Arcadia: Dublin - University College Dublin

8 recent reviews

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University College Dublin (UCD) is Ireland’s largest university, with 30,000 students drawn from 136 countries, and is a leading international research university with significant links to industry. As a student, you’ll benefit from multiple optio... read more

All Reviews

Based on 8 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
I gained knowledge on Irish history and culture. I also understood for the first time what it truly means to be a foreigner. I am still getting used to being back in America. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I learned not only the context around computer science when it comes to research but also the place of Ireland within the world of computer science. I personally thought it was worth it because I got to see if I enjoyed computer science research and I also got to explore a country whose culture I've never been exposed to before ... - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I find that my time abroad pushed me towards greater independence and taught me to overcome certain obstacles that I wouldn't have encountered otherwise. The differences in culture and education styles shifted my view as a student, and makes me excited to continue exploring new destinations and making new connections. My time ab... - Brandeis University View Entire Review
January 15, 2023 Pobail
An experience like this gives you that boost of confidence that you can just get up and move to different continent and things will for the most part work out. It's so valuable to have the chance to start fresh somewhere and build a routine up from scratch. - Middlebury College View Entire Review
I understood that there is more to this world than the US and so the program has give me the want to explore more. - Trinity University View Entire Review
I gained an appreciation for a world and a culture much bigger than myself. Compared to Europe, America is basically a new country, and Europe was just so full of history, cultures, and traditions to learn and partake in. I also found a strength and an ability in myself that I wasn't sure I had- I jumped headfirst into situation... - Trinity University View Entire Review
Abroad was an incredible experience and Ireland was truly worthwhile - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Past Review Felt Like Home!
I learned that putting yourself out there and going somewhere totally different where you don't know anyone is worth it. I had not connections in Ireland and it didn't matter. People are friendly and welcoming and I left feeling like I had found another home and built a little family of my own. - Trinity University View Entire Review
I learned a lot about myself and global issues. - University of Minnesota - Twin Cities View Entire Review
I learned how to live independently in someone else's culture. I learned a lot of my own personal limits as well as a rich history and culture of a new place with so much character and heart that I'm lucky to be able to consider a second home now. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with Arcadia: Dublin - University College Dublin
I loved studying abroad. I felt like I learned so much about myself, what I want out of my education, and my future. Because of the atmosphere at UCD, I spent a lot of time in the city on my own, and I am so grateful for the independence that I learned as a result. I also traveled at lot which was convenient since I rarely had w... - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Dealing with a different school curriculum and culture opened me up to alternative spectrums to observe my surroundings. One view may be different than the other, but neither is right or wrong. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
It was definitely worthwhile; I learned new things about myself, that I am fully capable carving out a space for myself in a foreign area without anyone familiar nearby. I also was exposed to a taste of Irish culture and history. - Providence College View Entire Review
I am not sure yet. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
March 26, 2024 Great
I enjoyed being in a different culture. Was worth while - Middlebury College View Entire Review
It was very worthwhile. I was able to receive a lot of credit towards my major at Middlebury and learned a ton throughout the year. - Middlebury College View Entire Review
Independence, but was very expensive - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I learned how to travel on my own to different countries and how to budget in a very different way than I previously had to. I also learned how to better communicate with loved ones back in America. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Learned how to be more independent and that people live very different lives in other countries; also that Irish culture is super laid back. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Past Review Irish Adventures
Going abroad was definitely worthwhile. Most of the experience i had to pay for myself, which made it more worthwhile to know i had earned my trip. Also the confidence i gained and knowledge to know i could get myself around on my own was invaluable. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
It was definitely a worthwhile experience. I felt like I learned sooo much about Irish history and culture, which is so rich and fascinating. I also definitely learned a lot about being on my own, cooking my own food, paying for everything myself, etc. That was a valuable lesson on independence and the kind of support system I w... - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Past Review Dublin Is Great!
I felt like I learned a lot about Irish culture, and American culture in turn, by comparison. I also feel miles more independent. - Kenyon College View Entire Review
I learned a lot about what it was like to be independent as well as how much of a responsibility it is to plan trips. - The Catholic University of America View Entire Review
No matter where you go abroad, you will learn countless skills--from living without wifi to navigating the crazy streets in a place where you do not speak the language and you lost your map. You learn to be independent and how to fend for yourself. You also learn a lot about your own biases and culture by constantly experiencing... - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Past Review Dark
Cherish life, make thoughtful decisions. Yes, it was a learning experience. - Brandeis University View Entire Review


University College Dublin (UCD) is Ireland’s largest university, with 30,000 students drawn from 136 countries, and is a leading international research university with significant links to industry. As a student, you’ll benefit from multiple options for study at one of its seven colleges, including at The AACSB-accredited Quinn School of Business, rated one of the best business schools in all of Europe.Combining the best of city and campus life, the campus is located a few miles outside central Dublin, on 328 acres, and features a Student Centre, health and fitness center, Olympic-size pool, student cinema, Global Lounge and a Woodland Walk.  You can choose from over 140 clubs and societies.

Special Feature: Ireland Connect- This is an Optional Cornerstone Course at Arcadia Center to explore the connections between ancient and modern Ireland through excursions and site visits.

Travel to fascinating places of interest that enhance your cultural immersion and give a meaningful context to your academic courses. Here is a sampling:

  • Belfast Weekend

  • Giant's Causeway

  • Cliffs of Moher

  • Bunratty Castle & Folk Park

  • Game of Thrones set locations

  • and more...

Arcadia is a nationally recognized leader in higher education, offering exceptional study, research and internship experiences for students from colleges and universities across the US. Our unique combination of customized, diverse academic programming and comprehensive support allows students to explore new worlds, get to know themselves, boost their resumes for future job opportunities and graduate school, and experience the incredible growth and shifts in perspective that a culturally immersive experience can deliver.

Please check our website for dates and the latest program information.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Agriculture
  • Architecture and Related Services
  • Computer and Information Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
  • Foods and Nutrition
  • English Language and Literature
  • Liberal Arts, General Studies
  • Neurobiology, Neurosciences
  • Mathematics, Statistics
  • Biological and Physical Sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Psychology
  • Archeology
  • Criminology
  • Economics
  • Political Science and Government
  • Sociology
  • Drama, Theater, Theatre Arts
  • Film, Video, Photographic Arts
  • Music
  • Business
  • Business Communications
  • History
  • Art History, Criticism and Conservation
Minimum GPA:
Take me there!


Arcadia Scholarships

Arcadia aims to help students for whom financial assistance can mean the difference between participating on an Arcadia program and staying home. Arcadia scholarships are awarded to eligible applicants based on need. Approximately 70% of study abroad students who apply for aid from Arcadia receive some form of award


Applications are received on a rolling basis.

Only students who have been accepted to a program from Arcadia Abroad will be considered for an award.



