Nanyang Technological University: Singapore - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
Nanyang Technological University
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Nanyang Technological University: Singapore - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
Nanyang Technological University: Singapore - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
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Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is a leading institution of higher education in the Asia-Pacific region. We offer broad-based and multi-disciplinary curricula that include schools of engineering, life sciences, communications, art, business... read more
All Reviews
I made friends from all over the world, and traveled across SE Asia Kimberly Ortleb - The University of Texas at Austin View Entire Review
The friends that I made abroad made my experience. They were other exchange students but I loved making those connections and experiencing traveling with them. It was worth it to pick a place that isn't high-destination. It was humbling to experience life in South East Asia (while Singapore is modern, most countries are not). A student - The University of Texas at Austin View Entire Review
Learned a lot about traveling and how eye opening the rest of the world lives. Yes it was worthwhile. Malena C - The University of Texas at Austin View Entire Review
I learned how to be independent and to be less afraid of the unknown. It was definitely a worthwhile experience because I learned a lot about myself. A student - The University of Texas at Austin View Entire Review
Overall, I think I learned to ask questions. Learning about different cultures is fascinating, but talking to the people who live these different cultures every day was one of the best things I will take back with me. The experience was more than worthwhile. Jacqueline K - The University of Texas at Austin View Entire Review
Yes it was worth while A student - Bentley University View Entire Review

It was completely worthwhile. I travelled to 8 different countries, made so many new friends, learned about a completely different culture, saw an area of the world that I would not have gone to otherwise. sarah.giles.1232 - The University of Texas at Austin View Entire Review
It was beyond worthwhile. I learned more than I ever thought I would while abroad. I gained so many new experiences and learned a lot about myself and the world. Most importantly I learned (the hard way) that I can do anything by myself. I cannot begin to put into words how amazing Singapore and Southeast Asia are. I want to go ... A student - Bentley University View Entire Review
My experience abroad solidified the notion that I've always had - I want to work abroad or travel within my career path. Traveling is something I must be doing. Trang N - Ithaca College View Entire Review
Yes, it was completely worthwhile, and I would recommend Singapore to anyone who's wondering where to go abroad. Maggie L - Elon University View Entire Review
I learned to be more independent, patient, humble, and adventurous. Going abroad forced me to become more adventurous and that was good for me. I think it was worthwhile for sure. Asma A - The University of Texas at Austin View Entire Review
I learned how to be more independent and manage my time well while I traveled to other countries every weekend and manage school and socializing. Traveling and trying new things opened my eyes to new cultures and having an opportunity to immerse myself in it. Definitely worthwhile and made lifelong friends. Meg W - The University of Texas at Austin View Entire Review
Learned a LOT about cultures and cultural differences in Asia! Michelle M - The University of Texas at Austin View Entire Review
It was very worthwhile but I think the most important thing that I learned is that I do not wish to live and work in Asia. If I had not studied in Singapore, I might not know that and might have taken the opportunity blindly later on. I also gained a more international perspective, from both Asian citizens and European, South Am... Tara K - The University of Texas at Austin View Entire Review
I learned that what makes a country great is not necessarily its size or the natural resources it possesses but instead the will of its people and the effective leadership of its government. Carlos L - Nanyang Technological University View Entire Review

I needed to be in an entirely different culture to learn the secret- that despite differences in ancestry, language, history, and religion, human beings are pretty much the same wherever they might be. This trip was the best experience of my life and I highly recommend it to future study abroad applicants! A student - Bentley University View Entire Review
I've been to Singapore many times before going to the exchange program, which was also the reason why I decided to study there. Being a tourist and actually live there is two completely different experiences. I met many friends from all over the world in Singapore. I learned about the cultures and exposed myself to different thi... Glosso - The University of Texas at Austin View Entire Review

Being from Thailand, I think it's really important for me to understand Singapore culture. It was a great experience and I can't believe one semester was over already. pineow - Bentley University View Entire Review
It was interesting to be in the racial minority for the first time in my life, as well as go to places where I didn't speak the native language. Rose Z - Olin College View Entire Review
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is a leading institution of higher education in the Asia-Pacific region. We offer broad-based and multi-disciplinary curricula that include schools of engineering, life sciences, communications, art, business, humanities and the social sciences. More than twenty percent of our undergraduate students hail from Asia-Pacific, including Indonesia, Malaysia, China, India, Thailand and Vietnam. To complement our diverse student population, we offer comprehensive global education opportunities with top-notch universities, including MIT, Stanford, Waseda, Tokyo University, Beida, Fudan, Indian Institutes of Technology and Cornell. NTU offers a rich array of Global Programmes for both incoming international exchange students as well as outgoing students.
Program Type(s):
Study AbroadProgram Length(s):
- Fall
- Spring
- Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
- English
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