CYA (College Year in Athens) - Semester/Academic Year Program

113 recent reviews

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CYA has offered study abroad programs in a wide range of academic disciplines for over 60 years. With supplemental activities varying from archaeological digs to onsite courses, study-travel, and volunteer opportunities, students are able to activ... read more

All Reviews

Based on 113 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
From an academic standpoint, I gained more knowledge about the field of classics and how it influences our world today. From a personal standpoint, I gained invaluable experiences and made life-long friendships. - Kalamazoo College View Entire Review
January 22, 2025 My Semester Abroad
I learned a lot about what it is like to live almost completely without my usual support system. It was difficult at first, but the experience has given me new-found confidence in myself and my ability to adapt to new environments - Furman University View Entire Review
January 19, 2025 An Amazing Opportunity!
I learned a lot about not only Greek culture, but also myself. Being able to live in a whole different country for four months teaches you a lot about who you are and what you are able to do. - Purdue University Fort Wayne (PFW) View Entire Review
January 12, 2025 Lots Of Traveling
I learned about greek culture and the EU. I got to practice living on my own and cooking for myself. - Wellesley College View Entire Review
January 06, 2025 The Best Four Months!
I was able to experience so much of Greece and become very immersed in my neighborhood in Athens. I gained a new sense of adventure and problem-solving skills, as well as the most amazing relationships and new friends. - University of Notre Dame View Entire Review
I a lot more independent, and confident than I thought. - Furman University View Entire Review
September 30, 2024 I Love Cya!
I met lifelong friends in my program. I absolutely fell in love with my host country. I honestly had the time of my life in Greece. - University of Southern California View Entire Review
September 13, 2024 Best Time Ever!
I learned not only a lot about the Greek and Danish culture, but I also learned a lot about myself. I learned that I can be independent in a country by myself and also how to structure myself in a way to get everything done and see everything I wanted to see. - Siena College View Entire Review
I gained a much greater sense of independence from my time abroad. Being able to navigate new places and cultures is an incredible skill that I am lucky to have developed during my time abroad. - University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass View Entire Review
August 06, 2024 Best Time Of My Life
I gained an even deeper love for exploring the world, learning from people's experiences, and how I want to live my life moving forward. It was the most rewarding experience of my life thus far. - Cornell University View Entire Review
I learned so much about the local greek culture and people. - Skidmore College View Entire Review
I became a more grounded person and I learned a lot more about international politics. Living abroad was the single most defining and worthwhile experience of my life. - University of Southern California View Entire Review
I really grew as a person and I learned a lot about myself and gained lots of independence and courage. I also got to learn so much about different cultures and meet so many new people that will forever have an impact on my life. It was 100% worthwhile - Fairfield University View Entire Review
I had to adapt to a new culture, navigate unfamiliar streets, and embrace independence. The immersive classes—often held at iconic sites like the Acropolis—made learning dynamic and inspiring, connecting history and culture to our everyday experiences. This journey not only deepened my academic understanding but also taught me ... - College of the Holy Cross View Entire Review
January 21, 2025 The Best Semester!
I gained so many amazing friendships and connections, I was able to immerse myself in the culture and I learned to navigate the world on my own! It was definitely worthwhile, I loved it so much I did another semester abroad right after because of how much I loved the experience and how much it prepared me to go out into the worl... - Wellesley College View Entire Review
The most important thing I gained from this experience was confidence in myself. - Rollins College View Entire Review
It was definitely worthwhile! I learned a lot about myself and other cultures. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
January 04, 2025 A Great Experience
It definitely made me more confident in myself and my abilities. I learned a lot about myself--it was definitely worthwhile. - College of the Holy Cross View Entire Review
November 04, 2024 Loved It!
I gained self-confidence, self-awareness, and a love for a country other than my own. - Valparaiso University View Entire Review
It was incredibly worthwhile to expand my worldview by living in Greece, speaking the local language, and trying to learn as much as I could about the culture. - University of Southern California View Entire Review
I learned a lot more about the ancient Greeks, and not just those who lived in Athens. Every trip we took with the program was an excellent learning experience that was both memorable and informative. - Elon University View Entire Review
I learned so much about living in a city and being a foreigner. It taught me that i'm braver and smarter than I thought. I loved interacting with the Greek people and trying new experiences. - Dickinson College View Entire Review
I learned a variety of skills while studying abroad, including time management, budgeting, the importance of self-card, and cultural interaction. As I had little travel experience outside of the US, I felt this program was very worthwhile as it provided me with the support and resources to live own my own in a foreign country, i... - George Washington University View Entire Review
Met new people, experiences new sights, sounds, scents. A profound appreciation for graffiti and the Mediterranean lifestyle. - University of Pennsylvania View Entire Review
July 22, 2024 Amazing
It was so worthwhile. I learned so much about myself. I also learned to be independent and not rely on anyone in a foreign country. I came back to America so confident in myself and my abilities. - Fairfield University View Entire Review


