IES Abroad: London - Study London

6 recent reviews

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An urban adventure awaits you in London, one of the largest and most fascinating cities in Europe. With our Study London Program, you get a hands-on education in this iconic city—think: Big Ben, Parliament, Buckingham Palace—and all it has to offe... read more

All Reviews

Based on 6 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
I gained a greater sense of confidence and independence. London is a huge city, so not only did I have to embrace a new culture, I had to learn how to live in a fast-paced big city. I also gained a new sense of self and way to perceive the world around me. After being abroad, I can look through my world through a totally new per... - Trinity College View Entire Review
I learned that some of the best things in life are not materialistic and that there is something to be said about the friendships you make while exploring the world. - Trinity University View Entire Review
My horizons were broadened perhaps most in terms of culture and academics. I was exposed to such a vibrant lifestyle through my meaningful studies about London and the world. It was challenging but incredibly worthwhile. - Indiana University - Bloomington View Entire Review
Past Review London Calling
I gained a lot fo independance and time management. - Indiana University - Bloomington View Entire Review
The experience I had through IES is incomparable to anything I have previously done. I learned so much through not only classes but also personal development. I gained more self confidence, drive, lifelong friends, and a love for travel. I am extremely grateful for IES and IES staff for assisting me when meeting but allowing ... - Indiana University - Bloomington View Entire Review
I gained a sense of myself that I didn't know was there. There is something so raw about being practically on your own in a foreign country and having the freedom to basically do whatever you want. I met people and experienced things that have forever shaped me into the person I am today. - Indiana University - Bloomington View Entire Review
This opportunity could not have come at a more perfect time. I had just finished my most grueling semester of college and my terms were coming to an end for my positions in both my business and social fraternity. I felt the need to break from the mundane and try something completely new, and the Study London program through IES ... - Indiana University - Bloomington View Entire Review
Past Review Take Me Back!
Studying abroad makes you grow as a person. You're in a different country, living on your own and fending for yourself for the first time. You don't have mom and dad nearby to help you in emergencies. You become independent and adventurous because this is a once in a lifetime experience, and you don't want to miss out on anythin... - Indiana University - Bloomington View Entire Review
I gained confidence, self-reliance, independence, professional skills, and an enhanced perspective - Knox College View Entire Review
Every day is an adventure and there really is no such thing as getting lost. It's all part of the adventure. Keep an open mind and open heart and the world is yours for the taking. - University of Hartford View Entire Review
The Health Practice and Policy program through IES Abroad in London was such an amazing opportunity. The courses that I took were relevant to my major and I gained some important skills while studying abroad. Not only did I learn from the academics during the semester, I also learned so much while experiencing the culture in Lon... - Simmons College View Entire Review
Yes. My trip was definitely worthwhile. - Pennsylvania State University View Entire Review
Past Review Amazing!
I gained independence. - IUPUI View Entire Review
Past Review London With Ies
Through this program I got to live, study, and work in London, one of the most dynamic cities in the world. In my time abroad I gained an understanding of my place in the world and developed a much better sense of myself. - Seattle University View Entire Review
Past Review Can I Go Back?
I learned so much about myself on the trip. I am much more aware as a person, my sense of direction has greatly improved and I'm more comfortable outside of my comfort zone! - Pennsylvania State University - University Park / Penn State View Entire Review
From this experience, I was able to learn that I am capable of taking care of myself, being comfortable in a new environment, and to not be afraid to try new things. Many people say that England and America must be very similar, and while that is fairly true, there are still so many differences and unique experiences there. In ... - Indiana University - Bloomington View Entire Review
I learned a lot about myself through traveling, and how similar and different people from different countries can be. - Indiana University - Bloomington View Entire Review
I learned how to be an independent adult. I can now manage a budget and feel more confident to do things by myself. This is by far one of the most worthwhile experiences anyone can have! - Indiana University - Bloomington View Entire Review
I learned so much from my time abroad that it is hard to condense the experience into words. I learned about myself and my ability to adjust to new and challenging situations. I discovered how rewarding it can be to completely leave your preconceptions of yourself and others behind so that you can find common ground and interest... - Indiana University - Bloomington View Entire Review
One of the most important things to mention is that although the program and the staff are very much there for you, their structure of the program also encourages everyone to be the main driver in their experience, both academically and socially. As a result, you learn to be incredibly independent in a foreign country and learn... - Connecticut College View Entire Review
Without a doubt this experience was worthwhile and life changing. Through IES abroad, I was able to gain sense of perspective about the world. I learned a lot about myself and independence. IES facilitated an environment in which their students could thrive and find success. - Loyola University Chicago View Entire Review
Past Review Study London
I think I am much more capable to fending for myself while traveling or acclimating to new cultures. It was definitely worth the experience. - Indiana University - Bloomington View Entire Review
I learned a lot about myself and became more independent. - George Washington University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with IES Abroad: London - IES Abroad London Center
I learned that sometimes in order to learn, you need to burst out of your comfort zone and explore independently. You can't be afraid of going across the world by yourself because everyone is in the same exact boat as you, sailing away to the most amazing experience of their lives. It was 100% worthwhile!! - Pennsylvania State University - University Park View Entire Review
As a result of my experience abroad, I gained confidence in my abilities to live on my own in a new place. I learned about London and the people who live in it, and gained a greater understanding and appreciation of British culture. I also had the opportunity to meet a diverse group of students from universities across the Unit... - Pennsylvania State University - University Park View Entire Review


An urban adventure awaits you in London, one of the largest and most fascinating cities in Europe. With our Study London Program, you get a hands-on education in this iconic city—think: Big Ben, Parliament, Buckingham Palace—and all it has to offer.

The goal of our 40+-year-old program is to help you explore contemporary London, both physically and culturally. Gain a deeper knowledge of British culture, including the central importance of history to the British. Explore the global impact of Britain on Western culture, including art, literature, and financial and political systems.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
Instruction Language(s):
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Ethnic, Cultural Minority, Gender, and Group Studies
  • British Literature
  • Cultural Studies
  • Psychology
  • Economics
  • International Relations
  • Sociology
  • Drama, Theater, Theatre Arts
  • Fine Arts, Studio Arts
  • Finance, Financial Services
  • International Business
  • History
Minimum GPA:
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