USAC Cuba: La Habana - Cuban History, Society, Politics, and Culture
- Hosted at: Universidad de La Habana / University of Havana
- Location(s): Havana, Cuba
- Program Type(s): Study Abroad
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(For American Students)
The Havana program offers an unparalleled opportunity to visit this enchanting island and legendary city to learn about its culture and society. It will also provide a unique occasion for understanding—firsthand—the multiple layers of history that... read more
All Reviews
I learned a lot about myself living in another country for an extended period. I met new people from all over the world, and it was definitely a worthwhile experience. A student - Texas A&M University - College Station View Entire Review
I learned how to be more independent and learn about a different culture on my own. I learned that there were many misconceptions about their system of government. I learned about the Cuban history and the present outlook that Cuban citizens have. It was definitely worthwhile. I am actually planning to eventually return one day ... A student - Texas A&M University - College Station View Entire Review
How to come out of my comfort zone and learn from experience. Alexandra Bruhn - Texas A&M University - College Station View Entire Review
Program Type(s):
Study AbroadProgram Length(s):
- Summer
- January Term
Instruction Language(s):
- Spanish
- English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
- Latin American Studies
- History
Minimum GPA:
2.5Year Founded:
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USAC Scholarships
USAC awards over $500,000 in scholarships and discounts each year to assist students with their study abroad expenses. We have a variety of funding opportunities available for students enrolled in USAC programs. We also encourage students to research online for additional sources of financial aid and external scholarships for study abroad students. Additional scholarship information and application instructions will be provided on your Student Gateway account once you apply to a USAC program.
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