Austin College
University Information
Austin College's Center for Global Learning facilitates Semester Abroad Studies and JanTerms. If a student would like to spend a semester abroad with Austin College, the he/she should stop by our office (Wright Campus Center #204) to begin the process. It is extremely important to go through the process in the office, otherwise the College will be unable to send the student's financial aid to the program and the student will need to withdraw from Austin College during their semester or year abroad. The Center's goal is to make each student's experience abroad a meaningful and engaging experience. In order for that to happen, students are required to go through the process in place at the Center.
We look forward to working with you and please read about other student's reviews and experiences at the different programs and locations that can be found at Abroad101.
Important Dates and Deadlines
As of right now, there are no firm deadlines in place for you to complete the Abroad101 Survey. However, before we can post your transcript from your sojourn abroad, you must complete the Abroad101 Survey and interview with the director (Truett Cates).
Thank you very much for your help and cooperation with this. We look forward to hearing about your time and experiences abroad!
"The biggest thing I gained from this program is independence in a foreign country. It's intimidating at first when you are wondering about a country and not understand what people are saying around you. However, you learn how to get around independently and develop basic conversation with individuals. I wouldn't trade thi..."
A student Austin College
"I learned how to get around a big city, improve my German vastly. I learned so many things they are hard to list. It is definitely worthwhile!"
A student Austin College
"My German skills improved tremendously from living in Vienna. I learned to make a fool of myself, allow my comfort zone to vanish, and explore a new life and culture."
A student Austin College
"How to function in a horrible place."
A student Austin College
"I learned about my own capabilities and abilities to overcome stressful situations. I would not trade my study abroad experience for anything. "
Leah W Austin College
"I gain the ability to better understand the Japanese people and people from different cultures."
A student Austin College
"A wealth of personal insight, and a new skill in playing the shamisen, a Japanese folk instrument."
A student Austin College
"Study abroad was definitely worthwhile. I think I grew, matured, and learned more about myself in that short 4 month period."
A student Austin College
"I gained a new family, load of true friends, and a country that I miss everyday. Living in another country teaches you a lot about yourself. You struggle some days, get frustrated, and then laugh, wishing you would never leave. Going to Costa Rica helped shape what I want to do for the future. "
A student Austin College
"It's totally worth. I saw different culture and meet different people."
A student Austin College
"My experience was amazing! I would absolutely do it again! I am planning on going back as soon as possible. I learned a lot about who I really am, what I am capable of, and just what I want from life from being there. I also learned about my love of languages."
Meredith H Austin College
"Yes, absolutely! Every second of it was worthwhile and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat."
A student Austin College
"Absolutely worthwhile. I gained confidence, travel experience, and new life long goals."
Alyssa F Austin College
"How to get by in a completely new environment and grow to love it..it's the most worthwhile thing I've done thus far in my life."
Courtney K Austin College
"That I can live any where and be fine. But I already knew that. I had fun any way!"
A student Austin College
"The bigger question is what didn't I gain? I have an inner awareness and strength about myself. I pushed the boundaries of my comfort zones to help me realize what it is I want out of life and my own sort of position in life. I can honestly say I came back home having not a single regret. "
A student Austin College
"I learned about the British culture and discovered more about my identity as a person. It was definitely worthwhile! An adventure that I will never forget!"
A student Austin College
"yes of course it was so worth it"
A student Austin College
"It a big world out there."
A student Austin College
"I became much more comfortable with myself. And it WAS worthwhile."
Joe_6939 Austin College
"A solid appreciation for a country with a unique personality."
Rupesh P Austin College
"Soul-changing, life-changing. Amazing and indescribable. I loved being abroad."
A student Austin College
"Everyone expects to change after going abroad, but it never happens the way we envision it to be. It's a subtle change-- something we realize only when we return and reflect back on our time abroad. I found my true character, I learned to draw inspiration from the life's simplicities, and led a balanced lifestyle. I explored the..."
A student Austin College
"A sense of independence, knowledge of my place in the world, perspective on politics, culture, and society. "
Nagasri S Austin College
"Yes it was definitely worth while. I learned to be a stronger person and to not care so much about what other people were doing and thinking around me. I needed to not care so much about what other people thought of me. If I can survive what happened to me in Japan, I can take on America. "
lizzy.herrera.75 Austin College