SIT Study Abroad: Bolivia - Multiculturalism, Globalization, and Social Change

11 recent reviews
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This program is inactive and currently not accepting students. It is still on Abroad101 as a reference to the provider and host institution whose links are on this page. Please refer to these if you are interested in learning more about similar programs

Explore how concepts of community well-being and cultural identity are being creatively redefined in Bolivia, a country with 36 ethnic groups and the first indigenous president in South America.This program studies cultural identity and the concep... read more

All Reviews

Based on 11 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
My semester with SIT Bolivia opened up the world before my eyes. It has changed the course of my life and quadrupled the possibilities I can imagine for myself. - Williams College View Entire Review
How to overcome the challenges of being abroad/speaking a different language made me much more confident in my life in the US. Also my Spanish ability improved a lot. - University of Vermont View Entire Review
My Spanish improved immensely and I learned a lot about social issues in Bolivia. - Colgate University View Entire Review
I learned a lot about decolonization, neoliberalism, and indigenous reality and cosmovisión. Also, the program does a great job of challenging western perspectives. - University of San Francisco View Entire Review
I learned a lot about non-Western perspectives, colonization/decolonization, neoliberalism, cosmovision and other indigenous outlooks on life. - Columbia University View Entire Review
I can have casual conversations in Spanish with ease and I feel so much more confident in myself. Trust me, this program will throw challenges at you (especially when you go off for a month to do your independent research project), but it'll be so worth it. - University of Iowa View Entire Review
Lots of friendships and lots of personal growth in terms of my plans for my future and my new approaches to the rest of my undergraduate career. - Skidmore College View Entire Review
I learend a lot about my own privileges. I also learned a lot about interactions between foreigners and locals. It was SO WORTHWHILE, it's hard to begin describing. - Trinity University View Entire Review
The trip was utterly worthwhile. I improved my language abilities, gained confidence and loved the entire experience - Harvard University View Entire Review
Lots of friends, a new perspective on American influence abroad, a deep interest in the War on Drugs and its affects abroad, appreciation for Andean culture and concepts, and a deep understanding of the current Bolivian government and its policies. - Middlebury College View Entire Review
Past Review Untitled
It was totally worthwhile. I learned about an amazing country and a really unique group of people. How much I love my own country and a better way of life. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with SIT Bolivia: Multiculturalism, Globalization & Social Change
I learned that even though we may have good intentions to help another country, doesn't mean we are not causing more harm than good. It was definitely worthwhile! - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Learned a lot about the country, met wonderful people on my program, improved my spanish - Brandeis University View Entire Review
My Spanish skills definitely improved, I gained more cultural competency in addition to gaining confidence in traveling in new areas by myself. I also learned new skills for conducting ethical research abroad The experiences I had in Bolivia and what I learned from them would not have happened anywhere else. - Northwestern University View Entire Review
Understanding of Indigenous perspectives - University of San Francisco View Entire Review
I learned how to think of colonialism and neo-colonialism in a new perspective, I learned a basic level of Quechua, and I made very deep friendships with Bolivians and my fellow classmates. It was very challenging but incredible. - Columbia University View Entire Review
I loved every second of it. I learned so much about Bolivia, America, and who I am as student as well as a foreigner in another country. I have never learned so much in such a short time span. - Trinity University View Entire Review
Past Review Indispensable
i learned so much about myself, about bolivia, and about what i want to do in the future. - Columbia University View Entire Review
Past Review Amazing
I learned so much about myself, my place in the world as a US citizen and helped develop my academic interests in Latin America, indigenous culture and immigration. - Carnegie Mellon University View Entire Review
I gained independent research skills, language skills, independence, new friends, and an incredible host family. - Macalester College View Entire Review
Amazing experience - Tufts University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with SIT Study Abroad: Bolivia - Multiculturalism, Globalization & Social Change
I learned so much about the social movements and social issues, both past and present, that are both unique to Bolivia's complex and interesting history and also can apply to many of the global issues we face today. I gained confidence in my ability to speak another language, navigate an unfamiliar place by myself, tackle challe... - Denison University View Entire Review
Before this program, I considered myself a well-traveled and fairly conscientious person. By participating in this program, my eyes were opened again and again, sometimes not so gently, to the complexities and subtleties of social dynamics, cultural norms, and the ways of the world we live in. It is the structure and location of... - University of Denver View Entire Review
Learned a lot about Bolivia. Learned a lot about how differently people can see the world. Got a better perspective on what the US appears like internationally. Spanish skills are much better. Learned to be more independent. Worthwhile for sure. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Absolutely worthwhile. This program and my time in Bolivia truly did change me for the better as corny as that sounds. I feel so connected to the country and have so many Bolivian friends that I care for so deeply. I learned so much about Bolivia, South America, Spanish language, and myself. 100% worthwhile - a part of my he... - Brandeis University View Entire Review


