IES Abroad: Madrid - Engineering, Math & Science

2 recent reviews

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As the leading center of industry, commerce, and technology research in Spain, Madrid is an ideal city to study engineering, architecture, and science and their applications in the professional world.This program is designed for engineering, archi... read more

All Reviews

Based on 2 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
I learned a lot about independence having to commute to school and cook for myself almost every night as well as confidence in myself and my language abilities that I would not have gained otherwise. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I learned to travel cheap, to respect other cultures and learn about them. - Pennsylvania State University - University Park / Penn State View Entire Review
I improved my Spanish skills significantly and experienced so many new places and cultures. - Vanderbilt University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with IES Abroad: Madrid - Engineering, Architecture & Science
I improved my Spanish language, had the opportunity to learn about Spanish culture first-hand, met many inspirational American and Spanish students, and became a more confident and independent person. It was immensely worthwhile and I would do it again in a heartbeat! - Villanova University View Entire Review
The biggest thing I learned from my experience studying in Madrid is that the world is much bigger than we think. There is so much history and culture that can be unlocked by just learning another language, and usually learning a language is easier when immersed in the environment. - University of Rochester View Entire Review
I gained new travel skills that I will take with me for the rest of my life. I learned how to examine culture and how it shapes society. I also gained confidence in entering new or different situations. - United States Naval Academy View Entire Review
Past Review La Vida Loca!
It was definitely worth it! I think letting myself get lost with my friends and learning how to use a real map rather than GPS always ended with an interesting story! Overall, I expanded my cultural awareness and widened my horizons, which is a must-do in your 20s. The incredible experiences I had and the long-lasting relationsh... - University of Rochester View Entire Review
Learned how to live in a bustling European metropolis. Learned how to travel and navigate other european capitols. Also learned some Spanish, Fluid Dynamics, Thermodynamics, and Machine Theory - Vanderbilt University View Entire Review
Past Review Short But Sweet
It was absolutely worthwhile! I learned more about the language, specifically colloquial words/phrases. I also learned a lot about myself. - Lafayette College View Entire Review
Now, I embrace the unknown and find possibility in uncertainty. - Haverford College View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with IES Abroad: Madrid - Engineering, Architecture & Science
It was an incredibly worthwhile experience to study abroad. I experienced being outside of my comfort zone, adjusting to a different culture, and learning a new language. I learned to see every moment (good, bad, and awkward) as a learning experience. I enjoyed widening my worldview, trying new things, and keeping my mind open t... - University of Rochester View Entire Review
I learned that the world is such a big place, and it is important to leave your comfort zone and go see as much as you can. This experience also helped me realize the importance of respecting and not judging things about another culture that I may not understand. - University of Rochester View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with IES Abroad: Madrid - Madrid - Engineering, Architecture & Science Program
As an engineering student, I loaded up on credits early on to make the opportunity of life abroad a reality. Like most engineers the options were limited, and as soon as Madrid was on the table I snatched it up and have yet to look back. Before the program, I had traveled to one other country and had a college career filled with... - University of Maryland - College Park View Entire Review
I was able to immerse myself in a new culture and explore places I would have never had the opportunity to see otherwise. I became more independent and confident, and it was definitely worthwhile. - Vanderbilt University View Entire Review
I gained a greater appreciation for the world. It sounds cheesey, but I think in America we get so caught up in American politics and American issues, we forget how much else is out there. I realized how foolish I was for not knowing anything about Spanish politics when all the Spanish people knew so much about American politics... - Vanderbilt University View Entire Review
It's incredible how different cultures in other developed countries are and the only was to see those differences is to live in that culture. - Santa Clara University View Entire Review


As the leading center of industry, commerce, and technology research in Spain, Madrid is an ideal city to study engineering, architecture, and science and their applications in the professional world.

This program is designed for engineering, architecture, and science students who want to take courses taught in English or Spanish at two prestigious and academically-challenging universities — Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Universidad CEU San Pablo. Specialize your studies with a range of engineering courses, from aerospace to mechanical. General architecture courses—including introduction to architecture, drafting, and design courses—offer you unique insights to your field. Science courses provide you with the chance to study pharmaceutical science as well as food sciences, with courses in biology and chemistry, too. Mix disciplines or focus on a single field for more concentrated studies.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
  • Spanish
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Architectural Engineering
  • Spanish Language, Literature
  • Mathematics, Statistics
  • Economics
Minimum GPA:
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