
University of Hartford

May 19, 2024

University Information

The mission of the Study Abroad Office is to help prepare you for a journey of a lifetime! With over 60 different destinations to consider for your study abroad opportunity, there's a special place that will work for each and every one of you.

Study in English, or study in the native tongue of the country you select. Go for a year, a semester, a summer or a winter, but just GO! Take regular courses, participate in special programs, or intern in a variety of places, while earning University of Hartford credits. At the Study Abroad Office, we strive to answer all of your questions - including the ones you haven't even thought of yet!

The benefits of world travel are universal, no matter where you study. Inspiration can be found anywhere you go, whether it's in the architecture of castles and cathedrals, the wilderness of the Outback, the mountain ranges of Northern Italy or the local communities where you will stay for the duration of your experience.

Every destination will have a friendly and supportive program director or international office to guide you along the way, helping you achieve the most out of your time away. Each country, each city, and each university has its own distinctive character - something unique that will ultimately draw you to your best choice! So, let's get started by considering them all and begin exploring your future!

Important Dates and Deadlines

Please visit https://www.hartford.edu/academics/study-abroad/ for more information.

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review The Perfect Study Abroad Program IFSA: Glasgow - University of Glasgow

"The study abroad experience was worth every bit i put into it (energy, money, stress,thought,etc). What i gained from it was independence, knowledge , friends, understanding of a whole new culture, chances of a life time. Most importantly, a whole new outlook on life."

University of Hartford
Past Review (No Title) DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"I would do it again in a second...I wish I were there for an entire year"

University of Hartford
Past Review (No Title) Institute for American Universities (IAU): The School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Aix-en-Provence, France

"It was definately worthwhile. I was able to learn things about people and cultures that just isn't possible in a class room or in the United States."

University of Hartford
Past Review Study Abroad In Cannes AIFS: Cannes - Campus International de Cannes

"I gained a lot of independence"

University of Hartford
Past Review (No Title) AIFS: Cannes - Campus International de Cannes


University of Hartford
Past Review Italy's Best Place To Study Abroad IES Abroad: Siena - IES Abroad Center

"Yes it was. I can't put into words what i have gained. it was amazing."

University of Hartford
Past Review An Amazing Study Abroad Experience In Ireland Arcadia: Galway - National University of Ireland, Galway

"I absolutely loved studying abroad. The 5 months that I spent in Ireland were the best 5 months of my entire life. I will never forget them. I have so many stories that I still love to talk about and pictures that I love to look at. Everyday I think about how lucky I am to have experienced this. I grew up during study abroad. I ..."

University of Hartford
Past Review An Aussie Good Time In The Land Down Unda! ISA Study Abroad in Gold Coast, Australia

"My study abroad experience was one of the best decisions i have ever made. It is impossible to list everything i learned from it or explain how special this type of opportunity is. My abroad experience has opened my eyes to cultural awareness but has not had any changes on my academic interests as of now...other than causing my ..."

University of Hartford
Past Review Aifs Stellenbosch South Africa: The Best Decision I've Ever Made!!! AIFS: Stellenbosch - Study Abroad or Service Learning at Stellenbosch University

"Yes! I've gained so much from my time abroad, for example I'm much more independent than I was when I left. I traveled across South Africa with two girlfriends and when I got back we all just looked at each other were so proud of ourselves because we successfully traveled a foreign country and that's a huge thing! I've been a..."

University of Hartford
Past Review Best 6 Months Of My Life DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"I learned so much about my self being abroad and I think I grew up in so many ways! I loved everything about my experience and wish I could live it all over again "

University of Hartford
Past Review Ies Abroad, My World, Redefined. IES Abroad: Siena - IES Abroad Center

"I can not even put it into words, this trip made me grow more than any experience that I have ever had, and trust me life has thrown just about every obstacle to over come that it possible could at me"

University of Hartford
Past Review Kiss And Tel Aviv: The Best Experience Of My Life! Tel Aviv University: Undergraduate Semester / Year in Israel

"I understood a better view of Israeli culture from an inside's perspective-life, school, people, and definitely politics. I lived with a Palestinian from the West Bank, and that alone helped me change my views of the Arab-Israeli conflict, something I've been struggling with my entire life, and even moreso now. Living here as de..."

University of Hartford
Past Review Going Abroad Was The Best Decision I've Ever Made. ISA Study Abroad in Dunedin, New Zealand

"I learn how other cultures live. I learned to get out of my comfort zone. It was definitely worthwhile. "

University of Hartford
Past Review Film Study In Prague, It Is Possible CIEE: Prague - Film Studies

"I grew as a person and gain a better understanding of the world I live in. "

University of Hartford
Past Review The Best Experience Of My Life And If I Never Did It, I Know I Would Regret It ISA Study Abroad in Sydney, Australia

"The first thing you learn is to be independent. This experience helps you so much learn about yourself and doing stuff alone. You learn about so many other cultures and people even from different parts of the states. . I gained so much knowledge about other cultures and how they also see me. I learned that i can handle this. Thi..."

University of Hartford
Past Review Incredible Program, Amazing Location, Fabulous Experience DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"learned more about the world, cross-cultural communication and life experiences"

University of Hartford
Past Review A Once In A Lifetime Experience That I Will Never Forget!! API (Academic Programs International): London - University of the Arts, London

"I learned a lot about myself. I became extremely self-reliant and gained a ton of responsibility. While it's a bit cliche, you really do find yourself while your abroad. I thought I would be homesick and sad at times, but it was quite the opposite- My family had to remind me to stay in touch at times. And FRANCE- visiting France..."

University of Hartford
Past Review Semester At Sea: The World Is My Campus Semester at Sea Study Abroad: Make the World Your Campus

"i am more outgoing, speak up for myself, assertive and aware of the things going on around me."

University of Hartford
Past Review (No Title) API (Academic Programs International): London - University of the Arts, London

"It was definitely worth the time and money. It gave a big idea of who I will be competing against in the art world."

University of Hartford
Past Review (No Title) API (Academic Programs International): London - University of the Arts, London

"Yes! I learned a lot about how I work when left to my own devices. I learned a lot about myself, because I was taken away from the teachers and peers I am so comfortable with."

University of Hartford
Past Review A Wild Life Changing Experience University of Georgia: Studies Abroad Program in Cortona, Italy

"Seeing another part of the world and how other people and place function besides corporate America was cool. It was worthwhile."

University of Hartford
Past Review Australia Made Me Who I Am Today ISA Study Abroad in Gold Coast, Australia

"I gained a sense of independence and self-esteem because I was able to have the time of my life with no help from my parents. "

University of Hartford