The School for Field Studies / SFS
The School for Field Studies / SFS is a program provider offering 10 abroad programs. Programs offered include Study Abroad and Research abroad programs in 12 countries such as Bhutan, Tanzania, Panama, and Chile.
The School for Field Studies (SFS) is one of the nation’s oldest and largest environmental study abroad programs, combining hands-on interdisciplinary environmental studies with scientific research to develop sustainable solutions to critical environmental problems. SFS students work with communities to discover practical ways to manage their natural resources. In the process, SFS students undergo a transformational experience that assists them in advancing their careers as skilled professionals and globally-aware citizens.
For more information, visit our website at
Study Abroad with The School for Field Studies / SFS
"Completely changed some of my views of the environmental world, expanded my horizons about environmental and agricultural issues, and was the singlest best three months of my life. Yeah, I'd call it worthwhile."
Alex H
"What I learned at Warrawee deepened my interest in working on environmental policy, as we studied the political context and how poor policies had contributed to ecological destruction -- as well as how changes to those policies could make a big difference on the ground. I learned very practical ways of how to give back to my com..."
K.G. F Williams College
"I learned about foreign ecology and culture, and about the US through interacting with my fellow students. I learned about myself and what I want to do for the rest of my life. I am very happy I did this program and I would love to return to NZ and AUS."
Amber B Boston University
"Yes, most definitely worthwhile. I took away a new love for the ocean and was humbled by the experience of living on a developing island. "
Katherine W Hamilton College
"Yes it was definitely worth it. There's just a type of learning experience you can't get elsewhere, other than studying abroad. I realized that there is a world of things to discover (literally!) and that we need to be taking advantage of these moments!"
Diana H University of Cincinnati
"It was an amazing experience that I am so lucky to have participated in. It gave me a whole new outlook of the world and of my life and really made me thankful for everything that I have. It was absolutely incredible and I would recommend it to anyone who was interested."
Kara S Rollins College
"It was a marvelous experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I met amazing people that all had a common interest in the environment, and I now know people from all over the United States and Australia. I've learned so much from them, as I'm sure they've learned from me. It's important to keep in mind how our actions impac..."
Erica H Trinity University
"I'm glad that I went abroad, but I'm even happier knowing that I'll get to return to Wellesley. I feel as if I generally liked the program more than most people in my group, but even then, I had a very hard time adjusting to the social atmosphere because of lack of commonalities. I expected a different group of people, thinking ..."
Christina T Wellesley College
"It was worthwhile, but it was not what I wanted it to be. I'm glad I went, I had a lot of amazing experiences, and I learned how to cope with things that were not terribly favorable, particularly social environments and living arrangements. "
Karena P Wellesley College
"Very worthwile, I gained a different perspective on the world and different cultures around the world. I also gained practical experience, it was amazing. Costa Rica is a great country to study abroad in. "
Angela M Clark University
"It was worthwhile. "
Elizabeth M Barnard College