Brigham Young University: London - London Study Abroad

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Most of Brigham Young University’s study abroad programs are available to non-BYU Provo students.  However, each student must be interviewed and cleared by his or her religious leaders and commit to live by the university’s Honor Code in order to ... read more

All Reviews

I learned so much about England and gained a love for all of it's history and culture. You also learn a lot about yourself when you are isolated in a foreign country with students who you don't know very well. I highly recommend having this experience! - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
I gained so much knowledge from this experience. It was absolutely worthwhile and I would do it again in a heartbeat. - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
It's hard to put into words what this experience did for me. I feel like everyone in the program learned very personal life lessons. Being away from your normal surroundings and not only learning, but living with and experiencing new and exciting things with the same group of people allows you to learn things about yourself as y... - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
I gained so much from this experience! I learned about myself, the world, different cultures, and so much more. I would do it again in a heartbeat! - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
It was an art and theatre emphasis program, and I feel like I learned a lot about London and it's history through those two outlets. I gained a lot of personal strength, by being by myself in a foreign place. It strengthened me to do things by myself. A study abroad program definitely makes you a more independent person, you bec... - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
Past Review So Worth It!
I learned about myself, interacting with others, another culture, and so much more. It was so worth it! - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
First and foremost I became more responsible. The program provided me with outlines and opportunities to be incredibly responsible with time, keys, possessions, and schedules. I came home and then took off again to visit my brother in New Hampshire. I found that I was one of the most responsible people on the trip. Second, the w... - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
I learned all about European History and was able to visit the actual sites i was learning about. Very worth it. - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
I learned so much, about myself and about the world. It was definitely worthwhile, and I enjoyed every moment. - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
It was absolutely worthwhile. I gained a much better perspective of the world around me. London is a vibrant mesh of everything. There is so much history and culture there. - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with Brigham Young University: London - London Study Abroad
I grew in maturity quite a bit. I also learned how to get along in very close proximity with a lot of people who I never would have met otherwise. I learned how to travel well and I gained a lot of insight into the lives of the locals in London. - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
I have learned I am a homebody and love to be with my family! Yes it was worthwhile - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
It was definately worth while!! I learned alot about myself and the direction I wanted my life to go. I made lifelong friends and learned alot about British History and Literature. It made me a more intellegent person and a more experienced person. As much as I disliked the critism, because of my professors my writing improved. ... - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
Learned history, culture, literature, and overall felt I was very immersed in British culture. I really gained a love for the place and the people. I want to come back to England again! - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
That there are so many wonderful beautiful things in this world, there are so many different kinds of people, even ones from our own country that you might not know very much about. I loved this experience. I learned how much i sincerely love nature and the outdoors. - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
A lot about art and humanities and culture and the church - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
Past Review Life Changing.
I learned so much about myself and the world around me. It was life-changing and COMPLETELY worthwhile. - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
I learned a lot about myself through my reactions to London and my experiences there. I learned that there is so much more to see and do and learn all over the world; don't ever stop and follow your interests. - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
You learn how much you are capable of when you live abroad. I've gained strength and self esteem as well as great friends and so much knowledge. So worthwhile. - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with Brigham Young University: London - London Study Abroad
I learned so much about other people and their culture and how it changed from country to country. There is so much to learn about the world and the people in it. - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
Past Review That Happened?
I learned a lot from this experience, honestly too much to explain coherently. Was it worthwhile? Absolutely. - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
It was absolutely worthwhile! I can't even begin to list what I learned abroad. History really did come to life for me over there; I especially gained respect for those who fought in the wars. Just seeing all the destruction that was around the city left over from WWII gave me chills. - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
I learned so much about myself on study abroad and how I interact with others. I found independence and the courage to be my own person and explore - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
It was SO worthwhile. Mostly I just had FUN. Looking back I feel like I literally partied for 7 weeks in the most magical city in the world all while learning about it. - Brigham Young University View Entire Review
I learned that experiences like that can't be ruined by a letter grade. I learned to relax about school and enjoy every moment that I'm in. I learned to cease the day and be spontaneous and do what I want to do! - Brigham Young University View Entire Review


Most of Brigham Young University’s study abroad programs are available to non-BYU Provo students.  However, each student must be interviewed and cleared by his or her religious leaders and commit to live by the university’s Honor Code in order to be considered for a study abroad program through BYU. 

BYU’s internship and direct enrollment (student exchange) programs are not open to non-BYU students.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
Take me there!


Brigham Young University (BYU) Scholarships

Aids study abroad in under-represented countries that critical to U.S. national interests. Emphasized world areas include: Africa, Asia, Central, and Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Middle East. NSEP recipients are required to seek employment with a federal agency or office involved in national security affairs.

up to $8000 for a summer program, up to $10,000 for a semester, or up to $20,000 for an academic year


Applicants must plan to use the scholarship for a study abroad program that ends before the student graduates. Preference is given to students pursuing fields of study related to national security.

The CLS Program provides fully funded, group-based intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences for seven to ten weeks for U.S. citizen undergraduate and graduate students in thirteen foreign languages: Arabic, Persian, Azerbaijani, Bangla/Bengali, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Punjabi, Turkish, Urdu, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian.

Not Given


Applicants must be US citizens currently enrolled in a US degree-granting program at either the undergraduate or graduate level. Eligible undergraduate students must have completed at least one year of general college course-work by the program start date. All applicants must be 18 by the beginning of the CLS program and be in acceptable mental and physical health. Students of diverse majors and disciplines are encouraged to apply. Participants are expected to continue their language study beyond the scholarship period and apply their critical language skills in their future professional careers.

The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is for undergraduate students who wish to study abroad. The program aims to encourage students to choose non-traditional study abroad destinations, especially those outside of Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. This scholarship awards up to $5,000 that can be applied to program tuition, room and board, local transportation, insurance and international airfare.

up to $5,000


Applicant must be receiving a Federal Pell Grant, be accepted into their study abroad program, and be planning on studying abroad for more than 28 days.

The Fulbright program for U.S. students is designed to increase mutual understanding between the peoples of the United States and other countries, through the exchange of persons, knowledge, and skills.

Not Given


To participate in the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, the applicant must be a U.S. citizen and have: at least a Bachelor's degree required by start of grant. Applicants who hold a doctorate are ineligible. sufficient proficiency in the host language to carry out the project required. - See more at: Note: Non-U.S. citizens who have legal permanent residency status in the United States are not eligible for any Fulbright grants. - See more at:

