
Middlebury College

May 8, 2024

University Information

Each year more than 50% of the junior class at Middlebury studies abroad in more than 40 countries at more than 90 different programs and universities.

Mission Statement:

International Programs supports Middlebury’s mission to cultivate the intellectual, creative, physical, ethical, and social qualities essential for leadership in a rapidly changing global community. A student’s study abroad experience should be an integral and coherent part of his or her academic program at Middlebury, enhancing the on-campus curriculum and supporting a liberal arts education. To achieve these ends, Middlebury students study abroad on academically substantive programs that foster cultural and linguistic integration.

Middlebury Schools Abroad:

Middlebury has Schools Abroad at more than 40 universities in Argentina, Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, China, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Morocco, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay.

Externally-Sponsored (Non-Middlebury) Programs:

Each year a significant number of Middlebury students study abroad on externally-sponsored programs (programs other than Middlebury Schools Abroad) in countries such as Australia, Botswana, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Ghana, Greece, Ireland, Kenya, Madagascar, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Peru, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and more!

Important Dates and Deadlines

Middlebury Students Study Abroad Deadline: FEBRUARY 1 (to study abroad the following fall, spring, or academic year)

Visit http://www.middlebury.edu/international/sa for more information.

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Prague The City Of 100 Spires UPCES - Study Abroad in Prague (CERGE-EI, Charles University)

"I loved being right in the heart of Europe. It allowed me to travel easily and learn about a culture I had not previously studied. I got a lot of exposure to the Czech culture by living in the heart of the city and wouldn't have done anything differently. "

Middlebury College
Past Review Alhamdullilah Study Abroad Programs in Kenya

"I gained a lot of confidence and the feeling that I can cope with any situation. I felt for the first time that I understood a completely different way of looking at the world still entirely consistent with itself. I learned a lot of language. I realized how much where you grow up irrevocably shapes the way you look at the world..."

Middlebury College
Past Review The Perfect Semester In Madrid Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Getafe

"I gained confidence in living a city life from finding an apartment to navigating public transportation. I learned how to assimilate into a new place as much as possible and how to communicate better with people from different cultures or in different languages. I learned that I love Madrid -- definitely worthwhile! "

Middlebury College
Past Review It Was Unforgettable Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Cordoba, Spain

"My Spanish improved and I was able to get immersed in the culture."

Middlebury College
Past Review Cultural Immersion In Prague And Surrounding European Cities. UPCES - Study Abroad in Prague (CERGE-EI, Charles University)

"A more cosmopolitan view of the world and a third person view of what america is really like/seen as."

Middlebury College
Past Review Ciee Cape Town: Arts And Sciences Allowed Me To Break Barriers CIEE: Cape Town - Arts and Sciences

"It was the most amazing 4 months of my entire life. I was truly able to live in a different country and experience a different way of life. This forced and allowed me to grow into a much stronger, independent, and cultured individual. I learned an incredibly deal about myself and can't wait to do something like this again. "

Middlebury College
Past Review Msn's Program Is The Perfect Example Of Social Justice Pedagogy In Action Autonomous University of Social Movements: Traveling - Field Program in Social Movements

"I learned so much on this program it is hard to quantify or qualify it. A very incomplete list of things that I learned about on this program: Mexican social movements, Mexican history, Mexican culture, identity politics, Marxist politics, how to organize, labor organizing, rural organizing efforts in Mexico, urban organizing ef..."

Middlebury College
Past Review Easy Cultural Integration The Swedish Program: Stockholm, Sweden

"It was a meaningful experience. Having lived in Germany for 8 years, I was able to easily adapt to the environment and make new friends with the locals."

Middlebury College
Past Review Amazing The University of New South Wales: Sydney - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned that traveling and experiencing other places in the world is a priceless experience that everyone should try and do and it helps one become educated beyond the classroom to have experiences such as these. "

Middlebury College
Past Review Amazing And Incredible Learning Experience And New Opportunities! SIT Study Abroad: Tanzania - Wildlife Conservation and Political Ecology

"Definitely worth while. I gained amazing new friends, an appreciation and understanding of Tanzanian culture, Swahili skills, and an amazing independent study project that I will most likely turn into a thesis. "

Middlebury College
Past Review Copenhagen: Perfect Balance Of Cultural Immersion, Independance, And Fun!!! DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"absolutely. so much more independent. learned how to loosen up and have fun. great break from middlebury programs which force immersion down your throat (according to friends). i just enjoy life more and am a lot happier as a person after the experience. "

Middlebury College
01/19/2021 Bananas, But The Good Kind Of Bananas CIEE: Prague - Central European Studies

"I learned a lot about the fall of communism and Central European history including its role in WWII, which is fascinating. I also somewhat learned the language and became more familiar with Czech literature."

Middlebury College
Past Review Prague; A Once In A Lifetime Experience! UPCES - Study Abroad in Prague (CERGE-EI, Charles University)

"Yes ! Very worthwhile! I learned how to be much more independent and easy going! I am much more culturally aware. I had never really traveled before this and it has opened my eyes. I will definitely be traveling more in the future! "

Middlebury College
Past Review Studying Abroad Was The Best Thing I've Ever Done. University of Otago, New Zealand: Study Abroad Programme

"Learned more about myself than about academics, that's for sure. It was the most worthwhile experience I've ever had in my 21 years on this planet."

Middlebury College
Past Review Studying Abroad Was The Best Decision I Made In College. The University of Auckland: Auckland - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I became more confident in my abilities to achieve what I had set out to achieve. This experience was way more than worthwhile, I grew and matured in ways I hadn't even imagined and have come out a better person. "

Middlebury College
Past Review Amazing The University of New South Wales: Sydney - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was very challenging socially which was definitely worthwhile."

Middlebury College
Past Review Best Way To See The Art And Culture Of Oxford! Middlebury Museum Studies in Oxford

"I learned a lot about Oxford as a town and university, and about both British museums and museums worldwide. Completely worthwhile. "

Middlebury College
Past Review The Best Four Months Of My Life UPCES - Study Abroad in Prague (CERGE-EI, Charles University)

"I gained a new sense of independence and met so many new people. It was beyond worthwhile. "

Middlebury College
Past Review Overall Unforgettable And Amazing Experience Arcadia: Edinburgh - University of Edinburgh

"independence, confidence, travel experience"

Middlebury College
Past Review Life Changing Adventure More For Personal Reward Than Cultural Emersion DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"Absolutely worthwhile. I learned how to travel and how to acclimate to new places. I learned more about myself and how to make friends. I learned to be less focused on grades and more focused on important life experiences. "

Middlebury College
Past Review Best 3 Months Of My Life! King's College London: London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"More confidence/independence, better understanding of the local culture, "

Middlebury College
06/30/2022 Amazing Program In An Amazing City The Swedish Program: Stockholm, Sweden

"Overall very worthwhile. I learned a lot about the city and the culture. I met some really great people. And I learned a lot about myself and how to be more independent. "

Middlebury College
08/01/2023 Tokyo Is Fun! Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Tokyo

"I learned a lot about myself and about Japan as a whole. I think it was valuable in shaping my future. "

Middlebury College
02/18/2023 A Great Chapter In My Life! Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Madrid

"Studying abroad has made me value alone time and trusting myself. A lot of time is still spent alone and you have to be okay with that. I did a lot of solo traveling which I am extremely grateful for. It strengthened my interpersonal skills as I went to many countries where I did not speak the language. Made me be less shy and m..."

Middlebury College