Kentucky Institute for International Studies / KIIS
Kentucky Institute for International Studies / KIIS is a program provider offering 26 abroad programs. Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs in 22 countries such as Germany, Ecuador, Italy, and Egypt.
The Kentucky Institute for International Studies (KIIS) is a non-profit consortium of colleges and universities.
Since 1975, KIIS has provided international educational experiences in Europe, Asia, Africa, Canada, and Latin America for over 9000 participants.
KIIS currently offers 24 summer and 4 semester study-abroad programs in Argentina, Austria-Bregenz, Berlin, China, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Greece, Istanbul, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Munich, Paris, Prague, Quebec, Salzburg, Slavic Europe (Poland/Ukraine), Spain, and Tanzania.
KIIS also coordinates professional development programs for health care workers, law enforcement, seminarians, social workers, and teachers.
KIIS is recognized as a leader in international education and is one of the most cost-effective study abroad organizations in the United States. We strive to provide the widest range of students and faculty from across the academic spectrum with a life-changing international experience.
KIIS has four primary objectives:
- to establish high-quality, low-cost, academically sound study abroad programs for students
- to provide faculty from member institutions a means for professional growth
- to create language and culture programs for professionals and develop links with their counterparts in foreign countries
- to promote the study of foreign languages.
KIIS also seeks to develop new opportunities for international experiences which meet the needs of students, faculty, academic institutions, and community organizations, always taking into consideration the changing times and shifting demands of a global society.
Visit for detailed program information.
Study Abroad with Kentucky Institute for International Studies / KIIS
"I gained a wealth of cultural, historical, art historical, language, and other forms of knowledge. I also learned tango. Furthermore, outside of academics, I learned much about setting boundaries, taking care of myself, and coping with tragic family events happening at home while I was away. It was absolutely worthwhile."
Meredyth W Berea College
"It was worthwhile because I gained impactful experience from learning from locals about the country's culture and I grew my perspectives."
Hannia A Berea College
"I was able to gain knowledge from my courses and about Japan's cultures. Me and my host family often talked about the differences between Japan and America, which opened my mind to different lifestyles."
A student Berea College
"I learned about and gained a newfound respect for this unique culture."
Annika T Berea College
"Just the idea that their is so many other cultures around and America isnt the end all be all. With never being out of the country before this was a real awakening experience. Ive never been in a situation where I dont understand the people around me and their not being in escape. This was a positive thing though, It wasn't anyt..."
Brianna F Berea College
"The European lifestyle is also much more relaxed and life-focused, rather than job-focused in the US. Transportation is substantially easier because of the abundance of metro and tram lines in so many places. Overall, life in Europe seems more enjoyable and cheap compared to the US. "
A student Berea College
"I learned so much about myself and the world around me"
A student Berea College
"I have a deeper appreciation for culture abroad and my own culture in America. I understand things about my friends who are international students that I never really got until I left the country."
Amy S Berea College
"I really learned to appreciate my life in America and not take things for granted. Simply hearing people regularly speak English, or having fast food to go to is something I took for granted in the US. After traveling, I am beyond grateful for my life. "
Mackenzie C Berea College
"Any travel is worth while especially internationally because you gain a new perspective of the world. "
holly h Berea College
"I learned a lot about the comparable and contrasting aspects of European culture vs. American culture. I had many great conversations with Austrians about how our cultures compared."
A student Berea College
"I learned a lot, I gained a lot more confidence in handling daily needs by myself (ex. buying a phone card, ordering food, etc). I also gained a much deeper understanding and appreciation of Greek culture, and the different varieties of it in different areas of Greece. It was definitely worthwhile and I would love to go again!"
Hannah R Berea College
"It was worthwhile but I certainly would have done some things differently next time. I think I relied too much on expecting the professors/administrators to give us all the information we would need and they really left it up to us to research transportation/food in the cities we visited."
A student Berea College
"I think I've come to a really neat understanding of just how vast history is. We viewed art, architecture, and ruins that date back millennia. It's incredible to see how young you are in comparison to some of that stuff. It was really eye-opening and humbling. I also found it very nice to escape from the US for awhile... I loved..."
A student Berea College
"I learned a lot about how to be adaptable, and it's so eye opening to see how other people live."
Tammi H Berea College
"Yeah, i learned a lot about interacting with new people."
A student Berea College
"I learned that I love to travel with groups of people my own age. "
A student Berea College
"It increased my curiosity to see more places, and meet new people different from me. It increased my interest on learning Spanish, learning tango, and learning how have a healthier lifestyle. It made me more tolerant to people, and more tolerant to opinions/ beliefs that are different from mine. It increased a sense of collectiv..."
A student Berea College
"I believe it was worthwhile because I feel it is important to have certain experiences at certain stages in life and after being a college student, I feel experiencing another country to be a good step"
A student Berea College
"I learned how to navigate myself through a large city. I was definitely worth it. "
Casey P Berea College
"I learned to be more independent than I already was as well as how to plan my own trip abroad in the future. "
A student Berea College
"I learned a whole lot about how others experience our amazing world. It is worthwhile to see the world from someone else's perspective so that we can make better decisions for ourselves and others."
Joseph M Berea College
"I learned how to get around through public transportation and I also learned to appreciate the things I might sometimes take for granted in the U.S. like air conditioning, water, and electricity. I learned about the Spanish culture and how different it is than my culture. It was definitely worthwhile and an experience I will alw..."
Yesica C Berea College
"I learned a great deal about the world in general and about travel and interacting with others, as well as about the culture and art in Italy. "
A student Berea College
"I gained an experience I will never forget. In a way, as a student, I get to be a more observant of these countries then the average tourist. I took photos and edited them and made art out of them, and I made illustrations of different locations, which really helped me to solidify them into my memories. I captured the essence of..."
Shaylee H Berea College