University of Redlands

May 19, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Redlands. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of Redlands student, please check with the Study Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review Copenhagen The Hidden Gem! DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"Everyone in the world is more alike than you think. Learning is a lifelong process."

University of Redlands
Past Review Deuces To Dublin, For Now IES Abroad: Dublin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"My academic interests were reinforced and shaped along the way which has influenced how I'm thinking about my career path now. Even though I know the world's greater than me, being in Dublin and having conversations with people really made that idea stick. It felt as though I was in a box before. The lid was open on this box I w..."

University of Redlands
Past Review Australia: A Place I'll Never Forget! The School for Field Studies / SFS: Australia – Rainforest studies

"Very much so, there will rarely be times in your life that you are able to have such an oppurtunity, for example, living in the middle of one of the World Heritage sites, and its something I would do over again in a minute. The only thing I would change was being more involved in the community and really getting to immerse mysel..."

University of Redlands
Past Review The Experience Of A Lifetime! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Aix-en-Provence, France

"I became very close to my classmates who later on became my best friends. We keep in touch often now even though we live in different parts of the U.S. and the world. Traveling together was amazing and made every trip and every experience that much more memorable. Aix-en-Provence is a beautiful city. I will be coming back here f..."

University of Redlands
Past Review Making Madrid My Second Home IES Abroad: Madrid - IES Abroad in Madrid

"My Spanish improved drastically, especially on the conversational side. I got to experience many different countries in Europe and my study abroad experience made me even more interested global issues and cultures. "

University of Redlands
Past Review Leaps And Bounds IES Abroad: Nagoya Direct Enrollment - Nanzan University

"I don't think I could have picked a better program for my needs. Apart from extensive improvement in my language skills, I gained greater insight into the daily life and culture of Japan. I found it easier to interact with local residents the more my language skills improved, and my confidence improved greatly. I gained many fri..."

University of Redlands
Past Review Looking Forward To A Return Trip! IFSA: Brisbane - University of Queensland

"I became way more outgoing, patient, and adventurous. For the changes I can see in myself daily since I've been home, it was definitely worthwhile. "

University of Redlands
Past Review The Best Four Months Dissimilar To Any Experience I Will Ever Have DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"Before studying abroad, I had become comfortable and complacent to where my life was, and was not getting myself out of my comfort zone. Initially studying abroad was a complete shock to me and I felt so homesick and was second guessing my abilities to study abroad. I had wanted to study abroad for so long, so I made sure I trie..."

University of Redlands
Past Review Ies Kunming, The Real Abroad Experience In The Best Country In The World! Yunnan University: Kunming - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Absolutely. Considering coming back to China after graduation, but moreover decided to come back to IES Beijing in the Fall."

University of Redlands
Past Review The Cross Cultural Experience I Have Always Dreamt Up! IES Abroad: Madrid - Language & Area Studies

"My experience was so worthwhile!!! I learned that the world isn't as big and scary as I thought it was! I gained so much self-confidence, personal freedom and independence and was able to explore and discover new parts of the world as an independent and unafraid person. I learned that there is far greater good than there is evil..."

University of Redlands
Past Review Culture Immersion IES Abroad: Barcelona - Study Abroad with IES Abroad

"Study abroad was so worthwhile. I learned more about myself and grew as a person more than I have in my five other semesters in college. I was able to develop as a student, professional and human in society. "

University of Redlands
Past Review My Second Home In Ecuador IES Abroad: Quito - IES Abroad in Quito

"Not only was able to improve upon my Spanish and gain invaluable skills for my future but I had some of the most incredible travel experiences that I will never forget. It was beyond worthwhile and it's all I can talk about"

University of Redlands
Past Review Truly A Life Changing Experience! IES Abroad: Paris - French Studies

"Studying abroad and traveling to different cities abroad Europe introduced me to a number of cultures and the differences among them. Interacting with people from all over the world allowed me to develop new perspectives. I also feel as though I have gained a greater sense of self and what direction I want to take my life. I gre..."

University of Redlands
Past Review Squeezed The Juice! (Program Saying, Means To Make The Most Of It) IES Abroad: Vienna - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"German Better horn playing how to travel efficiently and make a travel plan how to "squeeze the juice" (slow down and make the most out of your day) Friends How to be independent"

University of Redlands
Past Review Beijing, The Culture Paradise Beijing Foreign Studies University: Beijing - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Absolutely. It was the best choice I could have made. Not only did I learn a new language, but I learned a new culture and political system through hands on means."

University of Redlands
Past Review Paris... The City Of Love! IES Abroad: Paris - Business & International Affairs

"I gained so much independence and cultural knowledge. I learned how to handle situations that I am not used to and overcoming challenges. "

University of Redlands
Past Review Acc: When You Seriously Want To Learn Chinese Hamilton College: Beijing - ACC Intensive Language Program at Minzu University

"I learned a lot about doing things the Chinese way and adapting to a completely different culture. I have a much clearer understanding of the language and thanks to ACC I think I would like to go back to China with a better grip of the language. China is much MUCH better when you aren't just another tourist and can speak the lan..."

University of Redlands
Past Review A Great Study Abroad Experience In Rome. ISA Study Abroad in Rome, Italy

"Very worthwhile. Had an amazing experience abroad and could not have chose a better place to experience it."

University of Redlands
Past Review Best Adventure Of My Life! IES Abroad: Vienna - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"It was more than worthwhile! Going abroad more than anything opened my mind to the fact they are so many other experiences and opportunities available to me I knew nothing about previously. Looking back, I feel like I used to live in a little America bubble and knew little to nothing about other countries as much as I hate to ad..."

University of Redlands
Past Review Nagoya: The City For Those Who Actually Want To Experience Japan! Japan Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"It was definitely worth while! I was able to experience a culture that I have always been fascinated by, and I was able to practically use my language skills for the first time. Since returning from Japan, I have been aching for the opportunity to return, whether it is for a trip or to live and work there to gain the experienc..."

University of Redlands
Past Review It Was Great, I'm So Happy I Went. So Sad It's Over. DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"Everything. It was amazing."

University of Redlands
Past Review Fun, Educational, And Life Changing! The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Thailand - Semester in Chiang Mai

"I learned how much you can learn when you travel if you make yourself open to new experiences. I also gained a love for Southeast Asia!"

University of Redlands
Past Review Lima, Peru: Adventure, Challenge, And Excitement For Learning ISA Study Abroad in Lima, Peru

"I now understand what it is like to interact with others in a second language. I was challenged working in a group with non-English speakers in my university. I often found it difficult to get my personality through in Spanish because I was still learning. I am much more excited about my future now. It inspired me to apply to th..."

University of Redlands
Past Review My Inspirational Musical Adventure In Vienna IES Abroad: Vienna - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"I gained an appreciation not just for what I was studying, but how what I was studying fit inside of the Viennese culture as a whole. I went to tons of performances, walked through Mozart tourist shops, and was constantly surrounded by the arts. Being involved with this city and those students made me appreciate performing colla..."

University of Redlands
Past Review The Best City In Spain IES Abroad: Madrid - IES Abroad in Madrid

"I am more independent, have a global perspective and improved my language skills. I was definitely immersed in a different culture and loved every second of it. "

University of Redlands