
Brandeis University

May 19, 2024

University Information

The Office of Study Abroad supports Brandeis students who participate on any of our 300 approved programs in some 65 different countries around the world.

On average 40% of the junior class studied abroad during the academic year while still more students took advantage of various international opportunities in the summer. There is a huge diversity of transformative experiences that Brandeis students have engaged in abroad including studying biodiversity conservation hands on in Panama, conducting ethnographic research on sacred figures in Mongolia, interning with Parliament in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, and interning in special education classrooms in Sydney, Australia to name a few.

Whatever your story, journey or adventure is destined to be, come by our office to learn more about the steps to going away!

Additionally, by logging in to Abroad101, all approved programs will be tagged with an "Approved" badge.

Important Dates and Deadlines

The Study Abroad Application Deadline for Fall, Academic Year, and Spring is mid-February.

The summer study abroad application deadline is mid-March.

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Past Review Great City But Wished I Had Made More Aussie Friends Boston University: Sydney - Sydney Internship Program

"Australians are really nice and have an amazing country "

Brandeis University
Past Review Not The Greatest Arcadia: Sydney - Arcadia in Sydney Summer

"I learned that I really appreciate my friends back at home. The experience was worthwhile."

Brandeis University
Past Review I Thought The Program Was Really Good But Mostly Interacted With Americans DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"I gained some independence and got a chance to travel all around Europe."

Brandeis University
Past Review Madrid Internship Program Boston University: Madrid - Madrid Internship

"I learned how to be more independent, to push myself beyond my comfort zones, to figure out how to solve problems on my own, to ask for help if I needed it, to communicate better even despite the language barrier , to be more proactive. My semester abroad was very worthwhile."

Brandeis University
Past Review A Great Time! Arcadia: London - King's College London

"Independence. Easy-goingness"

Brandeis University
Past Review Breaking The Stereotype Of China IFSA/Alliance: Shanghai - International Business in China

"My chinese improved a lot. Gained a memorable experiences. also made good chinese and american friends. Good foods and cultures. I learned so many things that i can't learn in my school or home country. It's definitely worthwhile, if i have any chance in the future, i would like to do it again."

Brandeis University
Past Review Buenos Aires: Amazing Opportunity For Personal Growth IFSA: Buenos Aires - Argentine Universities Program

"Not only did I improve my Spanish skills and learn about Argentinian culture during my time abroad, but I gained so much independence and learned how to navigate through unfamiliar situations. Being able to follow along and earn good grades in college class with Argentinians was such a booster for my language skills. I feel so ..."

Brandeis University
Past Review Amazing IES Abroad: Madrid - IES Abroad in Madrid, Summer

"Soo worthfull"

Brandeis University
Past Review Reawakening My Knowledge And Placing It On A New Topic. SIT Study Abroad: Netherlands - International Perspectives on Sexuality and Gender

"I learned mainly more about myself and what I care most about. It made me want to be more active in my work and the social justice work I want to do."

Brandeis University
Past Review I Was Recharged And Refocused Excited Again To Learn And Driven Again To Live. SIT Study Abroad: Madagascar - Traditional Medicine and Healthcare Systems

"Aside from gaining an understanding of how people live around the world, what conditions they live in, and how they are still happy regardless, I gained two main things. One, the flame inside of me was re-ignited and I was reminded of the things that once made me feel driven and passionate, and my confidence was restored. Two, I..."

Brandeis University
Past Review I Loved Queen Mary But Going Through Arcadia Did Not Improve The Experience Arcadia: London - Queen Mary University of London

"My experience abroad was very worthwhile. I learned how to adapt to a different society and culture, to learn about there customs, and become immersed in them."

Brandeis University
Past Review 楽しかった! IES Abroad: Tokyo - Language & Culture

"It was worthwhile. It was nice to experience another culture so that I can give my own culture some context. "

Brandeis University
Past Review An Unforgettable Summer CET Siena

"I loved Siena! We were able to in just two months really immerse in the city. Siena is a city that you can definitely feel at home in after just two months due to its size and the help of great Italian classes and outside excursions. I was able to watch the Palio, one of the biggest and oldest events in Italy, travel to a few of..."

Brandeis University
Past Review Best Semester In Spain CIEE: Madrid - Liberal Arts

"My ability to speak Spanish has improved and I had a wonderful time living in and exploring Madrid. It is a beautiful city and the people are very welcoming and friendly. Traveling around Spain was a pleasure. I would recommend it to anyone. Madrid is a brilliant city to spend a semester in. I had a great time ad felt like I..."

Brandeis University
Past Review Classes And Seoul Are The Best But Everything Else Is Korea University: Seoul - International Summer Campus

"I learned that meeting people from all over the world may be intimidating but it is almost the same for anyone because the situation is the same for them."

Brandeis University
Past Review Challenging Classes In A Beautiful City BSM: Budapest - Budapest Semesters in Mathematics

"I had a fabulous time studying in Budapest this past summer. I made some amazing new friends who are math nerds like myself, and loved exploring the city."

Brandeis University
Past Review Showed Me Who I Want To Become! National Theater Institute: NTI Semester

"I learned how to open my eyes and ears to the theatre all around me, how to be a better collaborator, I became a better writer and better actor, I learned I love to direct, I have a new interest in movement choreography, and I learned how to create without apology. "

Brandeis University
Past Review Eat Well, Drink Well, Study Well! IES Abroad: Arles Summer – Study in Provence

"My confidence in the french language. Friendships, both American and local. "

Brandeis University
Past Review Great Experience Korea University: Seoul - International Summer Campus

"cultural difference, and yes, it was worthwhile"

Brandeis University
Past Review Now That I've Seen How Beautiful Ocean Can Be, My Life Is Ruined Forever. Sea Education Association: Programs at Sea - Marine Biodiversity & Conservation

"Living with 15 other students on a ship is not easy when you have to be with them 24/7. But it has also created these amazing bonds between us. The experience made me evaluate myself like never before. "

Brandeis University
Past Review Experiencing Sydney Boston University: Sydney - Sydney Internship Program

"I loved the ability to have an internship in Sydney and fully immerse myself in the Australian workplace for some weeks. That provided a great cultural and professional experience for me."

Brandeis University
Past Review A Worthwhile Experience That Expands Your Global Understanding. CET Beijing

"Generally speaking, I learned how to speak Chinese, Chinese culture, Chinese student life, Chinese cuisine, and the Chinese life style."

Brandeis University
Past Review Year Long Cs Program At Kin'g College London Arcadia: London - King's College London

"I learned how to survive in London on my own and adjust to the cultural and language differences. I also learned how to study within a UK university and how to take assessments at the graduate level. I also learned a lot about other cultures from traveling to other cities and countries during my breaks, many of which I would nev..."

Brandeis University
Past Review Wish I Could've Studied For A Year Instead Of A Semester At Sophia CIEE: Tokyo - Arts and Sciences

"My Japanese language skills improved considerably through Japanese class and living with a host family. I'm also glad that I met students from other American colleges who were not in the CIEE program, foreign students who were Sophia students, and Japanese Sophia students."

Brandeis University
Past Review Unexpected IES Abroad: Berlin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"It was worthwhile. I learned a lot from my courses from the local university, they were challenging but still manageable. "

Brandeis University