Trinity College Rome Campus: - Study Abroad in Italy
Trinity College
19 reviews
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The Trinity College Rome Campus, established in 1970, offers students an outstanding educational opportunity in the heart of one of the world’s great cities, where glorious treasures and haunting ruins of several magnificent civilizations are stag... read more
All Reviews
It was absolutely worthwhile! You get outside of the American bubble and learn how to work through language barriers and cultural differences. A student - Kenyon College View Entire Review
I learned some Italian, made a couple of friends, and got to experience life in another country among some of the most beautiful monuments in the world. However, the classes I took and the people I was surrounded with were less than ideal. Student . - Davidson College View Entire Review
Yes, it was worthwhile. I learned a lot more from my individual travels than from my program though. A student - Tufts University View Entire Review
I would definitely go abroad again, but I wish that I had come into Trinity College, Rome, more aware of its shortcomings. I was disappointed by the level of support and the caliber of student. Rachel P - Trinity University View Entire Review
My abroad experience was definitely worthwhile. I met tons of people while still traveling and learning so much about Rome's culture today and it's history. I learned so much by being integrated in Rome's culture through my classes and personal experience. I would not take back a minute of my time spent in Rome! Kathryn S - Trinity College View Entire Review
Yes! Carolyn S - Amherst College View Entire Review

I had fun but was not challenged academically and could have done without a lot of the drama. Alex . - Rollins College View Entire Review

Absolutely worthwhile. Cary H - Rollins College View Entire Review
Totally worthwhile! Kate W - Trinity College View Entire Review
That though there are people who are not the same mindset as me, we can still get along. That I can do anything I want, as long as I have the motivation to do it, even if I am doing everything by myself. Yes, it was possibly the most worthwhile thing I will ever do in my college career. A student - Trinity University View Entire Review
It changed my worldview and me as a person. I learned so much about myself, fellow students, Italy and the world at large. I think it is an experience everyone should have. A student - Tufts University View Entire Review
For me seeing and walking on the context of my Classical/Medieval and Renaissance/Art History as well as seeing new art and Classical stuff was exactly what I wanted and got. Overall I understood why Rome became such a magnet as I became addicted to seeing at least 1 new cultural wonder a day. A confidence in travel, a tolerance... Elizabeth W - Trinity University View Entire Review
Studying abroad definitely made me more independent. It was also great to be removed from the fast paced,competitive, anxiety filled atmosphere that can often consume you on a college campus. Meghan C - Providence College View Entire Review
Completely worthwhile in every way Amir F - Tufts University View Entire Review
My experience was definitely worthwhile. I really got to understand the local culture better and all the classes were amazing. It was great to walk around the city and see all the art we talked about in class! Danielle G - Rollins College View Entire Review
Yes. I saw amazing art, go to go to off-limit sites. Had amazing coffee and food and met some very interesting people who I am still friends with and have seen after the program ended. I gained a better understanding of Italian culture and their way of life. I can't really explain it to you, just go and you'll see what I mean. emilydearmas - Tufts University View Entire Review
- The Trinity College Rome Campus, established in 1970, offers students an outstanding educational opportunity in the heart of one of the world’s great cities, where glorious treasures and haunting ruins of several magnificent civilizations are stage to a vibrant, modern capital.
- Students enjoy a superb location, excellent faculty, a broad liberal arts curriculum, stimulating fieldwork in Rome, academic excursions throughout Italy and Europe, a variety of internship opportunities and the city’s unparalleled lively cosmopolitan culture.
- In a typical semester, the Rome Campus welcomes approximately 60 participants, drawn from both Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, and America’s finest colleges. Visiting students have been an essential part of the program since its inception in 1970, and we welcome students from institutions all over the United States
Program Highlights
- Study at an idyllic campus, wired to the world, in the heart of ancient Rome
- Academic excursions to Venice, Florence, and Naples/Pompeii/Capri
- Field seminars (political science, art history) with research in Rome
- A rewarding internship program
- Sharp clusters in Public Affairs (economics, modern history, and politics) and in Ancient Culture and Classics
- An outstanding director with over 30 years of experience
- Bright, motivated students from America’s finest colleges
Program Type(s):
Study AbroadInternship
Program Length(s):
- Fall
- Summer
- Spring
- Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
- Italian
- English
- Latin
Relevant Study Subject(s):
- Architecture History, Architectural Criticism
- Italian Studies
- Italian Language, Literature
- Ancient/Classical Greek Language, Literature
- Liberal Arts, General Studies
- Ancient Civilization
- Religion / Religious Studies
- Psychology
- Public Policy Analysis
- Economics
- International Relations
- Political Science and Government
- Fine Arts, Studio Arts
- Arts Management, Entertainment Management
- History
Minimum GPA:
3.0Year Founded:
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