CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Florence - Semester in Florence
- Hosted at: Florence University of the Arts / FUA
- Location(s): Florence, Italy: Tuscany, Italy
- Program Type(s): Study Abroad
CISabroad / Center for International Studies
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(For American Students)
On Semester in Florence, you will be a local in one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations. Florence is an amazing location for cultural immersion, and Florence University of the Arts, home to Semester in Florence, focuses on creating an... read more
All Reviews
i gained my love for travel A student - University of Hartford View Entire Review
I learned how to be more independent A student - University of Lynchburg View Entire Review
I feel that I have grown as a person and am more appreciative of culturally diversity. A student - Elizabethtown College View Entire Review
I gained a strong sense of independence and mental stability. It was certainly worth while. A student - Salem State University View Entire Review
There is so much to learn about the world outside of the USA. Patrick H - Quinnipiac University View Entire Review
I learned a lot about myself and my independence. It's cliche, but this is the best learning experience you can have. It was beyond worthwhile. The opportunities that you have to explore over there are immense. Maddie R - Elizabethtown College View Entire Review
No reservations! My journey begins and ends in the beautiful city of Florence, Italy. A city that taught me that the world is a boundless place that is meant to be explored and learned. It taught me fierce independence that I never anticipated, the kind of contented alone that is not lonely. It is a journey I will never forget a... A student - Berea College View Entire Review

I definitely learned a lot about the Italian culture and their way of life. I improved my language skill; not so much on the speaking part but reading and writing are improved by a whole lots. It cleared out what I want to do with my degree. I met a lot of amazing people and made quite a few new friends. It also provides opportu... Hai T - University of Texas - San Antonio View Entire Review
Without a doubt this was beyond worthwhile. I do not even know where to begin or how to describe how I have grown from this experience. I am even more independent while also gaining more of an appreciation for relationships. In college, you get a better understanding of who you are and what is important to you. A study abroa... Stephanie H - Richard Stockton College of New Jersey View Entire Review
Studying abroad opens your eyes to all the different cultures that make up our world. I am an International Business and Marketing major and now I more fully understand the importance of learning about other cultures and experiencing different lifestyles. It has changed my views on adapting to new situations and is an experience... Megan W - University of Oklahoma View Entire Review
I want to move back to Florence. I want to get a job after I graduate and live in Europe. I feel like that is my home and I miss it so much. Rachel H - Albright College View Entire Review
I learned that the world is at my fingertips. It's not as scary to travel alone as you think. Madeline B - Northern State University View Entire Review
Fashion classes that are not offered at my university, and I gained work experience and learned and saw art by the great master. Haley Rolince - University of Lynchburg View Entire Review
You learn about a culture in a completely new perspective and if I could live abroad again I would in a heartbeat. It was amazing. Danielle C. - University of Maine - Orono View Entire Review
Studying abroad was the first time I was able to travel outside of the United States. It made me have to become more independent as I was really out of my comfort zone living in a city with strangers. I learned a lot about myself and my values after exploring different cultures. I have absolutely no regrets! A student - Elizabethtown College View Entire Review
I saw the world. Ali H - University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass View Entire Review
I gained a sense of independence, confidence, and new outlook on how to live my life. It was definitely worthwhile. A student - Berea College View Entire Review

My experience was definitely worthwhile. I am not really an adventurous person, but I learned that there comes a point in your life where having an exact plan doesn't always work. Sometimes, you just gotta roll with the tide and be willing to take a leap of faith. A lot of times, it is the things you did not plan for that are th... Brooke M - Elizabethtown College View Entire Review
My experience was completely worth while. I had no idea how negative the stereotypes against American women were before I lived in Italy, and at the time it was extremely frustrating, but now that Im back in America, it makes me grateful for the freedom I have as a woman in this country. A student - Wheelock College View Entire Review
Yes I absolutely loved it. An unforgettable experience. I see the world a lot differently now that I was able to actually interact with people from a different cultures. I learned about how people see the world differently than America. Brandi M - Rhode Island College View Entire Review
My study abroad experience was worthwhile! I actually am planning on studying abroad again next spring semester with same program! Caitlin S - Elizabethtown College View Entire Review
Program Type(s):
Study AbroadProgram Length(s):
- Fall
- Spring
- Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
- Italian
- English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
- Environmental Studies
- Journalism
- Italian Language, Literature
- Foods and Nutrition
- Creative Writing
- Visual and Performing Arts
- Business
- Hospitality Administration
Minimum GPA:
2.8Year Founded:
Take me there!Statistics
CISabroad / Center for International Studies Scholarships
This award is intended for students within the LGBTQIA+ community, as part of CIS Abroad’s commitment to Generation Study Abroad. Studying abroad as an LGBTQIA+ or gender nonconforming student brings an additional set of challenges and options to consider. There are some questions you may want to ask yourself, and research to be done, before choosing a study abroad program – but our LGBTQIA+ students have amazing experiences abroad and often find local LGBTQIA+ communities to be a part of. Recipients will select from a variety of mediums to share their story while abroad, in addition to submitting a photo testimonial.
Up to $500
This award is intended for students in a Greek Life organization who need help covering the cost of membership dues while abroad. In keeping with the philanthropic values of Greek Life organizations, recipients should plan to participate in at least one self-directed volunteer opportunity while abroad and produce content (ex. a blog post or video) related to that experience, in addition to other selections.
Up to $500
We understand first-generation students face additional barriers to studying and interning abroad. In fact, many staff members at CIS Abroad are also first-generation college students. This scholarship is intended to help fund the visa process, flights, and international housing for students who are among the first from their family to go to college. Recipients will share their story of learning and exploration while abroad with a photo gallery and their choice of travel vlog, blogging, or an Instagram takeover.
Up to $500
This award is intended for students who demonstrate excellence in their academic major. While abroad, recipients will use a variety of channels (video, blogging, photos) to share how studying/interning abroad is enriching their academic or professional career, in addition to submitting a photo testimonial.
This award is intended to benefit students of color, who are traditionally underrepresented within education abroad. We aim to widen the diversity of our community of interns and students abroad and foster equity in access to these experiences. If you identify as biracial, multiracial, Black, African & African American, Caribbean American, Latinx / Chican@ / Hispanic, Asian & Asian American, Native, Pacific Islander, or another minoritized racial/ethnic identity not listed, we invite you to apply. In your application essay, tell us about how your identity will impact your experience abroad. Recipients will select from a variety of mediums to share their story while abroad, in addition to submitting a photo testimonial.
Up to $500
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