CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Florence Internship Program

1 recent review

CEA CAPA Education Abroad

  1381 reviews for 41 programs

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Did you know that almost 2 million talented and creative students, like you, will graduate and enter the job market at the same time? Have you considered ways to rise above your competition and get the job you want? CEA CAPA’s internships in Flore... read more

All Reviews

Based on 1 Review
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
it is incredible. I learned so much about myself and what I want to do with my life. Being apart of the internship program and understanding the italian working culture is something I will keep with me for the rest of my life - University of Arizona View Entire Review


Did you know that almost 2 million talented and creative students, like you, will graduate and enter the job market at the same time? Have you considered ways to rise above your competition and get the job you want? CEA CAPA’s internships in Florence provide you with the opportunity to gain the experience and skills employers seek!  From fashion houses to design companies to major wine labels, Florence hosts world-renowned brands, small and family businesses, and traditional artisan workshops. Our semester and summer programs feature a 160-hour placement combined with a 3-credit academic seminar designed to support you over the course of your pre-professional experience in Florence. You'll enjoy personalized assistance from student advisors and our onsite staff, who tailor placements that help meet your academic and professional goals.

Learn more about CEA CAPA Programs in Florence.

Program Type(s):
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Summer
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Food Science, Food Technology
  • Architecture
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Public Relations, Advertising, Applied Communication
  • Culinary Arts
  • Education
  • Teacher Education by Level
  • Teacher Education by Subjects
  • Social Sciences
  • Visual and Performing Arts
  • Digital Arts
  • Design and Applied Arts
  • Fine Arts, Studio Arts
  • Hospitality Administration
  • Marketing
  • Fashion Merchandising
  • Fashion / Apparel Design
Minimum GPA:
Year Founded:
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CEA CAPA Education Abroad Scholarships

CEA CAPA is committed to increasing access to study and interning abroad. We offer more than $2 million each year in scholarships, affiliations, and grant programs. CEA CAPA scholarships are available to students on programs of three weeks or more. All scholarships require students to complete an application, and not all scholarships are available each term. FEA scholarships are administered by the Fund for Education Abroad, a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing access to study abroad.


Program Start Date: (Apply by Date) - January (Oct. 15) - March-April (Nov. 15) - May (March 1) - June-July (May 1) - August-October (May 1)

Scholarship awards vary from $100 - $5,000 according to need, program duration, and location. Content Creator and Alumni Ambassador funding varies and is disbursed following successful completion of program activities. Scholarships are very competitive. Students are encouraged to use thoughtful, concrete examples in the essay questions, include all required financial documents, and proofread carefully before submitting. Late essays or forms will not be accepted, and incomplete applications will not be reviewed. This scholarship cannot be combined with CEA CAPA Opportunity Scholarships - participants may apply for only one of these scholarships. *Please note, deadlines for Spring '24 Scholarships have now passed.*


