
Trinity University

May 2, 2024

University Information

The Study Abroad program at Trinity University is designed to be accessible and flexible. With proper planning, students from every major can study abroad productively in many different countries around the world as a part of their degree.

This is possible because Trinity's program is based on individually advising each student so that the term abroad becomes an integral part of the degree that meets academic, personal, and professional goals. As a result Trinity students participate in a wide variety of academic experiences abroad from studying in a foreign university classroom to academic internships to intensive language study to field studies - or a some combination of these things.

Important Dates and Deadlines

October 18th, last day to begin an application for Spring
October 25th, last day to turn in an application for Spring
October 31sth, last day to turn in Trinity forms (for Credit Approval, etc.)

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Galway, Ireland: Cheers! Arcadia: Galway - National University of Ireland, Galway

"My study abroad experience was the best experience in my life. If I could study abroad again in Galway, I would definitely do it! From the experience, I learned to be more confident, independent and better able to understand people from different cultures. "

Trinity University
Past Review Brussels Go For Food And Beer CIEE: Brussels - Advanced Liberal Arts

"My study abroad experience was the best thing I could have done in college."

Trinity University
Past Review Costa Rica: Adventure Is Out There. Centro Linguistico Conversa: Santa Ana - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"The differences in Costa Rica and the United States inspired various writings, and stimulated ideas. It gave me the belief that travelling isn't nearly as hard as I initially thought. I could do it any time to just about any place. The various activities in Costa Rica have given me the desire to explore my own town and region mo..."

Trinity University
Past Review Bremen: Challenging Yet Rewarding Dickinson College: Bremen - University of Bremen

"Yes, it strengthened me as a person and opened my eyes to what's possible as I continue in school."

Trinity University
Past Review Business In China IFSA/Alliance: Shanghai - International Business in China

"It was amazing, loved shanghai, loved SUFE, loved everything. Chinese improved lots, China culture understanding improved tons"

Trinity University
Past Review Summer Language And Culture In Buenos Aires Was The Best Choice Of My Life! IFSA: Buenos Aires - Argentine Universities Program

"If I could go on this program every summer for the rest of my life I would do it. The directors were phenomenal, the activities were always fun and so well-organized, the classes were stimulating, the people were welcoming, I could go on and on. I think it's very important for everyone to travel and see other peoples' lives in o..."

Trinity University
Past Review Exeter: The Most Fun You Will Ever Have University of Exeter: Exeter - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My study abroad experience was very worthwhile. Was the best thing I have done in college and I intend to go back for graduate school."

Trinity University
Past Review Merida, Mexico: Lo Que Pasa En Merida, Se Queda En Merida IFSA: Merida - Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan

"Yeah it was! I learned to be more accepting and I also was able to step out of my comfort zone, learn new things about myself (both good and bad qualities) to improve upon or eradicate. "

Trinity University
Past Review London IES Abroad: London - Study London

"I absolutely loved living in London and working at my internship. It was such a valuable experience and one that I will never forget."

Trinity University
Past Review Berlin Is The City That Never Sleeps! IES Abroad: Berlin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"I immersed myself in a foreign culture and learned a completely new way of life. My experience taught me to be more independent and open to different things and people."

Trinity University
Past Review Dunedin, New Zeland: A Time To Experience College Life In A Cold Climate IFSA: Dunedin - University of Otago

"I saw the world in a new way but all in all in america you really do have it good the people in new zealand and the friends you make are absolutley amazing and even though there were times when I ahd enough of New Zealand culture I would not have changed a thing it is part of their charm more or less"

Trinity University
Past Review A Year In Munich Rewarding And Life Changing Wayne State University: Junior Year in Munich

"100%. It matured me in ways that only a study abroad experience can. I will always look back on this year as the best and most rewarding. I am counting down the days until I can move back and start my post-collegiate life there."

Trinity University
Past Review Australia: I Wanna Go Back! Arcadia: Sydney - University of New South Wales

"yessssss every second, minute, and dollar. well worth"

Trinity University
Past Review Australia Is Awesome! Arcadia: Brisbane - University of Queensland

"My study abroad experience was wonderful. I learned a lot about myself, how others view the United States as well as their own countries, and how to deal with problems on my own. "

Trinity University
Past Review Go To Paris. Central College Abroad: Study Abroad in Paris

"Yes. If I had spent this semester at my home institution, I would have been so sheltered. There is so much to learn from someone from another country, and until you are put in the shoes of a "foreigner" you will never understand the outside world."

Trinity University
Past Review (No Title) CIEE: Santiago - Liberal Arts

"Of course I increased my Spanish abilities and learned a lot about the country in general but I learned more about myself and how I am able to adjust quickly to cultures completely different from my own. I also learned to expect the unexpected and the more open you are to new things, the better overall experience you will have."

Trinity University
Past Review Brisbane: The Place To Be Arcadia: Brisbane - University of Queensland

"I made a lot of new friends, both American, Australian and from many other countries. They helped me learn new things about the world"

Trinity University
Past Review London: A Beautiful Experience In A Beautiful City IES Abroad: London - Theater Studies

"SO worthwhile! I'll just say it's easily the best decision I've made in college. "

Trinity University
Past Review Sydney In Sydney IFSA: Sydney - University of Sydney

"Absolutely, I met the best friends and I plan to go back this summer. We did a lot of traveling once classes ended and it was awesome. "

Trinity University
Past Review I Wish I Could Easily Go Back!! Arcadia: Barcelona - Arcadia in Barcelona Summer

"It was amazing!! I talk about it nonstop!"

Trinity University
Past Review Life Changing! IFSA: Christchurch - University of Canterbury

"Life is short. Go for it. It was absolutely worthwhile."

Trinity University
Past Review Ies Rome: Learn To Live And Let Live IES Abroad: Study Rome - Language & Area Studies

"My study abroad experience has motivated me to find jobs or pursue further education abroad. I learned a lot of things about myself: that I am smarter and more resourceful than I give myself credit for, not knowing a language doesn't mean you can't communicate, and there are people in this world who are genuine and can help you ..."

Trinity University
Past Review Italy, How Life Changing! IES Abroad: Milan - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"Very worthwhile, language, independence, food, maturity"

Trinity University
Past Review Italy: Wine, Dine, And Have A Great Time IES Abroad: Rome Summer - Language & Culture

"I have always wanted to live abroad and this has made my goal even more achievable in hopes to one day live abroad. "

Trinity University