EducatorsAbroad: Traveling - Student Teaching (10-18 Weeks)

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Interested in becoming a global educator? We welcome you to join with the EducatorsAbroad Ltd. global community of professional educators as together we can improve educational opportunity for students in schools around the world.Since 1987 Educat... read more

All Reviews

I worked with a demographic of students that I had no experience working with before, and by the end of my 10 week placement I had generated a strong bond with my students, and they were all sad to see me go. I worked on my skills as an educator, specifically in classroom management and lesson preparation, so it was definitely w... - Western Washington University View Entire Review
I gained that I can go abroad and successfully teach. I enjoyed that my students were all about learning and I was doing a lot more teaching; rather than behavior management. I did have students that I had to talk to about how they were acting. However, I only had to talk to them once and then it was the last time I had to talk ... - University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse View Entire Review
Past Review Tuanis, Mae
I think that every experience is worthwhile as long as you are intentional and aware of yourself and your community. I learned more than can be summarized without sounding glib. Any immersion experience is important and worthwhile. In such an experience you are given opportunities to learn about your personal values/ethics/needs... - Western Washington University View Entire Review
I learned a lot about myself as a teacher; about what I would like to do differently, the skills I have that are really unique to me, and that I can really use. I have also learned a lot about the way different countries interact as well as how they perceive the U.S. I tend to perceive the US more as an outsider than an Americ... - Western Washington University View Entire Review
Past Review Kiwi At Heart!
This experiance was worth wild. I gained on what I needed to do to be a full time teacher plus exeriance the local culture. - Western Washington University View Entire Review
I am glad I did it because otherwise I would have always wondered but I wish I would have just studied abroad rather than student taught abroad. I spent a lot of money on a less than beneficial experience in that area. - University of North Dakota View Entire Review
Australia is similar to America in numerous ways, so it wasn't that much of a culture shock. But, there was enough difference in their lives that was noticeable. They were appreciable as well. I've always wanted to teach abroad and this just made me hungry for more. This program sufficed in it's goal for me. I learned how to tea... - Western Washington University View Entire Review
YES! - Western Washington University View Entire Review
I can't wait to teach abroad again and return to New Zealand one day. If all my family did not live here I would live/teach in Whakatane, New Zealand in a heartbeat. - Western Washington University View Entire Review
Past Review Excellent!
I learned more about British culture and went to London for four days to see all of the exciting sights! The school was lovely and everyone was so kind. - University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with EducatorsAbroad: Traveling - Student Teaching (10-18 Weeks)
I learned more about what it is like to teach at an international school in a different country away from you family. I also improved and learned more German than I knew going to Germany. It was so worthwhile. It was an amazing teaching experience that increased my interest in teaching abroad. - University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with EducatorsAbroad: Traveling - Student Teaching (10-18 Weeks)
I became more confident in my teaching abilities BUT I think teaching at an all girls school (which I did really enjoy) didn't prepare me for the types of schools I'll be applying to at home. I think teaching all girls is a very different experience than teaching at a co-ed school. I wish my experience was more applicable. - Western Washington University View Entire Review
I now know so much about the Maori culture. I know how to work with a much less strict curriculum than I'm used to, the freedom was a breath of fresh air but It also made me much more aware of what I was teaching and staying focused. This whole experience was definitely worthwhile, even that's an understatement. - Western Washington University View Entire Review
The culture difference was great to see and experience. I also thought thier school staff team was so cohesive and worked together so well that there were few problems between staff and made it easy for me to fit into the team. - University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse View Entire Review
A lot about teaching, myself, and New Zealand - Western Washington University View Entire Review
I have a greater understanding of Argentine culture and the spanish language. As a result of this experience, I hope to teach internationally in the future. - Western Washington University View Entire Review
I have gained a lot of confidence through this experience and also broadened my ideas about education. I think I have a lot more to offer having experienced teaching in a different culture. - Western Washington University View Entire Review
I will never accept a teaching job in another country without living there first for at least three months. Going into it blindly is difficult, to say the least, because one cannot account for the cultural differences without living them first. I would definitely never want to teach in Costa Rica. The teaching style is antiquate... - Western Washington University View Entire Review


Interested in becoming a global educator? 

We welcome you to join with the EducatorsAbroad Ltd. global community of professional educators as together we can improve educational opportunity for students in schools around the world.

Since 1987 EducatorsAbroad faculty have provided intercultural professional development experiences in pre-primary, primary and secondary schools in 67 countries and 3,000+ educators from 15 countries on 4 continents, including students from 138 colleges and universities. 
We invite you to explore our website and apply today!

EducatorsAbroad Student Teaching (EAST) is a required and rigorously assessed 10 to 18 week school based placement for teacher candidates prior to their being recommended for licensure or certification as a teacher.

Through an EAST placement prospective educators: 

  • Experience education and life in a community and culture different from that which they know.

  • Develop expertise as an educator.

  • Demonstrate readiness to enter the global profession of teaching.

  • Are better prepared to effectively educate any student from, or living, anywhere in the world.

EducatorsAbroad faculty (a global network of professional educators) have 20+ years of experience working together to: 

  • Develop professional abilities of prospective educators in a global context.

  • Foster cross-cultural understanding within the education profession.

  • Provide all services associated with effective student teaching placements in partnership with accredited universities and host schools worldwide.

Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Summer
  • Spring
  • Custom
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Education
  • Special Education
  • Teacher Education by Level
  • Teacher Education by Subjects
  • Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Year Founded:
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