Webster University: Athens - Odyssey in Athens
Webster University
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Webster University: Athens - Odyssey in Athens
Webster University: Athens - Odyssey in Athens
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(For American Students)
Why Greece? You may ask... and Why Athens? Greece is the birthplace of so many modern ideas and Athens is the center of where it all happened. Webster-Athens is in an excellent location for formal study - at the foothills of the Acropolis. Just wa... read more
All Reviews
It was worthwhile to gain these experiences and meet these people. Anna L - Ohio State University - Columbus View Entire Review
I learned a lot about the culture as well as myself. Being able to live in a foreign culture for any extended period of time is a very worthwhile experience because of the many different perspectives that you experience. A student - Webster University View Entire Review
I gained a lot of volunteering experience and learning while volunteering at a local refugee center. It was definitely worthwhile! A student - Webster University View Entire Review
I learned how to navigate and plan trips and excursions in a foreign country. A student - SUNY - College at Geneseo View Entire Review
I got to experience new cultures and realize that we have it pretty easy here in the States. A student - Webster University View Entire Review
I learned so much about myself and the world around me. It was more than worth it. Elizabeth S - Campbell University View Entire Review
That I am capable of pushing myself to get out of my comfort zone and that in doing this there is a chance to grow. I also learned to trust myself more and value my own experiences and opinions as much as I value that of others. It was absolutely worthwhile. A student - Webster University View Entire Review
I got a new perspective and learned a lot about myself. A student - SUNY - College at Geneseo View Entire Review
I learned how to live truly on my own in a completely unknown environment- and how to learn to thrive. It was 100% worthwhile. A student - Goucher College View Entire Review
Valuable life lessons and an appreciation for Greek culture. 101% worthwhile. Adrienne Porter - SUNY - College at Geneseo View Entire Review
Athens is a great place. I am so thankful I chose it. I was able to live an independent, fun and relaxed lifestyle while being supported by the structure of the program. A student - Goucher College View Entire Review
This time in Greece I picked up more of the language, learned about ancient Greek culture and spent more time at the local museums. It was absolutly worthwhile. Ellie Cassidy - Webster University View Entire Review

I think it is impossible to try to explain what you learn while abroad. It just is amazing. Claire Corliss - Goucher College View Entire Review
I gained a lot of cultural knowledge. A student - Webster University View Entire Review
I gained a lot of independence. I feel like I was independent coming into this experience but gained more confidence in being independent. I also feel like I got better at making decisions. Also being willing to try new things. A student - Webster University View Entire Review
The culture, the food, the people. Everything is relaxed and easy going, which I loved. Valerie N - SUNY - College at Geneseo View Entire Review
The main thing I learned was about the culture there A student - Washington & Jefferson College View Entire Review
I learned how different the schoolsystems are in different countries. A student - Aarhus University View Entire Review
Being on my own in an entirely different country helped me gain a lot of independence and confidence in myself. Leah D - Webster University View Entire Review
I cannot emphasize enough how much this experience changed my life. I learned so much about Greek culture, got to learn some of the language, and met so many incredible people who I still keep in touch with. My boyfriend went on the same program a few years before me and we're seriously considering trying to get work and live in... Madeleine Lemen - Goucher College View Entire Review
I am incredibly thankful for my experience studying abroad in Athens. There are endless reasons to appreciate life in the breath-takingly beautiful, unconditionally welcoming, and fundamentally friendly country of Greece. Between my 6 apartment-mates and other Odyssey students who loved exploring as much as I do and all of the i... student - Goucher College View Entire Review
I learned about a culture I knew little about, as well as have the opportunity to meet some of the nicest people I have ever met. I am a more well-rounded person because of my time in Athens and I recommend this program to everyone. Shelby Morgan - Webster University View Entire Review
It was absolutely worthwhile, I learned a lot about Greek culture, how other countries handle political issues, and much more. A student - Webster University View Entire Review
I learned what life is like for people in the Mediterranean. I also learned about different parts of Europe. Dan Yurkovetsky - University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass View Entire Review
I learned a lot about the origins of western culture, which was incredible. As someone who critically analyzes society and culture, I feel as though this experience has deepened my understanding of my discipline, all while having a lot of fun traveling and seeing new places. I believe that it was worthwhile. A student - Southern New Hampshire University View Entire Review
Why Greece? You may ask... and Why Athens? Greece is the birthplace of so many modern ideas and Athens is the center of where it all happened. Webster-Athens is in an excellent location for formal study - at the foothills of the Acropolis. Just walking around the streets near the university, you can take in so much of this ancient, yet modern, city.
With its extraordinary artistic, intellectual and cultural heritage, Athens is richly endowed with resources for formal study and experiential learning. The museums at the Acropolis and the ancient Agora, as well as the National Archaeological Museum, the Cycladic Museum, and the Benaki collections are within minutes of the Athens Campus facilities. Cultural events including concerts, recitals, dance and theater, as well as international trade shows, conferences and symposia, public lectures, gallery exhibits, sports events and marathons, are an integral part of life in this bustling, cosmopolitan city at the confluence of Europe, Asia and Africa.
With its extraordinary artistic, intellectual and cultural heritage, Athens is richly endowed with resources for formal study and experiential learning. The museums at the Acropolis and the ancient Agora, as well as the National Archaeological Museum, the Cycladic Museum, and the Benaki collections are within minutes of the Athens Campus facilities. Cultural events including concerts, recitals, dance and theater, as well as international trade shows, conferences and symposia, public lectures, gallery exhibits, sports events and marathons, are an integral part of life in this bustling, cosmopolitan city at the confluence of Europe, Asia and Africa.
Program Type(s):
Study AbroadProgram Length(s):
- Fall
- Summer
- Spring
- January Term
Instruction Language(s):
- English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
- Ethnic, Cultural Minority, Gender, and Group Studies
- Communication and Media Studies
- Comparative Literature
- Modern Greek Language, Literature
- Ancient/Classical Greek Language, Literature
- Liberal Arts, General Studies
- Mathematics, Statistics
- Historic Preservation
- Archeology
- Music
- International Business
- History
Take me there!Statistics
Webster University Scholarships
The award is only offered to students that are degree-seeking at an institution that is a member of the Webster International Network of Schools (WINS) and meet all eligibility and conditions of the award. The WINS Travel Award is provided directly to accepted affiliated student and covers up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) toward the round-trip coach airline ticket.
Summer: February 28
Fall: March 30
Spring: September 30
Students must be a degree-seeking student of a member of the Webster International Network of Schools (WINS) and be accepted into a Webster University study abroad program.
Additional conditions include:
- Students will pay for any amount over $1,000 towards the airline ticket
- Maintain good academic, social, and financial standing throughout the study abroad experience
- Successfully complete a minimum of one term (earn at least six credit hours) abroad as a full-time equivalent student
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