USAC Ghana: Accra - African Studies, International Development Studies, and courses offered directly by the University of Ghana
- Hosted at: University of Ghana
- Location(s): Accra, Ghana
- Program Type(s): Study Abroad
The Accra program offers a unique opportunity for students to live and study in the heart of West Africa. It is the perfect destination for those who want to learn about the complex issues facing a developing African nation while enjoying a rich c... read more
All Reviews

I learned to be patient with everything and to appreciate what you have. This study abroad trip was worthwhile. Symiya Amos - Eastern Illinois University View Entire Review
yes! A student - University of Maryland - College Park View Entire Review

I learned that I have the ability to move into a new country and develop a new way of life with new people from around the world. Knowing this, is comforting because as I continue to travel abroad I know that I have what it takes to be independent and assimilate into a new culture and surroundings. And have fun doing it! Nichole A - University of Florida View Entire Review
I will be back to Ghana. Scott S - University of Wisconsin - Whitewater View Entire Review
I had the time of my life! Jensen P - University of California - Santa Barbara View Entire Review
A lot; Yes John L - University of Maine - Orono View Entire Review
I learned what I was passionate about, how to interact with people of a very different culture and that I do not know everything. Caitlin D - University of the Pacific View Entire Review
yes the most amazing time of my life!!! Kara W - University of Nevada - Reno View Entire Review

My experience was definitely worthwhile - I only wish I could have stayed for longer than 6 weeks. Jenna F - University of Nevada - Reno View Entire Review
Program Type(s):
Study AbroadProgram Length(s):
- Fall
- Summer
- Spring
- Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
- English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
- Environmental Studies
- Area, Ethnic and Group Studies
- African Studies
- Ethnic, Cultural Minority, Gender, and Group Studies
- Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
- African Languages, Literature
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Legal Professions and Studies
- Liberal Arts, General Studies
- Social Sciences
- Geography
- Political Science and Government
- Visual and Performing Arts
- Dance
Minimum GPA:
2.5Year Founded:
USAC Scholarships
USAC awards over $500,000 in scholarships and discounts each year to assist students with their study abroad expenses. We have a variety of funding opportunities available for students enrolled in USAC programs. We also encourage students to research online for additional sources of financial aid and external scholarships for study abroad students. Additional scholarship information and application instructions will be provided on your Student Gateway account once you apply to a USAC program.
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