University of Oxford: International Summer Schools

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For more information on the International Summer Schools at University of Oxford, visit their website:

Our International Summer Schools are intensive programmes taught at graduate level. Students attend daily lectures, followed by small group seminars. Participants in these programmes usually have a university degree, or a minimum of two years at u... read more

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Our International Summer Schools are intensive programmes taught at graduate level. Students attend daily lectures, followed by small group seminars. Participants in these programmes usually have a university degree, or a minimum of two years at university. These summer programmes are not accredited, but those seeking credit at their home institution will receive a `Detailed Certificate` which details contact hours (for plenary sessions and workshops), grades achieved and private study hours.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Summer
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Liberal Arts, General Studies
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