about the Netherlands, the United States by comparison and myself. This experience was amazing but definitely more so on the personal level than an academic one. I suggest anyone looking to expand and explore themselves in a new, safer environment to consider this program. Particularly queer and allied folk. I ha... - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Dutch history, culture and politics. The way gender and sexuality plays out in Dutch migrant (Moroccan, Turkish, Indonesian, Caribbean) communities and in the major cities of Morocco. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I really enjoyed being able to conduct my own independent study project. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
YES! - The College of William and Mary View Entire Review
I learned how to adapt to a completely different culture and feel what it would be like to move to another country. I learned a lot about the culture in Amsterdam, including their work culture, and became immersed in life in the Netherlands. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
It was absolutely worthwhile. I learned so much from being on a program with primarily queer, non-binary, and trans folk, and learned more about myself and my wants from living abroad on my own. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
It was definitely worthwhile! I think the thing I gained the most from this was becoming more independent and trusting myself more with living my life and making my own decisions. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I learned more about myself, my limits & comfort levels, what my interests are, where I want to spend my time, and who I want to spend it with. It was absolutely worthwhile and I would encourage everyone to go abroad if they can. - Rhodes College View Entire Review
1. That I am not worldly 2. I need personal time even though I am an extravert 3. I learned so much about the Netherlands 4. I feel more cultured. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
It was worthwhile because of the people but academically it was the worst experience of college thus far. - Anonymous University View Entire Review
It was worthwhile in that I learned how not to do a study abroad program and I learned a lot about myself, but the program is poorly set up. - Berea College View Entire Review
It was worthwhile but very stressful due to the lack of communication and extreme structure, which both take some time getting used to if you're more accustomed to a flexible schedule. - Fordham University View Entire Review
I had incredible cultural exposure and absolutely loved the topic and conversations I was able to have throughout. I gained a lot of confidence and a more global world view. I wouldn't have traded the experience for anything. I simply wish the staff for the program were more academic, supportive and organized. - Austin College View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with SIT Netherlands: International Perspectives on Sexuality and Gender
I learned so much about myself on this program. I am generally unhappy with the program, but I wouldn't give up my experience for the world. I learned about the Dutch/European culture, which I am in love with. I met my hosts, who I will always stay and contact with and hope to go back to. I had an introduction to research even ... - University of Hartford View Entire Review


Famous for its “progressive” social policies, Amsterdam is an ideal city to explore the intersections of gender and sexuality with race, class, and religion. You will interrogate the city’s self-styled reputation of tolerance by homing in on the shifting nuances of gender and sexuality in the context of theory, policy, and lived experience and across geographical and cultural boundaries.

You will visit the Prostitution Information Center, the Black Archives, and COC Netherlands and hear from guest lecturers on topics such as sex education, queer sexual health, transgender representation in the media, and the Dutch immigration and asylum process for queer asylum seekers. During the two-week excursion to Morocco, you will explore how these issues are inflected by religion and resonate differently in a Muslim-majority country. Site visits in Morocco include a roundtable meeting with the country’s leading women’s rights organization, a tour of a family planning and sexual health center and a Q&A session with the medical staff, and a half-day visit to a foundation dedicated to facilitating migrants’ and refugees’ access to housing, education, and employment in Morocco. 

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
Instruction Language(s):
  • Dutch
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Ethnic, Cultural Minority, Gender, and Group Studies
  • Liberal Arts, General Studies
  • Social Sciences
Minimum GPA:
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SIT Study Abroad Scholarships

Students who are Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO) Scholars will receive a $2,000 award for SIT Study Abroad semester or summer programs.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

To recognize and support alumni of EIL summer high school programs who also participate in SIT Study Abroad programs. $1,000 for semester programs and $500 for summer. A $400 scholarship is also available to students who indicate that they have an immediate family member who has participated in an EIL or its College Semester Abroad program.

$400 - $1,000

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

For students enrolled at Hispanic-serving institutions, including member institutions of HACU who demonstrate financial need, SIT will award a $3,000 scholarship for participation in a semester program and $2,000 for a summer program.

$2,000 - $3,000

Deadlines April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

For students enrolled at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and who demonstrate financial need, SIT will award a $2,000 scholarship for participation in a semester program or $1,500 for a summer program.

$1,500 - $2,000

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

To recognize students participating in this community service program. Upon receipt of confirmation from a student’s Bonner mentor, SIT will award $2,500 for semester programs and $1,000 for summer programs.

$1,000 - $2,500

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

To recognize students participating in the National Security Education Program (NSEP) funded award, which focuses on study abroad in areas of the world that are critical to US interests and underrepresented in study abroad. Upon receipt of the student’s Boren confirmation letter, SIT will award a $1,000 scholarship.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

For students enrolled at Big 10 Academic Alliance universities. Eligible students demonstrating financial need will receive a $1,500 scholarship for semester programs and a $750 scholarship for summer programs.

$750 - $1,500

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

This is an automatic scholarship to recognize and support students who participate in two or more SIT Study Abroad programs, including alumni of short-term summer programs. The scholarship will be applied to a student’s second full term of study with SIT. The scholarship is $1,000 for a fall or spring semester program or $500 for a full-term, international summer program.

$500 - $1,000

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

An average of $4,500 (amount varies) is awarded to one female student, 22 years of age or younger, who demonstrates international awareness and a desire to create a more peaceful world through international exchange. This scholarship is available for summer programs only.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

This $10,000 scholarship opportunity is for one student per year. The student must demonstrate extreme financial need, attend an HBCU (or other minority-serving institution), be a first-generation college student, and have never previously traveled abroad.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

SIT matches Federal Pell Grant funding up to $2,500 for semester students who use their Pell Grant to help pay the cost of their SIT program. Students utilizing their Federal Pell Grant for SIT Study Abroad summer terms receive up to a $1000 match.

$1,000 - $2,500

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.





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