
Trinity University

May 18, 2024

University Information

The Study Abroad program at Trinity University is designed to be accessible and flexible. With proper planning, students from every major can study abroad productively in many different countries around the world as a part of their degree.

This is possible because Trinity's program is based on individually advising each student so that the term abroad becomes an integral part of the degree that meets academic, personal, and professional goals. As a result Trinity students participate in a wide variety of academic experiences abroad from studying in a foreign university classroom to academic internships to intensive language study to field studies - or a some combination of these things.

Important Dates and Deadlines

October 18th, last day to begin an application for Spring
October 25th, last day to turn in an application for Spring
October 31sth, last day to turn in Trinity forms (for Credit Approval, etc.)

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Summer In Madrid IES Abroad: Madrid - IES Abroad in Madrid

"Independence, confidence, problem solving skills. I learned a lot of things by trial and error- the metro/train systems in different countries, how to barter in the souks in Morocco, how to get around in Venice without getting lost, how to use the night búhos in Madrid... definitely worthwhile. "

Trinity University
Past Review An Amazing Learning Experience In The Most Amazing City. IES Abroad: Cape Town - University of Cape Town

"I learned so much about South African healthcare both from classes and seeing it in person. I got to see first hand how clinics and hospitals in South Africa differ from the USA. Along with seeing so many cool procedures and surgeries in the hospital. "

Trinity University
Past Review Oxford: An Incredible City, University, And Experience IFSA: Oxford - Oxford University St. Peter's College Summer Program

"Yes! I learned how to navigate another country/city/place, how to travel on my own, and generally appreciate other cultures."

Trinity University
Past Review Best 6 Weeks Of My Life IES Abroad: Berlin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"I learned a lot about myself and how to interact with other people. "

Trinity University
Past Review Best 6 Months Of My Life Arcadia: Wellington - Victoria University of Wellington

"I matured a lot. I didn't use my parents as a crutch. I was an individual."

Trinity University
Past Review Learned A Lot And Became More Independent Arcadia: London - Arcadia in London

"I got to be a lot more independent "

Trinity University
Past Review Amazing! Arcadia: Gold Coast - Bond University

"I learned about an entirely different culture. I learned what I enjoy doing. I learned I really would love to live near the ocean as an adult. I learned that I am very independent and I loved challenging myself. I learned that I can still make friends with people right off the bat and open myself up to people really easily. I al..."

Trinity University
Past Review Challenges, Growth, And Happiness In Quito IES Abroad: Quito - IES Abroad in Quito

"As the title of my post suggests, I encountered numerous challenges while abroad. Not every day was a dream vacation. Looking back though, I learned and grew from every challenge. Who knows- I may never have an opportunity like this again, so I am so thankful that I took it. I became incredibly close to my host family, and still..."

Trinity University
Past Review Excellent Syracuse University: Strasbourg - Syracuse University in Strasbourg

"french culture, and yes."

Trinity University
Past Review Adventures And Class Is Easier Than At Home IFSA: Christchurch - University of Canterbury

"Part of it was like an amazing 6 month vacation where there was just plenty of exploring and awesome things to do. The abroad experience comes from the time actually living there and interacting with the society. It was interesting to look at my home county through the eyes of outsiders and compare the priorities and lifestyle o..."

Trinity University
Past Review The Story Of An American Learning How To Not Look So American Arcadia: ISI Perugia - The Umbra Institute

"So much. I have never taken public transportation by myself, and now I did it across countries. I feel much more independent. "

Trinity University
Past Review Classes Are Fun, But So Is Mountain Hiking (And Salzburg In General) KIIS: Salzburg - Experience Salzburg (Summer)

"More than anything, I feel like the musical takeaways were what will really stick with me after this experience. I learned so much about myself as a musician by being in such a musically rich program and city. I also feel that I am a smarter and more efficient traveler as a result of this program. It was ABSOLUTELY worthwhile."

Trinity University
Past Review Great Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL): Woods Hole - Semester in Environmental Sciences

"Knowledge about cape cod and the globe"

Trinity University
Past Review The Modern Cultural And Art Of Rome, Italy Arcadia: Rome - Arcadia in Rome Summer

"I learned that although people in other areas of the world may believe different things or do certain things differently from the U.S. it doesn't make them wrong. I also learned to be strong and confident in where ever you go even if you aren't completely sure. Lastly, I learned to embrace change. Change is good and although it ..."

Trinity University
Past Review I Lived At Home With My Family. Carleton University: Ottawa - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I lived at home with my family so nothing new"

Trinity University
Past Review It Was Absolutely Amazing And Life Changing! Arcadia: Glasgow - University of Glasgow

"I gained a lot of knowledge about how to interact with people not from my culture as well as how to travel in the easiest way possible. I learned that public transportation is amazing and something I wish we had more of here. I also realized that you can't be afraid to travel anywhere or do anything or try any food because every..."

Trinity University
Past Review Fun Ewha Womans University: Seoul - International Co-ed Summer College

"I learned about the street life of Korea. It was incredible that we had access to all of Seoul (and even outside Seoul if we wanted) by public transportation. It was absolutely a worthwhile experience."

Trinity University
Past Review (Ir)Ish I Was Back In The Land Of The Irish! Irish Studies Summer School: Dublin - Study Abroad at Trinity College Dublin

"I learned how differently people live outside of the US. This experience taught me how amazing other cultures can be and I will be going back to Ireland in the near future. "

Trinity University
Past Review A Wonderful Experience In The Bustling City Of Hong Kong. Lingnan University: Hong Kong - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was worthwhile, I made new friends and learned more about the culture in hong kong and mainland china. "

Trinity University
Past Review Fantastic! Want To Go Back If I Could Ewha Womans University: Seoul - International Co-ed Summer College

"Very worthy! I have experienced the real Korean culture, and learned alot about their history."

Trinity University
Past Review Granada 2016: Spain'ding Time Abroad Arcadia: Granada - Arcadia in Granada

"I feel like I learned so much going abroad, it's hard to sum it up in words. I gained a lot more independence, became more confident in myself, and learned so much about the local culture and culture of the region. I loved Spain a lot, and I highly highly recommend it to everyone who's thinking about going there."

Trinity University
Past Review Going Abroad Helped Me Find Myself As An Individual. Arcadia: Rome - Arcadia in Rome

"I learned a lot about myself as an individual, how to be even more independent, and how to communicate and make friends with others. "

Trinity University
Past Review Archaeological Site Explorer CYA (College Year in Athens) - Summer Program

"It was worthwhile to excavate and use not only my brain but also my body and common sense to work in a team of very opinionated people. "

Trinity University
Past Review Learned So Much About Myself And The Rest Of The World SIT Study Abroad: Tanzania - Wildlife Conservation and Political Ecology

"I learned about trade-offs between conservation efforts and human rights. I learned about privilege and about power dynamics between groups of people. I learned about local culture. I learned about struggles for dominance between groups of people and between people and animals. I learned how to be independent. I learned how to p..."

Trinity University