The GREEN Program: Peru - Water Resource Management & Sustainable Practices

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The GREEN Peru Program an intensive, 9-10 day course focused on Water Resource Management and Sustainable practices, in partnership with Universidad San Ignacio de Loyla. Dive into the rich history of the Inca Empire, Peruvian culture, local entre... read more

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Based on 2 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
This program was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had! The whole process of applying and figuring out all the logistics of the trip was easy and smooth with the instructions the Green Program provided. On the trip, I got to try so many different foods and learn all about the culture of the country. We got to go to Machu Pic... - San Diego State University View Entire Review
I gained a new understanding of the challenges facing Peru because of climate change, giving me renewed passion for my field of study (civil engineering) and renewed energy to help create more sustainable communities in my own city. This program gave me the tools and network that will help me continue the goals set forth by the ... - Georgia Institute of Technology View Entire Review
I gained a wealth of knowledge about the complexities of issues Peru is currently facing. I gained a deeper knowledge of Peruvian history itself, and I gained about 10 great friends. It was most certainly worthwhile. - Ohio State University - Columbus View Entire Review
Knowledge of environmental issues, water resource management, hands on experience, field experience, sustainable practices, innovative environmental solutions, the culture and history of Peru and problems facing developing nations. - Rutgers University - New Brunswick View Entire Review
I learned so much about the environment, the culture and practices of Peru, and myself. This program not only taught me about the environmental conditions in Peru, but also what scientists and activists are doing to improve these conditions. I also learned so much about the Inca Empire, and how their advanced system operated. Th... - Rutgers University - New Brunswick View Entire Review
A new international perspective, more insight into sustainability and renewable energy, fantastic educational experience from very passionate Peruvian professors.The program lodged us in the nicest places and fed us the best food. I met some incredible people in the area. 10/10 experience, absolutely worthwhile. - University of Oregon View Entire Review
I gained skills in communication, teamwork and leadership. I was exposed to the environmental and social issues facing a new culture, and learned practices to improve the quality of life there. Finally, I gained a more humble perspective of life in the United States. Each of these were worthwhile, and I couldn't have asked for a... - University of Louisville View Entire Review
Travelling abroad alone is a learning experience you share with yourself. You learn who you are, who you are not, and who you want to be. Among the many things I learned about myself during this trip is that I am capable of so much more than I give myself credit for. Each day I was faced with a new challenge and overcoming all o... - University of Waterloo View Entire Review
I made incredible friends while experiencing a fascinating culture set in a gorgeous natural landscape. I learned about the environmental challenges that country faces and about how they are choosing to deal with the concerns. I networked with industry leaders and professors, gaining valuable resources for the future. "Worthwhil... - University of Nebraska - Lincoln View Entire Review
I gained an understanding that I am responsible for making a change- that helping people and the environment as well as innovation starts with an idea that I am willing to voice. This program demonstrated that there are many people around the world as well as right next door who are willing to make such ideas come to life. Every... - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University / Virginia Tech View Entire Review
Past Review Wakey Wakey!
I learned so much about Peruvian and Incan culture. We were able to apply water sustainability practices in real settings and have outdoor lessons in the field. I made friends from around the country and world, and together we tackled some of the most adventurous activities I've had the chance to partake in. - University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign View Entire Review
Past Review Adventureful!
Definitely worth while. Nice combination of learning, culture, and adventure. I liked that all costs were included. - Rutgers University - New Brunswick View Entire Review
I knew nothing about Renewable energy before attending the program. I was able to gain a basic knowledge of all types of energy and an overall understanding how Costa Rica is really one of the world's leaders in the field. This program is worthwhile for any student wanting to make the world a better place! - Southern Methodist University View Entire Review
It was 100% worthwhile. TGP has encouraged me to be more spontaneous, more environmentally conscious and more aware of the importance of sustainable development and technologies. Not only was I challenged academically and physically, this experience has allowed me to cultivate independence, better communicate, become more flexib... - Monash University View Entire Review
