Biola University

February 18, 2025

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Biola University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Biola University student, please check with the Center for Cross-Cultural Engagement for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review It Is Not Advisable To Enroll. Instituto Franklin-UAH: Alcalá de Henares - Study Abroad in Spain

"Any chance to live abroad is worthwhile. Despite the negative experiences within Instituto Franklin, the year wasn't a total waste."

Biola University
Past Review The Experience Of A Lifetime! Messiah University: International Business Institute, Worldwide Summer Program

"This program taught me a lot. The corporate visits allowed us as students to listen to and interact with practical applications of the content we were learning in the classrooms. Some of the firms shared their strategies, others their marketing schemes, and all of them gave us a solid overview of how the company is run and its p..."

Biola University
Past Review Summer 2015 Global Experiences: Internships in London, England

"I learned how to be an adult. I became responsible for myself. Living in a foreign country, going to my internship 8 hours a day, buying my own food, and simply making my own decisions forced me to grow. I understand what it's like to live in the adult world a little better than before. My portfolio also expanded because of all ..."

Biola University
Past Review Irish Adventures IES Abroad: Dublin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"I worked five days a week for Sportsfile, photographing Irish sporting events as well as assisting in photoshoots. I loved the Irish culture and the people I worked with most. I still keep in touch with many of my colleagues and have formed long-lasting relationships. The staff at IES Abroad was brilliant from start to finish, h..."

Biola University
Past Review A Beautiful Campus, With Wonderful People, In The Gorgeous Coutryside Of China Guizhou Forerunner College: Guizhou - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I leaned a lot about the Chinese culture, language, and history. I also learned about its people, and how they very similar and a little different than Americans. It was completely worthwhile. I would love to go back again. "

Biola University
Past Review Returning Isn't An "If," It's A "Must"! SAI Study Abroad: Sorrento - Sant'Anna Institute (SA)

"Absolutely worthwhile! I gained an appreciation for the language and the culture, as well as "

Biola University
Past Review Nycams Will Grow You! Study Away and Internship Programs in New York City

"I gained a much stronger confidence in who I am as an artist and an individual. NYCAMS really taught me a lot about hard work and artistic process. "

Biola University
Past Review A Fabulous Semester Study Away and Internship Programs in New York City

"I learned a lot about life (however cheesy that may sound). It was a really good experience to be in a college learning environment outside of the Biola bubble - learning with students from other colleges and being in a big city. It was completely worthwhile."

Biola University