
University of Northern Iowa

May 18, 2024

University Information

The University of Northern Iowa's Study Abroad Center (SAC) offers academic opportunities in over 30 countries and administers over 20 faculty-led programs. SAC programs range in duration from 2 weeks to one year and allow students to earn UNI credit while studying abroad. Programs are designed to accommodate student’s program of study.

Important Dates and Deadlines

October 1 for Spring semester programs
October 15 for Winter Break programs
December 1 for Spring Break programs
February 15 for Summer programs
March 1 for Fall semester programs

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Nicaragua: A Memorable Culture University of Northern Iowa: Managua - UNI Socio-Economic Reality Capstone in Nicaragua

"I definitely learned how happiness is not determined by the materialistic items one has but by the relationships they build instead. I also learned how valuable to go out of your comfort zone and immerse yourself in another culture being optimistic and flexible at all times."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Four Countries: From Ancient Ruins To The Beach In Greece! University of Northern Iowa: UNI Capstone in Four Countries

"I would love to do more traveling and enjoyed getting to experience the paces of different lifestyles and cultures."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Awesome University of Northern Iowa: Traveling - UNI Cross-Cultural Capstone in Italy

"Yes, the program was definitely worth while, I just wouldn't do it again because I would want to go somewhere different. But the program itself was great and I learned a lot just from exploring on my own and interacting with the culture and people as I went."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Amazing In The Country Not So Good Before Hand. University of Northern Iowa: Traveling - UNI Cross-Cultural Capstone in Italy

"It was very worthwhile - I learned a lot about the Italian culture and how different, yet similar it is. I learned how big, but small the world really is. I learned I want to travel more! It opened my eyes to all that's really out there. "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Amazing Indian Adventure! University of Northern Iowa: Mysore - UNI Capstone in India

"It helped me to realize how much Americans take for granted. The importance of supporting under developed countries. "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review The Most Memorable 2 Weeks University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in England and Ireland

"From this trip, I learned that not only are all Americans different, but everyone in the world is very different. It was amazing to see a different culture from my own and experience it firsthand. I also learned that even though I had a great time abroad, I love the country I live in and wouldn't want to live in a different one...."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Swansea Swansea University: Swansea - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Except for failing a class, yes."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Beyond The Bucket List: Fulfilling My Dreams And Then Some! University of Northern Iowa: Traveling - UNI Capstone in London and Paris

"I am more confident as a traveler, and I have gained a huge appreciation for international culture. It was completely worthwhile, and I would do it again in a heartbeat!"

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Arica, Chile: Interesting Culture With A Beautiful Climate University of Northern Iowa: Arica - Culture and Intensive Spanish Program (CISP)

"I would say this experience was very worthwhile. I learned a great deal about the culture of South America and was able to visit some very interesting places. "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review The South Of Spain: Get Used To Relaxing! Universidad De Jaen: Jaen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes. I think I would have liked a larger city. Jaen was not very cool, it got boring and did not have a lot to offer. While I valued my experience it has made me appreciate the US more than ever."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Ireland/England Capstone: Fun, And Educational! University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in England and Ireland

"I found the program extremely worthwhile. You can sit in a classroom and learn about international countries, but I feel you learn so much more when you can experience it on a trip with your school."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Worth My Time University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in England and Ireland

"I learned a lot of history information about England and Ireland, and I also learned a lot about the environment as well. It was definitely worthwhile."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Southern Italy: A Once In A Lifetime Experience I'll Never Forget! University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in Southern Italy

"It has helped me grow as a person and be able to make new connections. It helped me see how different people interact and live. I am more culturally aware now and I am able to have a more open perspective on the world. I hope to travel abroad again or work abroad sometime in the future. Being able to be emerged in a different cu..."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Classes Not Great But Travel Amazing!!! University of Stirling: Scotland - International Summer School

"Travelling to another country builds confidence in yourself and your abilities like none other! "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Race To The Moon, Your New Friends Are Waiting For Ya'! University of Northern Iowa: Managua - UNI Winter Capstone Socio-Economic Reality of Nicaragua

"Don't take anything for granted, and don't complain. There are people out there that would love to have what you I have."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review An Experience To Tell Your Grandkids About. University of Northern Iowa: UNI Capstone in Four Countries

"I learned there are multiple ways to do something, my way isn't the only way. I also learned to be more open and kind with people and try not to form first impressions so quickly."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review A Do It Again Experience! University of Northern Iowa: UNI Capstone in Four Countries

"I learned to go out of my comfort zone and go with the flow. I learned so much about the history of each country and I would love to go back and learn even more! Yes, it was definitely worth the time and money!"

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review France: Countryside Vs. City L Ife France Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"That although there are a lot of differences between cultures, there is also a lot of similarities and those are the things we can bond on,"

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review The Most Incredible Trip I Have Ever Experienced! University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in Southern Italy

"I learned not to take things for granted here in America."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Furthering French And Founding Friendships In France! University of Northern Iowa: Paris & Rennes - UNI Capstone in France

"I learned more about French culture, and what it would feel like to actually live there. "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Scary, New And Fun Adventures. University of Northern Iowa: Guatemala - UNI Multicultural Counseling in Guatemala, Summer Program

"This program was worthwhile, I learned a lot about another culture and my eyes have been opened. I feel more accepting and less judgemental about people who are not exactly like me."

University of Northern Iowa