I learned about the UN Sustainable Development Goals and what can be done on different scales to improve the lives of all people. - University of Michigan - Ann Arbor View Entire Review
I learned that many of the problems we experience worldwide can be fixed at the local level with small improvements. - Washington University in Saint Louis View Entire Review
Prior to my involvement with the GREEN program, I was consumed by the water drought occurring in California. The NASA data that reported alarmingly high rates of world aquifer depletion, as well as the effects of over-consumption, forced me to adopt a low-water footprint, vegan diet. Not only did I change physically, mentally, I... - Florida State University View Entire Review
This program taught me a lot of useful environmental information, but more importantly it empowered and inspired us to actually make a difference. The hands-on learning and exclusive field trips were incredibly valuable to my academic development, but the experience as a whole was priceless. This program attracts a certain type ... - Duquesne University View Entire Review
I learned that if you have the passion, you can make your ideas real. It was one of the most worthwhile things I've ever done. - University of Louisville View Entire Review
The GREEN program paired with international travel and completely new experiences brought me novel insight in the world we live in, profound compassion for the people and the natural environment we inhabit, and inspiration to do everything I can to facilitate sustainable change our earth desperately needs. - California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo View Entire Review
The Green Program helped me learn so much about Peru's culture, environmental problems and ways to use sustainability. The experience has inspired me to see that we can change the world through sustainable efforts. I went on the program with 10 strangers and came out with 10 new amazing friends! Also it helped me push further ou... - Pennsylvania State University - University Park / Penn State View Entire Review
I gained a lot of energy to keep on making efforts to make Earth a better place with less climate and social issues. I also gained a lot of perspective from what is happening in other countries and from what different people think, their intelligent ideas. I basically just gained a lot of happiness from being with wonderfully ni... - University of Miami View Entire Review
I gained an understanding of another country. While I was only there for 10 days, it felt like at least a month. I learned about a different culture and saw real-life pollution problems that I had only learned about in a classroom setting. This trip solidified my interest in hydrology and water resources and gave me the motiv... - University of South Carolina - Columbia View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with The GREEN Program: Peru - 10-Day Summer Break: Water Resource Management & Sustainable Practices
The Green Program has changed my life in a way which I had never ever anticipated. I'm much more ambitious, motivated and confident in my own abilities to formulate ideas and solutions to tackle problems. The Green Program furthers you both educationally and as a person, and if you speak to anyone who has been on the program the... - University of Edinburgh View Entire Review
I learned the inner workings of renewable energy production in a way I could never have achieved in America, and the importance of other political fields to bring the technologies to their feet. I made some close friendships with my group mates and counselors which I will carry with me for years to come (we still communicate eve... - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University View Entire Review


The GREEN Peru Program an intensive, 9-10 day course focused on Water Resource Management and Sustainable practices, in partnership with Universidad San Ignacio de Loyla. Dive into the rich history of the Inca Empire, Peruvian culture, local entrepreneurial and governmental endeavors, and service-learning projects to put your mind towards a future of water accessibility for our world. Participants will gain exclusive access to facilities that will couple your in-class learning with hands-on experience. This includes a visit to Cusco's newest wastewater treatment facility, one of Peru's most historic hydroelectric facilities, and an Inca Empire agricultural site! Of course, you will also partake in some awesome adventures such as whitewater rafting, hiking Machu Picchu, and zip lining. 

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Gap Year
Program Length(s):
  • Summer
  • January Term
  • Spring Break
  • Short Term
Instruction Language(s):
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Environmental Studies
  • Environmental Science
  • Latin American Studies
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Geological Engineering
  • Biological Engineering
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Biological and Physical Sciences
  • Sustainability Studies
  • Public Policy Analysis
  • Business
  • Entrepreneurial and Small Business
Minimum GPA:
Year Founded:
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