USAC Germany: Lüneburg - German Language, European and Sustainability/Environmental Studies

1 recent review

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The Lüneburg program is ideal for students interested in learning the German language and focusing on European Studies—specifically Germany’s role within the European Union. Through formal coursework and personal interaction with the host culture,... read more

All Reviews

Based on 1 Review
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
I learned how to confidently interact with people who don't speak my native language and gained lots of self confidence in the process - Northern Arizona University View Entire Review
I think I gained a lot of confidence and independence, I had been abroad before in a non-academic setting but four months in a foreign country where I traveled a lot really pushed me into a new part of my life. I also understand the relationship of language to identity a lot more and feel like I can really understand immigration... - University of Maine - Orono View Entire Review
I gained so much from this experience and I appreciate the opportunity. I would 100 percent move to Germany again and I plan on it. I fell in love with the country more than I thought and I can thank this experience. While I would not use this program again, I can say that with it's ups and down's it was a nice experience. - University of Nevada – Las Vegas View Entire Review
Study abroad is not a joke. If a student's study abroad priority is to vacation, travel, meet neat American from all over the US and party, you would be better in a different program in a larger city with a light class load. If you are interested in really studying a culture, learning the language aggressively and working hard ... - Salisbury University View Entire Review
Past Review Great
To see how college students live, interact, and conduct themselves overall. It was worthwhile. - University of Maine - Orono View Entire Review
I would look for a less expensive dorm closer to university - Clemson University View Entire Review
Amazing friends, a real understanding of the culture, things I appreciate or take for granted and new things that I am bringing back to the states! - University of Maine at Orono View Entire Review
My ability to empathize with people from other cultures has grown tremendously. I truely know what it is like to live in a foreign land where you do not know or understand the day to day workings of that society. - University of the Pacific View Entire Review
I learned a lot about myself and I met so many incredible people. It was worthwhile but at times, it was also a huge struggle. - University of the Pacific View Entire Review
This was GREAT. I was glad for the support, and it allowed me to learn more of the German language and culture than if I was studying it here. I definitely gained an understanding of what it might be like for immigrants or visitors to the U.S., and Germany to me was such a comfortable culture I wish I had been there long and lea... - Trevecca Nazarene University View Entire Review
The best thing to come out of this study abroad program was the time I spent away from the staff! - Northeastern Illinois University View Entire Review
I was able to perfect my German speaking ability, writing comprehension, and confidence in language - Goucher College View Entire Review
I absolutely loved being in Germany and there was time to travel around the country and see how diverse of a place it is. However I really went to Germany to an educational experience and I didn't get that. Part of the problem with the summer program is that it does not match up with the German university schedule. For half of t... - Texas A&M - College Station View Entire Review
No words can accurately describe what I have gained from studying abroad. It was most certainly worthwhile, and I will do anything and everything possible to return. - West Texas A&M University View Entire Review
I can now read and understand most German and even help explain grammar topics better. I can hold more abstract conversations. - Berea College View Entire Review
It was 100% worthwhile. I learned more about myself than I think I ever have at my university in the US. Through travel I learned confidence, through the program I learned to take risks with language, and how to evolve and adapt to new situations. I'll be going back to the United States knowing that I am a stronger, more wel... - Virginia Commonwealth University / VCU View Entire Review
Of course, this experience was worthwhile and I'm so glad I did it. I grow as a person. I learned so much about myself, other cultures, and my own. - Colorado State University View Entire Review
Overall, I would definitely recommend this program. I would only make small recommendations to improve the program - University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse View Entire Review
Past Review Great Experience
I learned much about european culture, I traveled a lot. It was a great experience! - Metropolitan State University of Denver View Entire Review
It was absolutely worthwhile! Aside from learning German, a whole new language to me, I learned a lot about myself from being completely out of my comfort zone and facing a lot of new challenges - University of Nevada - Reno View Entire Review
International perspective - Western Washington University View Entire Review
- Western Washington University View Entire Review
It was amazing! Now I want to see the whole world!! - University of North Dakota View Entire Review
I had fun but wish that my program would have tried harder at making sure that the learning of the language was a priority for students who wanted it to be and made sure that there were resources to help them do so. - Western Washington University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with USAC: Luneburg - German Language, European Studies, and Engineering
Outstanding program which is affordable and a chance of a lifetime. I would highly encourage students to take this opportunity. - University of Nevada - Reno View Entire Review


The Lüneburg program is ideal for students interested in learning the German language and focusing on European Studies—specifically Germany’s role within the European Union. Through formal coursework and personal interaction with the host culture, you will greatly expand your language skills and knowledge of German society. Lüneburg offers students the quality of life of a smaller community without sacrificing the cultural resources and activities of a large metropolitan city. Lüneburg is also only 30 minutes away from the former East Germany, providing a unique vantage point from which to study the dynamics of reunification. The program offers three diverse academic areas: German Language, European Studies, and Engineering. The intensive language approach allows you to complete up to two years of university language requirements in one semester. Additional courses in economics, history, culture, art history, literature, intercultural communication, politics, and engineering are taught in German or English to provide a well-rounded curriculum. You may choose to stay for one semester, a full year, or choose do partake in a summer sesssion. However, the academic courses are only a part of the intended value of a program abroad. Participation in cultural activities, festivals, and field trips to Hamburg, Celle, Bremen and an optional tour to Berlin also form an integral part of the program.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Intensive Language
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Summer
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
  • German
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • European Studies
  • Western European Studies
  • German Studies
  • Germanic Languages, Literature
  • German Language, Literature
  • Business
  • International Business
Minimum GPA:
Year Founded:
Take me there!


USAC Scholarships

USAC awards over $500,000 in scholarships and discounts each year to assist students with their study abroad expenses. We have a variety of funding opportunities available for students enrolled in USAC programs. We also encourage students to research online for additional sources of financial aid and external scholarships for study abroad students. Additional scholarship information and application instructions will be provided on your Student Gateway account once you apply to a USAC program.


October 1 (for spring) and April 1 (for summer and fall/yearlong)

If you have questions regarding scholarships, feel free to contact the USAC Scholarship Coordinator at





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