Sea Education Association: Colonization to Conservation in the Caribbean

0 recent reviews
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This program is inactive and currently not accepting students. It is still on Abroad101 as a reference to the provider and host institution whose links are on this page. Please refer to these if you are interested in learning more about similar programs

Connect the dots...Trace the lasting effects of past human impacts on the present. You will shape your understanding of the diverse Caribbean region in this place-based and comparative environmental studies semester. Examine 500 years of ecologica... read more

All Reviews

I gained a lot more confidence in my ability to really do anything. Once you've arrived on a ship with no sailing experience and by the time the six weeks fly by you're completely competent with your sail handling--it feels like you can do anything!! Its amazing how much we were able to learn and transform in the 6 weeks that we... - Colby College View Entire Review
It was worthwhile, I learned a lot academically and a good amount personally - Wellesley College View Entire Review
Yes. I am so grateful to have participated in SEA! While I learned a lot about the ocean and the Caribbean, I learned more about myself and the ways in which I inhabit the world. - Kenyon College View Entire Review
Absolutely worth it. You learn to rely on yourself and others. Also, with all the hands on work you learn an incredible amount - Dickinson College View Entire Review
Beyond worthwhile. I would do it 100 more times if I could. It has ruined me for all other academic experiences--SEA Semester will always be the highest bar to which I compare all else. - Colorado Christian University View Entire Review
I learned so much about the Caribbean and the ocean and about myself from sailing with SEA, and I could not be happier with my experience. - Boston College View Entire Review
I felt very empowered after this program. - Ithaca College View Entire Review
SEA Semester showed me how strong and courageous I can actually be. I had no idea I had this person inside of me all this time, just waiting for a chance to shine. SEA Semester helped me to be the person I didn't know I could be. - Mount Holyoke College View Entire Review
SEA semester and sail training are not only about learning about the ocean and how to sail, but also about learning from that experience. On the surface, students return from SEA semester as better sailors, scientists, and historians, but the gains are so much more than that. After SEA Semester I returned to Colorado College a m... - Colorado College View Entire Review
Definitely worth while. Learned so much about myself (my strengths and weaknesses), about putting myself outside my boundaries, about working as a team. The hands-on learning as well as the land component combined with practical, real experiences was SO, SO valuable. SEA truly is a once in a life time opportunity. It's possible ... - Wellesley College View Entire Review
I learned so many unexpected things while studying with SEA semester. Obviously, we all learned about oceanography, Caribbean history, global trade, biology, nautical science, weather, etc. But, the most worthwhile aspects of this program weren't the facts we learned or the papers we wrote (all though the academics were incredi... - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I learned a lot about my studying techniques and that if I push myself I can accomplish great things. It was a life-changing experience in that the way I view the world has completely changed and I now understand the importance of context. It was definitely worthwhile. - Juniata College View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with SEA Semester: Programs at Sea - Colonization to Conservation in the Caribbean
Nothing written nor said, pictures nor descriptions...nothing will ever be able to explain the experience of a SEA Semester. SEA is not for the weak, lazy or unmotivated. It is for those looking for an exciting way to challenge themselves and learn. It is for those who want to work hard and push their limits so far that they n... - n/a View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with SEA Semester: Programs at Sea - Colonization to Conservation in the Caribbean
SEA was a fantastic program. My best friend and two of siblings have done it since I sailed. My fear of heights and of the ocean have been turned around to a love for both. This trip taught me what it was like to really be human and connect with others. I now know how a team should operate better than any team-building exercise ... - University of Colorado - Denver View Entire Review
Definitely! I would do it all over again if I could and I recommend it to people who are interested in doing something like that. - Northeastern University View Entire Review
This program trained to be truly insightful about who I am, and what my role is, within any team or community of which I am part. I will never learn the leadership and team instincts I got from SEA. - Middlebury College View Entire Review
My experience with SEA was phenomenal. In retrospect, my sense of how this incredible planet operates and how I relate to the cultural and ecological world around me shifted and evolved dramatically during that semester, and the experience continues to inform the way I approach everything from personal relationships to the night... - University of Pennsylvania View Entire Review


Connect the dots...Trace the lasting effects of past human impacts on the present. You will shape your understanding of the diverse Caribbean region in this place-based and comparative environmental studies semester. Examine 500 years of ecological change from the first explorers to today’s environmental challenges while visiting off-the-beaten-path ports and honing your coastal navigation skills!

Who Should Apply?
This change and adaptation-focused semester is appropriate for students in any major who wish to understand the legacies of colonization alongside the modern issues of climate change and sustainability in small nations and territories.

Academic Credit

17 credit hours from Boston University upon successful completion of the program

Financial Aid

SEA Semester is committed to making your experience affordable. We grant more than $1 million of financial aid every year and are currently meeting all students' demonstrated need.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Spring
Instruction Language(s):
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Environmental Studies
  • Environmental Science
  • English Language and Literature
  • Liberal Arts, General Studies
  • Cultural Studies
  • Maritime Studies
  • Marine Sciences
  • History
Minimum GPA:
Year Founded:


Sea Education Association Scholarships

One award per year available to a deserving Journalism major.


No deadlines

Must be a Journalism major in good academic standing.

For Bermuda students enrolled in SEA Semester, SEA will match the scholarship value for any student who receives an award from The National Transportation Board or the Bermuda Zoological Association.


No deadlines

Please apply using our regular financial aid application and including details of your NTB or BZA scholarship.

If you learned about SEA Semester from an alumnus or alumna of our program, you may be eligible for this award.

Up to $2,500

No deadlines

Contact the SEA Financial Aid Office.

One award is available per each SEA Semester class for a student from one of the five colleges in the "5-College Consortium" (Smith College, Mt. Holyoke College, Amherst College, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Hampshire College).


April 20 for Fall Semesters; November 1 for Spring Semesters

A faculty nomination is required via the Five-College Faculty Nomination form (downloadable on SEA Semester website).

One award per year is available to a resident of Canada participating in a SEA Semester.

Up to $5,000

April 20 for Fall Semesters; November 1 for Spring Semesters

Must be a resident of Canada. Apply via SEA Semester's traditional financial aid application.




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