USAC Costa Rica: San Ramón - Life Sciences, Spanish Language, and Culture

8 recent reviews
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The San Ramón program is designed for science majors interested in learning more about ecology and conservation biology in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is well known for its extraordinary natural beauty, preserved in its many national parks and reserves... read more

All Reviews

Based on 8 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
Past Review Inolvidable
I gained new perspectives on the world, cultures, and myself. This experience gave me unforgettable memories and new friends that I wouldn't trade for the world. - University of Maine - Orono View Entire Review
An excellent opportunity to see a beautiful part of the world and make new friends and memories. A great way to learn or improve your Spanish. - University of Maine - Orono View Entire Review
Past Review Pura Vida
I gained global perspective, and learned that you aren't entitled to anything just because it's been given to you before. We, as Americans, live very lushly and expect something to be done when our needs aren't met immediately and perfectly. The whole "Pura Vida" state of mind in Costa Rica is a testament to their view on a stre... - University of Maine - Orono View Entire Review
I learned how to travel on my own, I learned a new language, made many friends, and gained a new respect for other countries. - University of Nevada, Reno View Entire Review
I gained lasting friendships with other USAC students from around the country. I learned a lot about being independent and on my own. And I got to really become friends with my host family. - University of Nevada, Reno View Entire Review
Past Review Rollercoaster
I am now more of a risk-taker; I try to remain "tranquila" more; It was worthwhile. - Wartburg College View Entire Review
I gained so much knowledge of the language, of myself, and of the culture in Costa Rica. I learned most things outside of classes and not while sitting at the university. My semester was definitely worth while, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. - Wartburg College View Entire Review
Connections with new professors, appreciation for new cultures, a handle on Spanish, a new set of glasses to see the world with. Yes, it was worthwhile. - University of Maine at Orono View Entire Review
I gained a sense of Pura Vida, an enjoyment of a slower pace in life. Confidence in talking to people, and curiosity to search for more. It's made me realize that I need to explore my own back yard (the US). SO WORTHWHILE, i recommend everyone to study abroad and let themselves absorb everything the culture has to offer them. - University of the Pacific View Entire Review
I learned a lot about different cultures, the environment and Spanish. - Wartburg College View Entire Review
I learned a ton about costa rican culture, people, food, and spanish. I also learned about the influence of America on the world, and about myself and my own culture at home. It was definitely worthwhile. - University of Maine at Orono View Entire Review
I learned a lot and it is hard to even sum it up in a paragraph. It was worthwhile especially for experiences that you cannot even explain to others. This is one of those things that you just gotta do. Go through with it and find out for yourself. Everyone's experience is different and each one equally worth doing. - University of Maine at Orono View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with USAC: San Ramón - Life Sciences, Spanish Language, and Culture Studies
It was absolutely worth while! As an ecology student, I have some to realize that I would very much like to return to central America (definitely Costa Rica, as well as the surrounding countries) to do research and conservation work. I also feel encouraged when thinking about how, in returning, I may someday be able to speak fl... - University of Maine at Orono View Entire Review
Past Review Acachete, Mae
Unmatchable opportunity for the human experience. - University of Maine - Orono View Entire Review
Embrace new cultures and new people. Very worthwhile. - Wartburg College View Entire Review
My language skills improved drastically. Additionally, I learned how easy it actually is to make friends wherever you go in the world. Confidence, spontaneity, and flexibility. Absolutely worthwhile. - University of Maine - Orono View Entire Review
I became much more independent and bettered my Spanish skills as well since I had to speak the language day in and day out. - University of Nevada, Reno View Entire Review
I improved my Spanish skills and was fully immersed in the cultural to have a great experience this way too. - Wartburg College View Entire Review
Past Review Pura Vida!
I can speak Spanish! - University of Maine - Orono View Entire Review
I was able to practice Spanish and definitely improved my speaking ability. I also met people from all over the US in addition to meeting locals. I also learned how to be apart from the people I love at home (I am currently engaged) and became more independent. It was a worthwhile experience that will always hold a place in my h... - Wartburg College View Entire Review
I learned a lot of Spanish, made a plethora of lifelong friends, and saw sights that I never would have imagined in my life that I would see. This was the experience of a lifetime, and I would not change it for the world. I grew as a student, as a Spanish speaker, and as a person in general due to my semester abroad. It was a... - Wartburg College View Entire Review
Definitely worthwhile. I gained a lot of experience speaking and understanding Spanish. I also learned to be less timid about speaking Spanish to people who speak it fluently. - Ohio Northern University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with USAC: San Ramón, Costa Rica - Life Sciences, Spanish Language, and Culture Studies
I learned how to speak Spanish. I renewed my faith in humanity as a whole (people are good). I am now much more accepting of different types of people (more so than I would have otherwise knew existed). - University of Nevada - Reno View Entire Review
I speak Spanish now, I knew about three words before I came here. Learned how to cook too! - University of the Pacific View Entire Review
Past Review Unforgettable!
I had an eye opening experience both from the classes and the culture - University of Maine at Orono View Entire Review


The San Ramón program is designed for science majors interested in learning more about ecology and conservation biology in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is well known for its extraordinary natural beauty, preserved in its many national parks and reserves, and it is at the forefront of the ecotourism movement. You may stay for one semester, a full year, or a summer session, and choose from courses in tropical ecology, tropical marine biology, conservation biology, environmental policy, and other life science topics within Costa Rica. You will be able to augment your regular coursework by enrolling in several related field study courses that give you hands-on experience in these subjects. Also, with approval from their university, students in US honors programs will be able to receive honors credits for certain courses. A minimum of one year of general biology is required for the above mentioned subjects; therefore, non-science majors interested in Tropical Life Science courses should consider USAC programs in Puntarenas or Heredia. The San Ramón program is also complemented by courses in Spanish Language (you may complete up to one year of Spanish language per semester) and Culture or Area Studies.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Summer
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
  • Spanish
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Plant Sciences
  • Environmental Science
  • Area Studies
  • Spanish Language, Literature
  • Hispanic and Latin American Languages, Literature
  • Botany, Plant Biology
  • Ecology, Evolution Biology
  • Public Health
Minimum GPA:
Year Founded:
Take me there!


USAC Scholarships

USAC awards over $500,000 in scholarships and discounts each year to assist students with their study abroad expenses. We have a variety of funding opportunities available for students enrolled in USAC programs. We also encourage students to research online for additional sources of financial aid and external scholarships for study abroad students. Additional scholarship information and application instructions will be provided on your Student Gateway account once you apply to a USAC program.


October 1 (for spring) and April 1 (for summer and fall/yearlong)

If you have questions regarding scholarships, feel free to contact the USAC Scholarship Coordinator at




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