Augsburg University

February 6, 2025

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Augsburg College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. We also hope that these first-hand accounts of education abroad from previous students at your institution will help you understand what to expect from study abroad and help you set your expectations. If you are an Augsburg College student, please check with the Center for Global Education and Experience for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review The Best 4 Months Of My Life! Seriously... The Best! The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Gold Coast - Bond University

"I had no clue how my experience would turn out- I am very glad I took a leap of faith and went for it! I found a great sense of independence I never knew was there, my confidence has sky-rocketed, I am more social, and I am more open-minded to the world around me."

Augsburg University
Past Review Es War Toll! (It Was Great!) IES Abroad: Berlin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"I learned a lot. It was great to be in a situation where you could make mistakes and learn from them in very real-life scenarios. Studying abroad you kind of get thrown into a new environment and learn how to adapt and make the most of the experience."

Augsburg University
Past Review Forever Thankful For Ies Tokyo IES Abroad: Tokyo - Language & Culture

"I definitely learned how to be much more independent and also I became more confident in myself."

Augsburg University
Past Review Absolutely Incredible. CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Galway, Ireland

"About the main aspects of daily living for Irish locals. Yes!"

Augsburg College
Past Review Best Time Ever The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Gold Coast - Bond University

"I gained so much abroad. I have met my very best friend abroad who was in TEAN as well. I have learned so much about myself and who I want to be. I know I want traveling to be apart of my life forever now. I have never felt so free in my whole life! I would go back right now if someone had an extra ticket."

Augsburg College
Past Review Cyprus University of Nicosia - Global Semesters: Nicosia - Semester in Cyprus

"Overall I very much enjoyed this program, but some improvements could have been made. First being more group activities and trips for Semester in Cyprus. Secondly, our Gabriel apartment had horrible furniture and did not provided adequate cleaning supplies "

Augsburg College
Past Review Carrying Kindness Forward IES Abroad: Dublin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"I learned how to be more independent and, on the opposite side, I learned that it is okay to ask for help when you need it. Many times it is actually the strong thing to do."

Augsburg College
Past Review Organized And Fun Study Abroad Experience! American College of Greece: Athens - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"That people are a lot more important to me then they used to be. People in Greece truly care for each other and I want to make an effort to do the same here. "

Augsburg College
Past Review Living In Wanderlust Down Unda The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Gold Coast - Bond University

"Going to Australia and living half way across the world taught me to open my eyes and mind to the endless possibilities that the world has to offer. I shared countless experiences of laughter and excitement with friends from all over the world. The lessons I learned in my 4 month period abroad taught me more than any text book..."

Augsburg College
Past Review 5 Islands, 3 Countries, 10 Pounds, & No Regrets The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Wellington - Victoria University of Wellington

"I gained insight into how other parts of the world live and learned about their values, customs, and norms. It was leap outside of my comfort zone and allowed me open my eyes even more to opportunities, sites, and experiences I never thought I would have. I learned from TEAN to think: "It's not wrong, it's just different." Th..."

Augsburg College
Past Review The Best Experience Ever CGEE: Windhoek - Nation-Building, Globalization, and Decolonizing the Mind

"A better sense of place; greater independence"

Augsburg College
Past Review Living In Paris Cannot Be Described In Words CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Paris, France

"I came back from Paris a different person. Not drastically different, but different nonetheless. I was scared of this concept before I left, but it's truly a change for the better. Living in Paris, even if only for a semester, is a lasting experience. As corny as it sounds, it'll get inside, and it doesn't go away after coming h..."

Augsburg College
Past Review Study At University Of St. Andrews University of St. Andrews: St. Andrews - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"YES YES YES!!! I came to understand a lot about myself and I feel much more confident now in social and travel situations because of my time abroad. I also gained a different perspective on America by discussing the US with people from other countries. I formed lasting friendships and hope to be able to return soon to visit. Als..."

Augsburg College