Sea|mester: S/Y Argo - Global Voyages

2 recent reviews

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Sea|mester Programs offers 80- and 90-day fall and spring semesters along with 20- and 40-day summer semesters. All programs are full-time, live-aboard experiential education voyages with academic credit from the University of South Florida in oce... read more

All Reviews

Based on 2 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
April 09, 2024 Not Safe. Do Not Go.
I learned not to trust this program and that this program will not protect its students. And if something does happen, you will also receive punishment for coming forward about it. - University of Washington View Entire Review
Past Review Taking The Helm
What I wanted from school - Upper Iowa University View Entire Review
It was unbelievable. This program reshaped the direction of my life and put me on the right track. - Colorado College View Entire Review
Seamester opened my eyes to another world; the world of sailing and yacht life. I learned that I can live with 30 other people for 90 days on a 112 foot sail boat and enjoy every minute of it! I learned that I loved to sail and being able to navigate my way around the worlds oceans. It was definitely the trip of a lifetime. Each... - University of Arkansas - Fayetteville View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with Sea|mester: S/Y Argo - Global Voyages
I learned so many things on so many different topics: sailing, living in close quarters with others, team-work, cooking, washing, cleaning, boat handling, sail rigging, navigation, marine science, etc. But most importantly we were taught integrity and responsibility. - University of Wisconsin - Madison View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with Sea|mester: S/Y Argo - Global Voyages
Taking chances and trying new things is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Approach each new situation with an open mind and easy attitude and be grateful for every moment. Know that there will be things that you may not like or that you disagree with, but that's just life and if you focus on the positive you'll find t... - University of Hawaii - Hilo View Entire Review
Yes, absolutely worthwhile. I think it has made me a significantly better human being with global awareness & consciousness for the impact of my actions on the wider world. - Skidmore College View Entire Review
September 28, 2023 Peak Of My Life
Learned how to be uncomfortable and live a lifestyle like no other - Middlebury College View Entire Review
nautical knowledge and cultural knowledge from everywhere we visited. yes, very worthwhile. - University of Central Florida View Entire Review
Past Review Do It!
One of the best things I've ever managed to do. Wish I could have spent every semester on the water. - Drexel University View Entire Review
Seamester opened my eyes to another world. The world of sailing and yacht life. I learned that I can live with 30 other people for 90 days on a 112 foot sail boat and enjoy every minute of it! I learned that I loved to sail and being able to navigate my way around the worlds oceans. It was definitely the trip of a lifetime. Each... - University of Arkansas - Fayetteville View Entire Review
I can't put in one box what I learned. I became a different, more confident, happier, more flexible person and it was 100% worthwhile. - Muhlenberg College View Entire Review
Independence and confidence in myself. This program changed my outlook on life for the better! - University of Virginia View Entire Review
I earned hours and experience for my captains license - the program was absolutely worthwhile, this experience changed my entire approach to how I see the world. - Rochester Institute of Technology View Entire Review


Sea|mester Programs offers 80- and 90-day fall and spring semesters along with 20- and 40-day summer semesters. All programs are full-time, live-aboard experiential education voyages with academic credit from the University of South Florida in oceanography, marine biology, seamanship and leadership. Students undertake research and service projects with local government and private organizations while simultaneously working toward certifications in sailing and scuba diving. Students live aboard S/Y Argo, our 112-foot schooner. No experience is necessary. Voyages are available on Argo in the Caribbean and worldwide destinations with ocean crossings. Learn more about Sea|mester at or call the office any time at 941-924-2900.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Gap Year
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Summer
  • Spring
Instruction Language(s):
  • English
Language Requirement(s):
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Environmental Studies
  • Environmental Science
  • Biology and Biomedical Sciences
  • Marine Sciences
Minimum GPA:
Year Founded:
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