Explore how concepts of community well-being and cultural identity are being creatively redefined in Bolivia, a country with 36 ethnic groups and the first indigenous president in South America.

This program studies cultural identity and the concept of community well-being in Bolivia. On this program, you will inquire into the social and psychological impact of globalization on Bolivian communities in Andean and Amazonian regions, asking why some communities seem to be depressed, downtrodden, and at risk, while others find resilience and reaffirmation in their families, social networks, creative outlets, traditions, and other resources

Major topics of study include:

- Bolivia’s complex history and current realities
- Systems of knowledge and indigenous cosmovisión 
- Themes of community well-being (“vivir bien”) and resilience
- Globalization and Bolivia’s contemporary sociopolitical struggles

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
Instruction Language(s):
  • Spanish
Language Requirement(s):
  • Spanish
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Latin American Studies
  • Spanish Language, Literature
  • Sociology
  • Sociology and Anthropology
Minimum GPA:


SIT Study Abroad Scholarships

Students who are Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO) Scholars will receive a $2,000 award for SIT Study Abroad semester or summer programs.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

To recognize and support alumni of EIL summer high school programs who also participate in SIT Study Abroad programs. $1,000 for semester programs and $500 for summer. A $400 scholarship is also available to students who indicate that they have an immediate family member who has participated in an EIL or its College Semester Abroad program.

$400 - $1,000

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

For students enrolled at Hispanic-serving institutions, including member institutions of HACU who demonstrate financial need, SIT will award a $3,000 scholarship for participation in a semester program and $2,000 for a summer program.

$2,000 - $3,000

Deadlines April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

For students enrolled at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and who demonstrate financial need, SIT will award a $2,000 scholarship for participation in a semester program or $1,500 for a summer program.

$1,500 - $2,000

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

To recognize students participating in this community service program. Upon receipt of confirmation from a student’s Bonner mentor, SIT will award $2,500 for semester programs and $1,000 for summer programs.

$1,000 - $2,500

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

To recognize students participating in the National Security Education Program (NSEP) funded award, which focuses on study abroad in areas of the world that are critical to US interests and underrepresented in study abroad. Upon receipt of the student’s Boren confirmation letter, SIT will award a $1,000 scholarship.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

For students enrolled at Big 10 Academic Alliance universities. Eligible students demonstrating financial need will receive a $1,500 scholarship for semester programs and a $750 scholarship for summer programs.

$750 - $1,500

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

This is an automatic scholarship to recognize and support students who participate in two or more SIT Study Abroad programs, including alumni of short-term summer programs. The scholarship will be applied to a student’s second full term of study with SIT. The scholarship is $1,000 for a fall or spring semester program or $500 for a full-term, international summer program.

$500 - $1,000

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

An average of $4,500 (amount varies) is awarded to one female student, 22 years of age or younger, who demonstrates international awareness and a desire to create a more peaceful world through international exchange. This scholarship is available for summer programs only.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

This $10,000 scholarship opportunity is for one student per year. The student must demonstrate extreme financial need, attend an HBCU (or other minority-serving institution), be a first-generation college student, and have never previously traveled abroad.


April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.

SIT matches Federal Pell Grant funding up to $2,500 for semester students who use their Pell Grant to help pay the cost of their SIT program. Students utilizing their Federal Pell Grant for SIT Study Abroad summer terms receive up to a $1000 match.

$1,000 - $2,500

April 1 for summer programs May 15 for fall programs November 1 for spring programs

The SIT Study Abroad scholarship application process has been fully integrated into our online program application.






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