Bowdoin College

May 16, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Bowdoin College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Bowdoin College Student, please check with the Office of Off-Campus Study for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review A Life Changing Semester IES Abroad: Madrid - IES Abroad in Madrid

"My experience abroad was extremely worthwhile. Not only did I greatly improve my Spanish speaking abilities, make new American and foreign friends, and explore all over Spain and Europe, but I also grew a lot as a person. Mainly, I experienced a new level of independence traveling in foreign countries by myself, and gained a fre..."

Bowdoin College
Past Review Fantastic Abroad Experience With Dis DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"Yes, it expanded my understanding of other cultures and my knowledge of the subjects I took courses in."

Bowdoin College
Past Review Countless Positive Impacts SIT Study Abroad: Panama - Tropical Ecology, Marine Ecosystems, and Biodiversity Conservation

"I learned so much about tropical ecosystems, Panamanian culture, Spanish, and how to function as a foreigner. I gained a more easygoing nature, an appreciation for what our world has and how much is at stake, and 12 lifelong friends. "

Bowdoin College
Past Review Bordeaux: A Fun Cultural Experience! Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Bordeaux

"I got much better with my language skills and felt like I was able to see a new side of French culture that I had not seen or learned about before. I would like to go back again sometime and would recommend it to others as well."

Bowdoin College
Past Review Whatever I Made It. Wellesley College: Aix-en-Provence - Wellesley-in-Aix

"Definitely worthwhile. I learned to be more independent."

Bowdoin College
Past Review Paris Is Fantastic Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Paris

"Gained a lot, confidence in an international city. "

Bowdoin College
Past Review Lost, Confused, And Having The Time Of Your Life! Tübingen Antioch In Germany Study Abroad in Germany! Programs and Reviews!

"Prior to studying abroad, I thought I had a broad perspective on the world and an open point of view. After studying abroad, I actually have both of those things. It was incredibly worthwhile. "

Bowdoin College
Past Review An Incredible Experience IES Abroad: Freiburg - European Union

"Incredible travel experience and cultural immersion if you seek it out! I learned a massive amount about the European Union but more importantly, about myself and my ability to navigate an entirely other continent independently and with confidence. This experience was way more than I expected and is absolutely worthwhile."

Bowdoin College
Past Review Difficult For The First Two And A Half Months But Gratifying For The Last Two Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Paris

"It was worthwhile, I learned about cultural adaptation and grit. As a government major, observing the political life and influence of the state was very interesting to me as well."

Bowdoin College
Past Review Loved Sita, Loved Madurai, Loved India. South India Term Abroad - SITA

"My experience was challenging but incredibly rewarding. I learned a lot about myself (what fascinates me, my potential career path) and fell in love with India."

Bowdoin College
Past Review Difficult At Some Points But A Very Rewarding Experience! Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Santiago

"Yes, definitely worthwhile. My language skills improved significantly and it was useful for my academic and professional futures. "

Bowdoin College
Past Review Become A Euro Expert In One Semester IES Abroad: Freiburg - European Union

"I gained valuable exposure to European politics and culture. I was able to visit 12 countries while learning about the ins and outs of the European Union. "

Bowdoin College
Past Review An Important Experience That Cannot Be Summed Up In One Line South India Term Abroad - SITA

"It was quite worthwhile. I got a very different perspective on how the world works and developed interesting skills. "

Bowdoin College
Past Review A Solid Program IES Abroad: Salamanca - Advanced Spanish Immersion

"Absolutely loved the experience of living overseas. I would do it again. "

Bowdoin College
Past Review Great Trip, But Would Have Been Better If They Had Used The Placement Tests. Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Kunming

"Outside of the classroom I had a fantastic experience, it was worthwhile but could have been done better."

Bowdoin College
Past Review Educational And Enlightening Sapienza University of Rome: Rome - Direct Enrollment and Exchange

"I learned too much to sum up here, and it was worthwhile. "

Bowdoin College
05/03/2023 The Best Time If Your Undergrad! CYA (College Year in Athens) - Semester/Academic Year Program

"It was incredible- it allows you to learn how people live outside of your bubble. It helps you understand other societies and civilizations and the ways in which other societies function in at times more efficient and more ethical manners than you have observed. "

Bowdoin College
Past Review An Experienced Focused Semester In An Incredibly Biodiverse Country SIT Study Abroad: Ecuador - Comparative Ecology and Conservation

"The main things I gained were botanical knowledge, field research experience, and connections with the science community in Ecuador. Not too much new academically, but the experiences were great. I also saw a fair number of birds, which for a birder like me was great."

Bowdoin College
Past Review Iceland And Greenland: A Great Learning And Growing Experience SIT Study Abroad: Iceland - Climate Change and the Arctic

"I learned even more about how to live on my own/with friends and come up with routines to keep myself learning and happy. I feel way more prepared for life after college as a result. On top of that, I learned a ton about the politics and cultures of the areas we visited, and how climate change will impact those areas."

Bowdoin College
Past Review Immersive Experience In Chilean Culture And Public Health! SIT Study Abroad: Chile - Public Health, Traditional Medicine, and Community Empowerment

"I learned a lot about Chilean culture and improved my Spanish skills. "

Bowdoin College