Study Abroad in Field Programs in Rwanda
Below you will find our list of Study Abroad and Internship programs located in remote or field locations in Rwanda. It is an index to international education in Rwanda listing university level study abroad, internships, volunteer and intensive language school programs oriented to American college and university students. Some pre-college and post-graduate options are also included. We invite you to read the student reviews, see the ratings scores and use this site to compare programs and understand what other students have encountered during their education abroad.
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ThinkImpact is excited to announce that applications are being accepted fora 6-week, Institute on Social Innovation in Rwanda. Scholars will catalyze social innovation, an...
On a Dragons program in Africa, expect to learn the basics of local languages, visit various non-governmental agencies, and investigate expressions of Islam and Christiani...
Find your dream Study Abroad Program in Rwanda at Abroad101 and this directory of Study Abroad Programs, Rankings and Reviews. Future students are drawn to Abroad101 for ...