IES Abroad: Rabat - Study in Rabat

3 recent reviews

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As you walk the boulevards of Rabat, it’s hard not to be enchanted by the mystery and tradition of this timeless city. From the bustling souqs (open-air markets) and energizing atmosphere of the city to the serenity of the surrounding mountains an... read more

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Based on 3 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
Perspective on a very different culture than mine, language practice and experience, incredible food, more confidence, travel skills, the best relationships with the best host family, and so much more. SO worthwhile. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
December 23, 2022 A Moroccan Dream
I gained so much research experience and international experience while abroad, and I believe 100% that my time in Morocco was worthwhile. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I learned so much about the region that I don't believe I could have achieved at my home institution. As a government major, it was an incredible opportunity to study under Moroccan political scientists that understand the inner working of the different governments across North Africa and who have lived through and witnessed som... - Connecticut College View Entire Review
Learning to maneuver in a foreign environment is crucial experience. - Williams College View Entire Review
Past Review Adventurous
I learned how to travel alone and also time manage. - Trinity University View Entire Review
Was worthwhile - Berea College View Entire Review
I learned a lot about Islam and the relationship that the United States has with predominantly Muslim countries. As a political science major, that experience was invaluable - Claremont McKenna College View Entire Review
I studied in Rabat for an entire academic year, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything! I took classes in French, took a class at University Mohammed V, learned basic Arabic, and learned so much about Moroccan culture and history. Spending the year seemed daunting in the beginning, but at the end of my first semester I was happy t... - Tulane University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with IES Abroad: Rabat - IES Abroad Center Rabat
Studying Abroad in Rabat was one of the most profound experiences of my life. The experiences I had and the things I learned I couldn't have gotten anywhere else. I wouldn't trade that time for anything. - Tulane University View Entire Review
I believe that I gained a new and different understanding of cultural and political events that I had seen from an American or European standpoint prior to going abroad. I experienced Ramadan, visited parliament, and saw the king (if for a very brief moment.) - George Washington University View Entire Review
Absolutely! I thought I was "worldly" before my study abroad in Morocco, but it changed my perceptions about religion, culture, family, and world affairs more than I ever could have predicted. - George Washington University View Entire Review
It made me more willing to discuss issues and pursue self-reflection. I realized that the world is a lot to comprehend, so you need time to process with those around you and sometimes alone. - Villanova University View Entire Review
Past Review No Comment...
I loved Morocco but this program ruined it. - North Carolina State University View Entire Review
I've gained a deeper understanding of Moroccan culture, I've developed my skills in French and Arabic to a greater level, I completed research for my BA thesis, and I was able to intern with the Moroccan Fulbright Commission. All of these factors came together to give me a complex experience that showed me so many new academic a... - The College of Wooster View Entire Review
I learned a lot about "rolling with it" since overall, Morocco is a rather chaotic country. It was definitely worthwhile to learn about a new area of the world and it opened a lot of doors to future paths of learning, linguistically and culturally. - Luther College View Entire Review
Although Morocco was always where I wanted to study abroad, I couldn’t decide between two extremely prominent, strong programs (IES being one of them). I was even finishing my other application when I found IES. However, from its website alone, I could tell that IES was a transparent, direct program that provided students with t... - University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass View Entire Review
In Morocco I learned that difference is the warmest reason for people to reach out and connect to each other. A little willingness to speak Darija, the local dialect, and every Moroccan I met wanted to have a conversation. My host family was my real family, with astounding hospitality I could never have expected. The religion I ... - University of Vermont View Entire Review
I learned a lot about how to step outside of my comfort zone in communicating. - Pennsylvania State University - University Park / Penn State View Entire Review
Academically, I gained nuanced knowledge of Moroccan politics and language dynamics. I also learned quite a bit of Darija, the Moroccan Dialect. However, most importantly, I grew in terms of character. While abroad, I had to get out of my box in order to face the harder aspects, such as language barriers, gender inequality, cult... - Georgetown University View Entire Review
It was definitely worthwhile. I gained a new perspective on the freedoms I experience at home, learned to look at the world a little differently through the lens of a North African, Islamic perspective. - University of Iowa View Entire Review
I learned about a new culture, started learning two new languages and made many friends, local and American, that I will always remember. - Seattle University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with IES Abroad: Rabat - IES Abroad Center Rabat
I learned a lot about Islam and Moroccan families. Observing and experiencing the great differences in our cultures was really rewarding and worthwhile. - Carthage College View Entire Review
It was worthwhile. I gained a strong sense of culture in the Arab world and a sense the conflict between tradition and modernity on a personal level. - Trinity University View Entire Review
I have always been interested in the Middle East and North Africa but you can't truly understand a culture till you leave there with the people and experience everyday life. - Trinity University View Entire Review
It was most definitely worthwhile. Through my internship provided by my program I was able to first-hand experience teaching English in a foreign country which directly impacted my future plans for teaching abroad. - Austin College View Entire Review


As you walk the boulevards of Rabat, it’s hard not to be enchanted by the mystery and tradition of this timeless city. From the bustling souqs (open-air markets) and energizing atmosphere of the city to the serenity of the surrounding mountains and sea, Rabat is an ideal place to learn about the languages, cultures, and religions of North Africa and the Middle East.

Dive into the fascinating culture of this North African nation as you learn Modern Standard Arabic with courses at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. Learn Colloquial Moroccan Arabic to communicate with Moroccans, and if you have already taken advanced French, you can take French-taught area studies courses at the IES Abroad Center or at our partner institution, Université Mohammed V. Our curriculum focuses on North African, Middle Eastern, and Islamic Studies, and IES Abroad courses introduce you to the many influential forces shaping the history and culture of Morocco.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
Instruction Language(s):
  • Arabic
  • French
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • African Studies
  • Arabic Language and Literature
  • Cultural Studies
  • Religion / Religious Studies
  • International Relations
  • Political Science and Government
  • Sociology
  • History
Minimum GPA:
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