AIFS: Limerick - University of Limerick

9 recent reviews

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Spend a semester, academic year or summer studying abroad in Limerick, Ireland with AIFS! You’ll earn up to 15 credits depending on program selection from the University of Limerick. An attractive city on the banks of the River Shannon, Limerick b... read more

All Reviews

Based on 9 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
Past Review Life Changing
It was definitely worthwhile. I learned the global map. I learned a lot about global cultures and most importantly I learned who I am. - Howard University View Entire Review
I learned about adapting to cultural differences. Yes, it was worthwhile. - Berea College View Entire Review
Being able to backpack around Europe and travel around most of Ireland was a very worthwhile experience. Going abroad helped me improve many skills necessary for a successful future such as budgeting and time management. - University of Hartford View Entire Review
The history, culture, music, and proud nationality of where my family name came form. It was priceless for me. - West Texas A&M University View Entire Review
Past Review Spring 2016
I learned how independent I can be. That I don't need others to do what I want. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. - Bethany College, KS View Entire Review
Life lessons, travel lessons, about different cultures. Independence and confidence. More about myself than I would have discovered at home. - Centenary College of New Jersey View Entire Review
I learned how to better organize my time and money in order to get the most out of my experience. I learned a lot about myself and how to be self-sufficient. - Xavier University View Entire Review
Gained a whole new perspective on life outside the states. The most worthwhile four months of my life, would encourage anyone to study abroad. - Oklahoma State University - Stillwater View Entire Review
I honestly cannot even express how valuable, life-changing, growing, adventurous, and exciting my experience at the University of Limerick was! It has given me a love for traveling, a deeper appreciation for people and cultures around the world, an adventuring spirit, and a confidence in myself I had never had before. I - University of Colorado - Colorado Springs View Entire Review
I learned how to be independent. I also learned about other cultures - University of Hartford View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with AIFS: Limerick - University of Limerick
Studying abroad gave me a different outlook on life. It just opens your eyes to so much more than the little stuff we are used to. I met amazing people, whom i will always keep in touch with hopefully for years to come. Its very worth it. - University of Arkansas - Fayetteville View Entire Review
Past Review Unforgettable
I gained so much. I learned more about myself then I ever thought I could. I learned to be much more independent and not rely so much on others. It was definitely worthwhile! - University of North Dakota View Entire Review
How much I truly love to travel. I loved UL so much I'm going to go back to get my Masters. - Saint John Fisher College View Entire Review
I learned that sometimes no plan is the best plan, that was a big thing for me. Sometimes the most amazing experiences come when you least expect them. Definitely worthwhile! - College of Charleston View Entire Review
Past Review Fantastic
Learning how to budget and travel while making new friends. Defiantly worthwhile!!!! - University of Hartford View Entire Review
It was 100% worth it. I learned a lot about how others view america which was both worrying but also refreshing. I learned a lot about myself and my ability to live independently. I was able to see so many places in Europe and expand my knowledge of the world. - University of Hartford View Entire Review
I gained a new outlook on life. This experience was 100% worthwhile. - University of Hartford View Entire Review
Global competencies, overseas experiences, foreign language, a global mindset and a higher need for achievement. - Centenary College of New Jersey View Entire Review
Learned how to travel and can now do so with confidence - Centenary College of New Jersey View Entire Review
My experience abroad gave me so much more self-confidence and a greater perspective of the world around me. I became comfortable navigating foreign cities, striking up conversation with strangers, and exploring the world around me. I also discovered that there is so much more outside of the bubble I've lived in my whole life, an... - University of Hartford View Entire Review
I gained a lot of confidence about traveling in general, but especially regarding traveling in Europe. The experience was worthwhile, but I would choose a different program because AIFS was not worth the money. - Providence College View Entire Review
I learned a lot about my own culture, which I did not expect. It was shocking to me how much people look to basic cultural stereotypes to identify people. I found people often asking me and my friends about our ethnicity and religion almost immediately after asking our names. In Canada, this would be inconceivably rude. - University of Calgary View Entire Review
I learned about travel. Such as who to travel with, and how my personality fits with others. - Berea College View Entire Review
Past Review Indescribable
I've learned how to take care of myself and gained a lot of experiences that will hopefully help me get a good job when I graduate. It was definitely worthwhile. - University of Hartford View Entire Review
I made a lot of different people, not only from Ireland but also friends from different places around the US. - Carroll College View Entire Review


Spend a semester, academic year or summer studying abroad in Limerick, Ireland with AIFS! You’ll earn up to 15 credits depending on program selection from the University of Limerick. 

An attractive city on the banks of the River Shannon, Limerick boasts beautiful historic buildings, fashionable bars, charming old pubs, a wide variety of shops, smart restaurants and boutique hotels. Ireland has a rich and proud cultural heritage, with its own distinct language (Gaelic), music, culture, sports and a global reputation for great hospitality. 

Immerse yourself in Irish culture through activities such as walking tours, visits to the Irish countryside, traditional Irish music concerts, museum visits, sporting events and excursions to exciting locations like Dublin, the West of Ireland and the Aran Islands. 

Over 50% of students receive financial assistance from AIFS in the form of grants or scholarships.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Summer
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
  • Short Term
Instruction Language(s):
  • English
Language Requirement(s):
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Animal Sciences
  • European Studies
  • Irish Studies
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Journalism
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Legal Studies
  • English Language and Literature
  • Mathematics, Statistics
  • Biological and Physical Sciences
  • Peace Studies, Conflict Resolution
  • Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Cultural Studies
  • Religion / Religious Studies
  • Psychology
  • Political Science and Government
  • Sociology
  • Drama, Theater, Theatre Arts
  • Business
  • Accounting
  • International Business
  • Marketing
  • Insurance
  • History
Minimum GPA:
Year Founded:
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AIFS Scholarships

Each year, AIFS awards more than $800,000 in scholarships, grants and financial support to deserving students & institutions. Funds are available for both summer and semester programs. Additional scholarships and grants are available to students at many schools across the country.

More than $800,00 in scholarships and grants are awarded each year

Deadlines vary by program term

Visit our website to learn more about available scholarships and grants.

AIFS is a leading provider of study abroad programs, with a wide range of unique opportunities in Asia, Australia, Europe, South Africa and the Americas. Most AIFS campuses offer courses in English or in foreign languages from beginner to advanced levels, so you can have the study abroad experience that best suits you. The program fee is all-inclusive, making it simple for you to live, study abroad, and experience all that the world has to offer. Each year, more than $800,000 in scholarships and grants is awarded to deserving students & institutions. Funds are available for both summer and semester programs.

Scholarships to Study Abroad with AIFS


Each year, more than $800,000 in scholarships and grants is awarded to deserving students & institutions. Funds are available for both summer and semester programs.




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