Berea College

May 4, 2024

University Information

Berea College is a liberal arts work college in Berea, Kentucky, U.S.A., founded in 1855.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Application deadlines:

  • 15 September: Berea Term Abroad (Spring)

  • 1 October: Berea International Summer Term

  • 15 February: Berea Term Abroad (Fall) and Summer Abroad

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review My Heart Is In Central America CGEE: Social Change in Central America: Exploring Peace, Justice, and Community Engagement

"I learned the influence that the United States holds over Central America; I learned that humans are incredibly strong in spirit; I learned that in our core, we are all looking for the same things in life; I learned that the world is beautiful and astounding and simple mornings in fresh air surrounded by trees will take your bre..."

Berea College
Past Review Merida, Mexico: Rigorous Academics, Cultural Immersion KIIS: Merida - Experience Merida, Summer Program

"Though I could have chose a program closer related to my interests, the program provided a very holistic experience by offering excursion experience but leaving the rest to the student to discover."

Berea College
Past Review (No Title) KIIS: Caen - Experience Caen, France (Spring Semester)

"It was worthwhile. I did this program not knowing a single other person who would be going, and it made me much more confident and independent."

Berea College
Past Review A Learning Experience AIFS: Athens - American College of Greece

"I became more outgoing and more willing to meet new people which is something that I had always struggles with before."

Berea College
Past Review A Juxtaposed Journey Of Travel And Self Reflection AIFS: Limerick - University of Limerick

"I learned about travel. Such as who to travel with, and how my personality fits with others. "

Berea College
Past Review Amazing And Tiring. KIIS: Traveling - Experience Japan (Summer)

"I gained more skill in the Japanese language. I would say it was very worthwhile."

Berea College
Past Review Spanish Sangria, Madrid Metro, Tasty Tortilla And Purple Purgatory KIIS: Sevogia - Experience Segovia Spring Semester Program

"My Spanish language skills improved dramatically. Being immersed in the culture forced me to learn the language, which was hard but rewarding. You also learn so much about yourself when you are in a foreign setting, one that is not comfortable to you. Studying in Segovia was so worthwhile. The city is beautiful, the travel was e..."

Berea College
Past Review Wanderlust ISA Study Abroad in Prague, Czech Republic

"I learned a lot about different cultures and ways of living that i think will help me view the world in a different and more meaningful way"

Berea College
Past Review Turkiye Cok Yi!! Berea College: Istanbul - Middle Eastern Cultures: Religion and Arts in Context

"This was one of the best experiences of my life! "

Berea College
Past Review Great Cultural And Mathematical Experience BSM: Budapest - Budapest Semesters in Mathematics

"I gained a greater degree of independence and got to learn about a new culture. It was definitely worth it!"

Berea College
Past Review A Short Program With Lots Of Travel KIIS: Traveling - Experience Japan (Summer)

"I have been abroad before so I was comfortable traveling to another country, but this was my first time to this country and I enjoyed my time there more than I expected. I know I will be back again, either to live or just visit."

Berea College
Past Review Unforgettable Summer In Shanghai CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Reviews from Former Locations

"The people are all different and their reaction to our culture and habits are almost as funny as our reaction to theirs. Yes. "

Berea College
Past Review Amazing Cultural Experience With A Disappointing Academic Component IISAC: Odisha - Science Semester Abroad

"Understanding how other cultures that are on the extreme opposite end of the spectrum from the culture I am from live and function. I believe that I am a more well rounded individual because of my experience and that makes it all worthwhile "

Berea College
Past Review The Experience Of A Lifetime! KIIS: Italy - Experience Italy, Summer Program

"How to deal with people with different culture"

Berea College
Past Review Challenging And Rewarding With Both Structure And Adequate Freedom. CIEE: Madrid - Engineering & Society

"It was absolutely worth it. I learned more about the ever-important skill of balancing academics with "normal life". It was a challenge to manage time in academics and play/travel/exploring. There are little things I would do differently, but I would do it again in a heart beat. "

Berea College
Past Review Great KIIS: Italy - Experience Italy, Winter Program

"i learned about the content of my class but also italian culture as a whole."

Berea College
Past Review Enriching API (Academic Programs International): Rome - John Cabot University

"I learned alot about myself and the things i find important in life"

Berea College
Past Review Mexico, An Immersive Exposure To Art And Architecture KIIS: Maya Mexico Winter

"I learned a lot about the history of Mexico and how the ancient culture is integrated into modern society. "

Berea College
Past Review Amazing Adventure In A Gorgeous Country ISA Study Abroad in Dunedin, New Zealand

"Yes it was worthwhile. I learned to become more outgoing and become friends with locals. I also learned more study skills while studying in a new country."

Berea College
Past Review A Year In Korea Keimyung University: Daegu - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I became much more confident in my language skills and hope to build upon them more. I learned how many things in the country work, such as the subway, phone service, postal system, etc. "

Berea College
Past Review Immersion In Australian Culture Is As Rewarding As The Effort That Is Applied CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Townsville - Semester in Tropical North Queensland

"It was very cool to experience another culture and get a feel for the different functionalities and perspectives of the locals on the world and their own lives."

Berea College
Past Review Decolonizing And Eliminating Stereotypes Of "Primitive" Africa CIEE: Cape Town - Arts and Sciences

"I learned that we live in a globalised society, that colonialism is still happening and its effects are devastating. I learned how different economies, systems of education and political structures function. I was very worthwhile and I'm so glad I went. "

Berea College
Past Review My Overall Experience Was Well Worth It. KIIS: Traveling - Experience Japan (Summer)

"I gained a new desire to learn more about the world around me and its similarities as well as new friends and knowledge of a different culture."

Berea College
Past Review The Adventures Of A Culturally Relativistic American KIIS: Traveling - Experience China (Summer)

"I gained new insight. I was semi-ethnocentric when I arrived, but after while I began to adopt those same ways of being. I learned that every situation you walk into came sometimes be uncomfortable, but it is ultimately up to you to make the best of it."

Berea College
Past Review Cultural Rewarding And Overall Inspirational University of Galway: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Learned how different other education structures are and was able to finally experience what it felt like to live in another country. And it was definitely worthwhile. "

Berea College