William and Mary
William and Mary is a program provider offering 14 abroad programs. Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs in 11 countries such as Czech Republic, Ireland, Spain, and France.
Study Abroad with William and Mary
"My ability to use and understand Chinese improved immensely. I was able to dive into a new place, find my way around, and experience a new place independently. "
A student The College of William and Mary
"It was worthwhile"
Molly M The College of William and Mary
"Very worthwhile! I learned that I adore France and it solidified my choice to complete a French major. "
A student The College of William and Mary
"yes it was definitely worthwhile. i met some amazing kids on my trip as well as formed bonds with the learners in the townships that i will never forget!"
STUDENT The College of William and Mary
"I was encouraged to be very open-minded about everything, which I think was great. I allowed myself to make mistakes, which is difficult for me. It was incredibly worthwhile. "
A student The College of William and Mary
"I LOVED being abroad and I would do it again in a heartbeat!"
A student The College of William and Mary
"I've learned to be more outgoing, learned the basics of the navigating a foreign country, and made friends I will not forget!"
orbislunae The College of William and Mary
"I gained a broader understanding of the world, made incredible friends, got experience doing independent research, saw many unique and spectacular sites, and had a total blast for six weeks- definitely worthwhile!!!"
A student The College of William and Mary
"I learned I like traveling in Europe. Yes"
A student The College of William and Mary
"It was definitely worthwhile. I feel like this trip has allowed me to a grow as a person, and being able to travel throughout England was great. I'm also really glad that I was able to meet a lot of new people from school that I probably would have never met if I didn't study abroad."
A student The College of William and Mary
"How to dress abroad, how to save money/not spend as much, how Italians treat their historic sites, an even greater love of Classical Studies! And yes, it was completely worthwhile."
A student The College of William and Mary
"I learned travel experience and gained a greater sense of independence. and yes it was totally worthwhile!"
A student The College of William and Mary
"I had an amazing time on my trip. Experiencing the culture was amazing and a once in a life time opportunity. I learned basic archaeological skills. It was definitely worthwhile."
Sarah L The College of William and Mary
"I was not only able to immerse myself in another culture, but I was also able to get a preview into what life would be like if I were to go abroad for a masters degree. The experience was definitely worthwhile and I would recommend that everyone take some time to study abroad. "
A student The College of William and Mary
"It was most definitely worthwhile. This was the coolest thing I've ever done. "
A student The College of William and Mary
"It was worthwhile. I gained independence and more insight as to what I want to do after college. I also gained a hands on archaeological experience, which was rewarding. "
A student The College of William and Mary
"Experience traveling in Europe...stressful but doable."
A student The College of William and Mary
"My language fluency improved so much; I learned a lot about myself as a person and I gained so much knowledge from the friends I made. It was the best experience of my life."
A student The College of William and Mary
"It was incredible. I am going back for sure."
A student The College of William and Mary
"It was very worthwhile. I learned that I could handle myself in a foreign country, as well as a country where I didn't speak the language and where my flights home has been cancelled."
A student The College of William and Mary
"Everything was worthwhile! We learned so much about South African history and the race relations that still trouble the country and the local communities. It was incredibly interesting to compare South Africa's race relations to the United States'. We also learned so much from the people that we worked with in the townships. "
A student The College of William and Mary
"I will be living in Russia through a different program next semester, and I think the best thing I got out of this program was the chance to acclimate myself to Russia a bit before my longer, language intensive program begins. It will be a very new and slightly daunting situation, but I have a good feel now for what life in Russ..."
Rachel F The College of William and Mary
"Language and cultural experiences, yes"
A student The College of William and Mary
"The experience was definitely worthwhile. I learned about Irish culture and just had a great time being in another country. "
Payton P The College of William and Mary
"Very worthwhile. After 6 weeks in Santiago de Compostela, Spain I grew so accustomed to the culture that I thought it was just like Virginia until I stopped to realize that the plaza culture that gathers people of all ages and classes is not available in Virginia."
Dorothy E The College of William and Mary