IES Abroad: Cape Town - University of Cape Town

4 recent reviews

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In Cape Town, every day will be like a choose-your-own-adventure book, with outdoor activities to enjoy, South African residents to meet, and African cultures to learn.While in South Africa, register for three to five courses at South Africa's lea... read more

All Reviews

Based on 4 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
I learned more about African Feminism - Wellesley College View Entire Review
I gained a strong appreciation for life in general. Many people in Cape Town are very free spirited and adventurous people and I don't see a lot of that in New England. I would honestly redo the whole experience again. - Wellesley College View Entire Review
I learned the true value of living in the moment. I enhanced my intercultural communication skills, and I truly transformed as an individual. It was the best time of my life. - Howard University View Entire Review
Past Review 10/10 Experience
Sure, I acquired skills, but more importantly, the radically different culture and world I got to experience forced me to change. Admittedly, I'm rather introspective, but studying abroad led me to reflect on all the differences I saw between South Africa, America, and their respective citizens. Moreover, I then had to decide ... - Case Western Reserve University View Entire Review
Past Review Amazing
I gained a better understanding of the world than I had previously known before going to South Africa. - University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass View Entire Review
Studying Abroad with IES Abroad in Cape Town, South Africa has been more significant in my life than I could have imagined. I knew I would have fun, meet new people, and experience unfamiliar things, but I gained so much more than I expected to. I learned and improved skills such as understanding cultural differences, working in... - University of Iowa View Entire Review
I learned so much from the people I met and interacted with. I was able to explore my academic interests and challenge myself in several new ways. The entire experience was life changing and I wouldn't be who I am today without study abroad. - University of the Pacific View Entire Review
I learned that I could adapt to new situations fairly easily. It was completely worthwhile because it showed me that I deal with change better than I originally thought. - Washington University in St. Louis View Entire Review
Going abroad was easily the best experience of my life thus far. I got to take classes that are not offered at my home institution, witness nationwide student protests, explore the wildlife and nature, make lifelong friends, all in the beautiful city of Cape Town. - The College of Wooster View Entire Review
Coming from a very conservative city in the southern United States my experience at the University of Cape Town shaped me in such a positive way. The perspective I gained was one I could have only gained in this unique city. Cape Town is vibrant - a mixing pot of so many beautiful cultures accented with immaculate nature, unlike... - Wofford College View Entire Review
I learned a lot about South African history and culture, which I had no idea about before. We don't really learn much about the history of other countries at school in the US, so I felt like studying abroad helped me to understand more about how South Africa got to where it is today. - University of Rochester View Entire Review
Studying abroad in Cape Town was probably the best decision I have ever made. The people, the natural beauty, the constant sense of adventure, the history, etc. completely enveloped me and stole my heart. Through my program and classes at the University of Cape Town, I learned about the cultural context of South Africa and how i... - Villanova University View Entire Review
Past Review Happiness Abroad
Writing down everything I gained from this experience would be long enough to put into a book. To put it into a few words, I learned about my interests, facing fears, and of a culture so entirely different from what I grew up being exposed to. It was the most worthwhile experience I think I'll ever have. - Lehigh University View Entire Review
I gained friendships and first-hand knowledge of the people and places I read about and discuss in classes and learned how to be more independent and self-reliant. My time abroad was very worthwhile and I am grateful for it. - Middlebury College View Entire Review
I learned about the unique and rich political and cultural history of Cape Town and South Africa as a whole, which was both fascinating and important to learn about. I felt enthralled by the people around me and the rich background they came from, and that was incredibly worthwhile. - Villanova University View Entire Review
Past Review Best Semester!
I learned to be more independent. It’s often easy to go with the crowd when people are planning to do things, but I also realized that I had to do the things that I wanted because it was my experience. I also gained a new perspective Because of the differences in South African and American cultures and history. I Am thankful for... - University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass View Entire Review
I learned how to integrate myself into a local culture and adapt to a different way of living. The experience taught me about myself and gave me a better idea of what is important to me. It was worthwhile and I would recommend it to anyone seeking an experience full of fun adventures and learning opportunities. - University of Rochester View Entire Review
I gained real-life understanding about the legacies of colonialism, classification, and the inheritance of racism from my experience abroad. I also was able to witness drastic natural beauty and a rich artistic culture, and these three intersections made it a very worthwhile semester. - University of Vermont View Entire Review
I learned a lot about cape town, its culture, people, cuisine and many other things. - University of Rochester View Entire Review
I learned a ton about myself. I also learned more than I ever though possible about South Africa and South African culture. I never realized how beautiful and diverse the country is. - University of Nebraska - Lincoln View Entire Review
Past Review My 2nd Home
I learned so much while I was abroad. I learned about myself, about the world, about South African culture, history, and the people. Everything was worthwhile. I would do and experience it all over again and a thousand times. - Loyola University Chicago View Entire Review
I gained an entirely new perspective on issues such as development, racism, xenophobia, and poverty. I feel that I was able to mature immensely as a result of seeing and understanding things that may be "taboo" within our culture. - Connecticut College View Entire Review
Past Review Unforgettable
It was undoubtably worthwhile. My view of the world has been transformed and I was introduced to new ideas and perspectives in addition to new people and places. - University of Vermont View Entire Review
I learned how to make independent decisions and adapt to an entirely new culture! It wasn't easy at times but I'm so grateful for the experience and have grown so much as a result. - Washington University in Saint Louis View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with IES Abroad: Cape Town - University of Cape Town
I learned so much about South African healthcare both from classes and seeing it in person. I got to see first hand how clinics and hospitals in South Africa differ from the USA. Along with seeing so many cool procedures and surgeries in the hospital. - Trinity University View Entire Review


In Cape Town, every day will be like a choose-your-own-adventure book, with outdoor activities to enjoy, South African residents to meet, and African cultures to learn.

While in South Africa, register for three to five courses at South Africa's leading research university, the University of Cape Town (UCT), which is located in a pleasant suburban area five miles from the City Center.  UCT is South Africa's oldest university and has undergone incredible change since its opening, particularly since the end of apartheid, working to make quality higher education available to students regardless of race.  UCT is officially recognized for its strengths in African Studies, Biology, Botany, Business, Environmental Sciences, History, Mathematics, Engineering, Sociology, and Anthropology.  

Service learning in and around Cape Town is a core component in our program as it helps you understand some of Cape Town's most pressing social issues, while contributing your skills toward a community-driven solution.  Our service learning course options in Environmental Studies, Health Studies and Sociology include completing 60 hours of volunteer work while in Cape Town. Twenty of those 60 hours will be at Egoli, a settlement that receives no government services like water or electricity.  With your help on community-driven projects, you can make a small, but life-changing contribution to the people of Egoli.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
Instruction Language(s):
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Environmental Studies
  • Economics
  • Sociology
  • Health Sciences General
Minimum GPA:
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