Harvard University

May 10, 2024

University Information

Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, whose history, influence and wealth have made it one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Harvard University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. We also hope that these first-hand accounts of education abroad from previous students at your institution will help you understand what to expect from study abroad and help you set your expectations. If you are a Harvard University student, please check with the Office of International Education for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review Independence In Indigenous Mexico Harvard University: Mexico - DRCLAS Summer Internship Program in Sustainable Development

"Yes. Be fluent in Spanish. Be willing to get your hands dirty. Get lost. Use your freedom to explore and meet new people. Don't be trapped by the expectations of what foreigners do."

Harvard University
Past Review Embracing A New Culture CIEE: Alicante - Summer Language and Culture

"yes, The art history class was one of the best I have ever taken in my academic career and improved my Spanish in the most practical way. "

Harvard University
Past Review Schwaebisch Hall: Idyllic And Rewarding Goethe Institute: Berlin - German Courses

"I could have pushed myself more academically, but especially through exploring the city by myself and interacting with locals and other students, I felt accepted in a subtly different way and learned how to really approach the mix of cultural differences and similarities - with honesty and friendliness. At first, I confess that ..."

Harvard University
Past Review Spain: I Liked It CIEE: Seville - Summer Language and Culture

"Yes, large improvement in language, well-organized program, live with a Spanish family."

Harvard University
Past Review Russia: An Experience Worth The Challenges Study Abroad Programs in Russia

"I gained comfort with Russian society, from the workplace to the home to nightlife. My time spent studying in Russia allowed me to gain relevant experience working in a field related to my academic interests, to improve my skills with the Russian language, and to gain a better understanding of the world by getting outside of my ..."

Harvard University
Past Review Studying In The West Bank Had Many Benefits Birzeit University: Birzeit - Palestine and Arab Studies Program

"My Arabic is much better than it was before. I got to visit the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, which meant a lot to me, and I gained greater understanding of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which is so influential in American foreign policy."

Harvard University
Past Review Spain: Viva La Vida Y La Educacion IES Abroad: Madrid - IES Abroad in Madrid, Summer

"I was able to drastically improve my verbal skills in Spanish and I also learned a vast amount of grammar that I would have not been able to all learn at Harvard. Being immersed in Spain while improving my Spanish skills so greatly also made me more determined to improve my Spanish and someday use it in my profession- whether it..."

Harvard University
Past Review Robin Kirkpatrick. University of Cambridge, Pembroke College: Cambridge - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My Supervison with Robin Kirkpatrick made me a Dante man -- important for my medieval academic interests. I am also more serious about going to grad school in the UK."

Harvard University
Past Review Modern Culture And Historic Roots: Studying Abroad In Alcalá De Henares Instituto Franklin-UAH: Alcalá de Henares - Study Abroad in Spain

"I gained more confidence in my Spanish speaking. I also realized that I may want to live abroad in the future. Also, it opened my eyes to a few different career opportunities and also to a new culture that was very warm and friendly."

Harvard University
Past Review Colegio De Mexico: Useful And Enjoyable. El Colegio de México: Mexico City - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"This was certainly worthwhile. My cultural understanding of Mexico was deepened, my Spanish improved (especially my academic Spanish), and my academic understanding of my field of interest is now much deeper. I also got a useful head start on my thesis research, which is already paying dividends. This experience has not chang..."

Harvard University
Past Review Pkp: A Pleasant King's Paradise University of Cambridge, Pembroke College: Cambridge - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I had a relaxing but intellectually stimulating summer--what I was looking for. I also got to travel in Europe a bit. "

Harvard University
Past Review Madrid: Divertida Y Loca IES Abroad: Madrid - IES Abroad in Madrid, Summer

"It was so much fun and I definitely advise going abroad at least once in your college career. I definitely learned a lot about the Spanish culture and even myself."

Harvard University
Past Review London: Not Life Changing But Glad I Went University of Virginia: London - Culture of London: Past and Present Summer Program

"Yes! I really enjoyed experiencing England as an English major."

Harvard University
Past Review Summer In Madrid: Language Immersion Boston University: Madrid - Spanish Studies Program, Summer

"I loved the chance to be exposed to a different culture and learned a lot from the experience. I am now planning to minor in the language and continue taking courses related to the culture of Spanish-speaking regions."

Harvard University
Past Review Avignon: Expérience Of A Lifetime Bryn Mawr: Avignon - Institut d'études Françaises d'Avignon

"After this summer, I realized that I want to study French literature in more depth. So I'm currently considering studying Romance Literature Languages (French) as my secondary. It definitely widened my perspective about the world and I feel like I have matured a little into a more emphatic person. "

Harvard University
Past Review Advaced Russian In Vladimir: A Great Summer Critical Language Scholarship Program: CLS Russian

"I improved my Russian language skills. "

Harvard University
Past Review Api Salamanca Review API (Academic Programs International): Buenos Aires - Gap Year Intensive Language Program

" Overall, my experience in Salamanca was extremely positive. I consider the town a second-home, and have already made plans to go back this spring! Studying in Salamanca made me a more adventurous, independent person. I became much more comfortable with being outside of my comfort zone, which I considered to be an invaluable s..."

Harvard University
Past Review Paris, Paris, Paris New York University: Paris - NYU Summer in Paris

"My french became better, and I loved living in the city. No matter what the program was, it would have been fantastic just to be there. "

Harvard University
04/26/2021 Two Months Of Fun, Two Months Of Online Classes Queen Mary University of London Study Abroad programme

"very worthwhile and a change of pace from my home institution. "

Harvard University
Past Review Viva Madrid IES Abroad: Madrid - IES Abroad in Madrid, Summer

"Yes. I learnt a lot through the mistakes I had made."

Harvard University