Boston University
University Information
Welcome to Boston University International Programs, the premier study abroad provider in the country. We have over 75 programs in over 33 cities in over 20 countries with programs in language, liberal arts, fine arts, engineering and science.
We are best known for our internship programs, with over 4,000 active internship sources worldwide. Internship placements are personalized for each student and are available in fields such as arts, business, communications, journalism, advertising, marketing, prelaw, international relations, NGOs, political science, psychology, and social policy.
This year over 2,100 students from over 200 colleges and universities have chosen to study abroad with Boston University International Programs.
Important Dates and Deadlines
Deadlines for each term are the following:
Fall/Academic Year March 15
Spring October 15
Summer March 1
"how to travel/meet people on my own, how to nap when it's really hot ou--frozen wet washcloth on your head :)"
mary g Boston University
"Pretty much the meaning of life. Yes, absolutely."
Stacy R Boston University
"This program was absolutely worthwhile. It solidified my academic interests and has gotten me excited about the possibilities of working internationally after college. I learned so much about myself and now have an incredible appreciation for Bhutanese culture, Buddhism, and the Himalayas in general. The lessons I learned, the t..."
Greg Z Boston University
"I improved my Spanish tremendously!!! I made forever-lasting friendships with Spanish people!"
A student Boston University
"I learned so much more about myself as well as various cultures while living in Cape Town. I gained independence and a new perspective of the world from my stay in South Africa. "
Allyson C Boston University
"I learned to enjoy everything in an experience, especially what seems bad initially. Those will be the things you laugh about with your friends when your back in the states."
Will C Boston University
"I am now certified to teach English in any other country. I consider these skills to be incredibly worthwhile, because I am able to travel to other countries with a marketable and in-demand skill. "
Katy N Boston University
"My study abroad experience in Australia and New Zealand was one of the best experiences of my life and definitely of my college career. It really changed me for the better. I loved being exposed to so many people from different parts of the United States and people from around the world. It did help me make a firm decision on my..."
Jessica H Boston University
"I learned about foreign ecology and culture, and about the US through interacting with my fellow students. I learned about myself and what I want to do for the rest of my life. I am very happy I did this program and I would love to return to NZ and AUS."
Amber B Boston University
"The experience was definately worthwhile. I would recommend going somewhere as different from what you're used to as possible. Being somewhere with a different culture and language is very eye-opening."
Mary J Boston University
"Yes! You just achieve a whole other level of independence by living abroad, especially if you go without your usual group of friends from home. It's a rare opportunity to travel to another part of the world and really immerse yourself in a different culture. "
Erin M Boston University
"My study abroad experience was fantastic. I learned so much about myself and the European culture. I was able to travel while studying and see as much of the city as I desired. I have since been back to London two times and can't get enough. I would love to study abroad again in the future. "
Leah L Boston University
"I learned how to relax and not preoccupy myself with unneccesary worries. I also learned a lot at my internship that I may not have had the opportunity to learn in the states because of my lack of previous experience. "
Lauren H Boston University
"It was absolutely worthwhile. I got to explore anywhere in Europe I wanted to go and learned a lot about British culture. Fun fact: they're NOT much different from us. In fact, we steal a lot from them (music, style, technology, etc...). I would love to go back and work in England. Even though the program has its faults, it's ab..."
Allison M Boston University
"The program was amazing!! The classes were great and internship was a great, worthwhile experience. They really cater to your specific needs and wants to find each student his/her perfect internship. It is easy to travel all over Europe, so take advantage of it! The only issue is money...which can be avoided if you learn to cook..."
Jess H Boston University