SIT Study Abroad: Madagascar - Traditional Medicine and Healthcare Systems

2 recent reviews

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In Madagascar, one of the world’s globally recognized “megadiverse” countries, traditional medicine is practiced as an available, accessible, affordable, and effective method of healthcare. With flora and fauna not found anywhere else in the world... read more

All Reviews

Based on 2 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
October 30, 2024 Madagascar’s Miracles
I learned so much about the Malagasy culture and about the people. It was worthwhile because it changed my outlook on many things and ignited a new passion I didn’t know I had. - Georgia College & State University View Entire Review
My experience in Madagascar was truly incredible. The orientation portion really prepares you for integrating with your homestay families, and the subject matter of the courses challenges you in a new and unique way. You get to explore three very different areas of the island country, from Tana to Morondava, and all three have s... - University of Michigan - Ann Arbor View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with SIT Study Abroad: Madagascar - Traditional Medicine and Healthcare Systems (Summer)
Aside from gaining an understanding of how people live around the world, what conditions they live in, and how they are still happy regardless, I gained two main things. One, the flame inside of me was re-ignited and I was reminded of the things that once made me feel driven and passionate, and my confidence was restored. Two, I... - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I learned what it really feels like to be colonized (however vicariously) and to live in poverty. I came to understand how you must first go into a place and ask what they need, and work with the local system, for aid to be effective, and how you must allow people access to resources, even while you are trying to protect them, b... - Wellesley College View Entire Review
My experience abroad taught me to look at the cultures I am a part of more critically. For the most part, life in Madagascar is vastly different from the U.S., and there are aspects of Malagasy culture I believe Americans could benefit from replicating. My experience has inspired me to consider and change my behaviors and values... - Bates College View Entire Review
I gained a totally new perspective on health care and the role it plays in the world. This perspective showed me many more possibilities for paths I could take in my life and introduced me to new interests. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
As an anthro major, I'm happy that I developed field work skills and produced research that I am proud of. Before I left, I was afraid to work too outside of my comfort zone, but going abroad made me realize my "comfort zone" is really much more flexible than I thought. Also, Madagascar developed as a serious area of academi... - Barnard College View Entire Review
Yes it was completely worth the money for the people that I met, the experiences I had, the places I saw, and the life long friends that I made. - The University of Texas at Austin View Entire Review


In Madagascar, one of the world’s globally recognized “megadiverse” countries, traditional medicine is practiced as an available, accessible, affordable, and effective method of healthcare. With flora and fauna not found anywhere else in the world, the nation’s unrivaled biodiversity plays a distinctive role in its traditional healthcare practices. From your base in the lushly exotic capital city of Antananarivo, you’ll explore traditional and allopathic healthcare, travel to rural areas to learn about ethnobotany, home and folk remedies, and healthcare access, and meet with leading academics, allopathic doctors, and Malagasy students. 

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Summer
Instruction Language(s):
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • French Language, Literature
  • Pharmacology, Toxicology
  • Health Professions
  • Medical Administrative Services
  • Public Health
Minimum GPA:
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SIT Study Abroad Scholarships

Students who are Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO) Scholars will receive a $2,000 award for SIT Study Abroad semester or summer programs.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

To recognize and support alumni of EIL summer high school programs who also participate in SIT Study Abroad programs. $1,000 for semester programs and $500 for summer. A $400 scholarship is also available to students who indicate that they have an immediate family member who has participated in an EIL or its College Semester Abroad program.

$400 - $1,000

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

For students enrolled at Hispanic-serving institutions, including member institutions of HACU who demonstrate financial need, SIT will award a $3,000 scholarship for participation in a semester program and $2,000 for a summer program.

$2,000 - $3,000

Deadlines April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

For students enrolled at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and who demonstrate financial need, SIT will award a $2,000 scholarship for participation in a semester program or $1,500 for a summer program.

$1,500 - $2,000

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

To recognize students participating in this community service program. Upon receipt of confirmation from a student’s Bonner mentor, SIT will award $2,500 for semester programs and $1,000 for summer programs.

$1,000 - $2,500

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

To recognize students participating in the National Security Education Program (NSEP) funded award, which focuses on study abroad in areas of the world that are critical to US interests and underrepresented in study abroad. Upon receipt of the student’s Boren confirmation letter, SIT will award a $1,000 scholarship.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

For students enrolled at Big 10 Academic Alliance universities. Eligible students demonstrating financial need will receive a $1,500 scholarship for semester programs and a $750 scholarship for summer programs.

$750 - $1,500

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

This is an automatic scholarship to recognize and support students who participate in two or more SIT Study Abroad programs, including alumni of short-term summer programs. The scholarship will be applied to a student’s second full term of study with SIT. The scholarship is $1,000 for a fall or spring semester program or $500 for a full-term, international summer program.

$500 - $1,000

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

An average of $4,500 (amount varies) is awarded to one female student, 22 years of age or younger, who demonstrates international awareness and a desire to create a more peaceful world through international exchange. This scholarship is available for summer programs only.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

This $10,000 scholarship opportunity is for one student per year. The student must demonstrate extreme financial need, attend an HBCU (or other minority-serving institution), be a first-generation college student, and have never previously traveled abroad.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

SIT matches Federal Pell Grant funding up to $2,500 for semester students who use their Pell Grant to help pay the cost of their SIT program. Students utilizing their Federal Pell Grant for SIT Study Abroad summer terms receive up to a $1000 match.

$1,000 - $2,500

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.






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