CYA has offered study abroad programs in a wide range of academic disciplines for over 60 years. With supplemental activities varying from archaeological digs to onsite courses, study-travel, and volunteer opportunities, students are able to actively engage with their course material. Students live in apartments in downtown Athens and will be inspired to immerse themselves in the environment and expand their worldview. Athens, a European capital, is a vibrant city rich in history, a contemporary hub for art, international business and relations, and debate on economic, political, and migration issues.

The CYA curriculum comprises a diverse set of courses taught by expert faculty. A strong emphasis is placed on both contemporary and ancient studies, focusing on European and East Mediterranean Area Studies. Courses are taught in English, but language courses (Modern and Ancient Greek, Latin) are also available. Classroom lectures are complemented by volunteer/internship opportunities, onsite courses and field study to major historic and contemporary sites in Athens and to various parts of Greece (included in tuition).

In addition to the academic program, CYA encourages students to become involved in extracurricular activities and explore the Greek culture and life independently on weekends. Our ultimate goal is for students to return home academically empowered, intellectually stimulated, and with a passionate commitment to furthering international and intercultural understanding.

Visit our website at this link, and see some of the pages below for a student perspective!

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Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Environmental Studies
  • Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Modern Greek Language, Literature
  • Ancient/Classical Greek Language, Literature
  • Latin Language, Literature
  • Literature
  • Liberal Arts, General Studies
  • Global Studies
  • Ancient Civilization
  • Cultural Studies
  • Sustainability Studies
  • Philosophy and Religious Studies
  • Philosophy
  • Religion / Religious Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Archeology
  • Economics
  • International Relations
  • Political Science and Government
  • Urban Studies
  • Sociology and Anthropology
  • History
Year Founded:
Take me there!


CYA (College Year in Athens) Scholarships

The CYA Board of Trustees has set aside funds for supplemental scholarships for academically qualified students who would otherwise not be able to attend. Scholarships for students applying for a semester or academic year are customarily awarded in amounts ranging from $500 to approximately half the amount of tuition. These scholarships are intended as credit against CYA fees and should not be used to reduce the financial aid package awarded through the home institution. Since CYA scholarships are given as an adjustment in the program fees, rather than as funds received by the student, they may cause a reduction of the student's demonstrated need. Often this means that a scholarship from CYA would not be beneficial because it would cause an equivalent reduction in the amount of financial aid awarded by the applicant's home school.


*For consideration in the primary allotment of CYA scholarship aid (fall and spring semesters), complete applications should be received by April 1. Late fall application should send their paperwork in as soon as possible and will be considered on a rolling basis. Late spring application should send their papework in by October 30. Their applications will be reviewed at the beginning of November. Late spring application will be reviewed thereafter on a rolling basis.

Only students who have been accepted to College Year in Athens for a semester or academic year will be considered for an award


