
Providence College

May 20, 2024

University Information

Study Abroad programs are organized by international education organizations, otherwise known as “program providers.” Program providers can be affiliated with a regular college or university, or they can be separate non-profit organizations. These providers work with academic institutions in the U.S. and abroad to create study opportunities that vary in duration from a summer, semester, or year in length.


All eligibility requirements remain in effect up to the point of departure

Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 (please note some programs may require a higher CGPA)

Must be in at least Junior standing at time of departure

Declared a major prior to December 1st of Sophomore year

Enroll in a minimum of 15 credits per semester abroad

No serious disciplinary record or current probation​

Important Dates and Deadlines

No important dates configured.
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Past Review (No Title) CIEE: Paris - French And Critical Studies

"I have become a different person after coming from Paris. I remember thinking I wasn't able to do any of this before my departure, and now look at where I am. I can't say enough how much I have learned about the French culture, which is so incredibly unique from the American culture, and I have so much more to experience. I gain..."

Providence College
Past Review Sevilla: Perfect City For A Perfect Semester Abroad CIEE: Seville - Language & Society

"I gained insight pertaining to the world aroudn me, not just the country of Spain but Europe in general. Each year with the help of technology and the internet the world is becoming a smaller place, so it is increasingly more important to understand the cultures of the citizens of the world. "

Providence College
Past Review Studying In Australia: The Best Time Of My Life Arcadia: Wollongong - University of Wollongong

"I learned a lot about myself while studying abroad. It made me reflect on my life and made me appreciate and think about the everyday things I have and do while in the United States. I missed my family, but it helped teach me how important family and some friends are."

Providence College
Past Review Ireland: My Home Away From Home IFSA: Limerick - University of Limerick

"I am definitely more independent. I will be coming back for sure."

Providence College
Past Review My Amazing Journey In Florence Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"I am more fully aware of the world and different cultures. I have more of a respect for other cultures, languages, and ways of living."

Providence College
Past Review The Fun Immersion And Challenging Experience Of Denmark DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"YES! I met the greatest people and had some of my favorite teachers. Also the traveling I did was amazing. "

Providence College
Past Review Rome: The Eternal Semester Loyola University Chicago: Rome - John Felice Rome Center

"Yes and i definitely want to have a career in the future that involves traveling."

Providence College
Past Review (No Title) CIEE: Seville - Business + Society

"My study abroad experience has been the most beneficial experience in my life. I grew as a person with my independence, confidence, and intelligence. My Spanish skills have increased significantly. It has changed my views of my future. I already know I want to go back someday soon to live there for a while and perfect my Spanish..."

Providence College
Past Review The Most Magical Place In The World Arcadia: Auckland - University of Auckland

"Studying abroad made me a more independent and confident person. I found myself doing, and loving activities I never thought I'd do in my lifetime. I learned about an entirely different side to myself while learning about the world from an entirely different lens. It was absolutely worthwhile! I would not have changed a thing. I..."

Providence College
Past Review Denmark Is Awesome DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"Yes. Much more aware of world events and how the United States is viewed. Best four months of my life (so far!)"

Providence College
Past Review Interning In The Italian Workplace Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"I gained a lot of independence an cultural awareness."

Providence College
Past Review It Is Easy To Travel And Study While In Spain CIEE: Seville - Liberal Arts

"It was the most amazing experience of my life and I am so glad I did it! I got to see and do so many amazing things when I was there. I not only traveled throughout Spain, but I also got to go to Portugal,Italy and Morocco. I also met so many incredible people during my time there and have made lifelong friends, both Spanish and..."

Providence College
Past Review Studying In Scotland: A Fun And Rewarding Experience IFSA: Glasgow - University of Glasgow

"It was definitely worth it to study abroad. It was an amazing experience and I learned a lot about myself,life, and another culture. I'm a history major and the amount of history in Scotland was incredible and definitely helped develop another area of interest in history. "

Providence College
Past Review "The Most Amazing Four Months Of My Life!!" DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"I could not have asked for a better four months!"

Providence College
Past Review Study Abroad In New Zealand Was The Best Thing I Ever Did. Do It. Arcadia: Auckland - University of Auckland

"Studying abroad absolutely changed my life. I met so many incredible people and got to spend 5 months living in the absolute most beautiful place in the world. Auckland is such a fun city, I can't wait to go back someday."

Providence College
Past Review Exploring Edinburgh! IFSA: Edinburgh - University of Edinburgh

"I learned that I am capable of adjusting to many different experiences and that there are so many things in this world I want to explore. It was the best semester of my life, and it was definitely worthwhile."

Providence College
Past Review (No Title) SIT Study Abroad: Nicaragua - Youth Culture, Literacy and Media

"This program has allowed me to focus in more on my academic interests and future career goals ie immigration and or gang research. Culturally, I realized very quickly that I did not come to this "poorer" country to show them that life can be better, I came to LEARN from them and they all taught very valuable lessons. And I gre..."

Providence College
Past Review Amazing Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"Learned how people in a different culture live. Very worthwhile. "

Providence College
Past Review A Semester In Florence Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"The experience was absolutely worthwhile. I learned so much from my semester abroad and I have so many memories from my time in Europe. "

Providence College
Past Review Sydney: A New Culture Far Away IFSA: Sydney - Macquarie University

"It was defiently worthwhile. It was wonderful to be able to experience a new culture that was so far away from America."

Providence College
Past Review (No Title) Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"yes it was. gained self confidence and independence."

Providence College
Past Review A Clash Of Cultures Boston University: London - London Internship Program

"I learned of many different types of customs and cultures while living in London. It was amazing living in such a cultural hub where you could walk down the street and hear 3 different languages."

Providence College
Past Review Roma CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Rome, Italy

"I gained a cultural experience, maturity and responsibility that would have been impossible for the to gain had I not gone abroad. I would do it again tomorrow if I could! "

Providence College
Past Review An Incredible Time In Dublin, Ireland IFSA: Dublin - Trinity College

"I learned how to be self-sufficient, how to adapt to new situations, and make new relationships with all different types of people. I also learned how many amazing cultures and opportunities there are in the world, and we should take advantage of all that we can. It was absolutely worthwhile, and I would go back in a heartbeat..."

Providence College
Past Review Studying Abroad In Milan Gave Me A Much Needed Fresh Perspective On Life IES Abroad: Milan - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"I'm Type-A and am a leader and like to be in control, but the most important lessons I learned were about how to relax, embrace a new culture, be a team player, roll with the punches and adapt to the unexpected, and view life in terms of "big picture" concepts making me reevaluate my priorities. "

Providence College