February 15, 2025
4.7 - 29 Reviews

Study Abroad in Traveling in South Korea

Below you will find our list of Study Abroad and Internship programs that travel throughout South Korea. It is an index to international education that tour South Korea, listing university level study abroad, internships, volunteer and intensive language school programs oriented to American college and university students. Some pre-college and post-graduate options are also included. We invite you to read the student reviews, see the ratings scores and use the site to compare programs and understand what other students have encountered in their education abroad experienced.

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Study Abroad Reviews for Study Abroad Programs in South Korea
Study Abroad Programs in South Korea
Asan, South Korea: Busan, South Korea: Cheonan, South Korea plus 9 other locations

Find your dream Study Abroad Program in South Korea at Abroad101 and this directory of study abroad programs plus rankings and reviews by American college students.  Futur...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for The Experiment in International Living - Extraordinary High School Summer Abroad Programs
The Experiment in International Living - Extraordinary High School Summer Abroad Programs

The Experiment in International Living provides 3-, 4-, and 5-week summer programs for high school students who want to connect deeply and engage meaningfully with the ric...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Youth For Understanding (YFU): YFU Programs in Korea
Youth For Understanding (YFU): YFU Programs in Korea
Asan, South Korea: Busan, South Korea: Cheonan, South Korea plus 9 other locations

A YFU exchange program is the learning adventure of a lifetime. YFU is a homestay experience where you will live with a carefully selected host family who has agreed to op...


0 reviews