4.3 - 6 Reviews

Brandeis University


Brandeis University is a program provider offering 1 abroad program. Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs in 1 country such as Italy.

The mission of the Office of Study Abroad at Brandeis University is to help all students take advantage of the opportunity to live and learn in a new and different cultural context. The staff of the Office of Study Abroad work to ensure that students have access to educational experiences that foster their development as global citizens. We strive to provide students with opportunities to develop the skills required to address the challenges of our increasingly interconnected world.

Brandeis-Led Study Abroad Programs are sponsored by the Office of Study Abroad and are either led or overseen by Brandeis faculty. Building on strong connections in Denmark and Italy, Brandeis University has developed these unique academic programs for undergraduate students. The programs embody the distinctive elements of a Brandeis education including the intense intellectual engagement students share with our cutting-edge faculty; rich experiential learning opportunities; and the university's longstanding commitment to global engagement and social justice.

Study Abroad with Brandeis University

Based on 6 Reviews
Overall Experience
September 14, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Brandeis in Siena: Making, Seeing, and Mastering Art in Tuscany
Brandeis in Siena: Making, Seeing, and Mastering Art in Tuscany

The Brandeis in Siena program is a two-course, intensive summer program combining Studio Art and Art History in Siena, Italy. The program is a culturally immersive, experi...


1 review