ThisWorldMusic: Traveling - Study in Ghana: Music, Arts, Culture

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ThisWorldMusic's Study in Ghana program offers academic or professional credit from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Participants live at the world renowned Dagbe Cultural Institute in the village of Kopeyia, studying traditional West Afri... read more

All Reviews

A broader world perspective. Yes, it was absolutely worthwhile. It's amazing to think about the stereotypes we (Americans) have of Africa. I really appreciate the fact that I can accurately speak to those now. - University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass View Entire Review
I never danced before and discovered an absolute love for it. I learned so many songs, dances and drum rhythms and still feel like there's so much there to learn. I feel so grateful to have had the opportunity to get so close to traditional Ewe music, culture and life. It was one of the most worthwhile experiences of my life and... - Mary Immaculate College View Entire Review
cultural immersion was excellent as well as the drumming and dancing. This experience prepared me professional as a teacher to share in depth experiences with my students. - University of Kansas View Entire Review
I learned that I was better at dancing and drumming than I thought I was, and I learned so much about the people and culture. Definitely worthwhile. - Cornell College View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with ThisWorldMusic: Traveling - Study in Ghana: Music, Arts, Culture
It was an incredibly humbling experience in which I learned a lot about myself along with the drumming, dancing and singing. it was a beautiful community! - University of Wyoming View Entire Review
This trip was definitely worthwhile! I learned so much about Ewe and Ghanaian culture, I learned more about the diversity and disparity of our world, and a lot about myself and where I see my life going. - University of Saint Thomas View Entire Review
Very much about music, culture, and daily life of Kopieya. - Berklee College of Music View Entire Review
I learned specific dances, accompaniments and children's games in detail so that I feel confident to share with my students. All this was done within the larger context of traveling and reading about Ghana, leading me to a respect and deeper understanding of Ghana's history, culture and people. The strength, positivity, helpfuln... - University of Kansas View Entire Review
Experiencing the music, dance, and culture left me hungry for more. Jeremy is incredibly organized, which made for a smooth, safe, and amazing experience. - Northern Illinois University View Entire Review
I learned a great deal about traditional Ghanaian dance, music, and culture. I pushed myself physically, intellectually, and personally and now feel that I have grown as a person. I made life-long friends who I miss dearly every day. The trip was 100% worthwhile. - Sarah Lawrence College View Entire Review
A broadening and deepening of my knowledge and experience of African dance, music and culture. It was absolutely worthwhile. - Saint Mary's College of California View Entire Review
This trip was completely worthwhile. This trip was so uniquely wonderful because of the exposure to and immersion in a real Ghanaian community. I learned a lot about myself, and it was really interesting to discover all the similarities and differences that I had with the people I got to meet. - University of Massachusetts Amherst View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with ThisWorldMusic: Traveling - Study in Ghana: Music, Arts, Culture
I learned that music doesn't have to be a single complicated pattern. It can be many simple repeating patterns that vary per instrument and create a polyrhythmic piece of music. I gained a perspective of what it means to work and to support a community or village. I noticed how closely music and dance are tied into the West Afri... - Hampshire College View Entire Review
I gained a deeper sense of what it means to be a community - both from the people of Kopeyia and our own group of participants. It was incredible to be surrounded by people who were new to you, but 100% "there" for you. I learned many drum ensemble pieces and dances I can incorporate into my elementary music classroom. I was put... - University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire View Entire Review
Past Review It Was Awesome!
Im a drummer so... drummer in Ghana are the sh*t! - Los Angeles College of Music / LACM View Entire Review
This is the most rewarding experience of my life to date. I will never forget the people I met and the art I created while in Ghana. This program is one of the best around not only because the experiences provided by you but because it is a chance to fully immerse yourself in a culture and live as a Ghanian not just a tourist. M... - Temple University View Entire Review
Yes it was, I was exposed to such a new musical and overall culture that it will effect my understanding of music for the rest of my life. - Sarah Lawrence College View Entire Review
This was one of the most life changing educational experiences I have ever had. The music in itself was incredible, but the real lessons I learned were about how to live my life. I learned the importance of living deliberately, how to work/live with all different kinds of people, how to develop endurance and focus, and the val... - DePaul University View Entire Review
Note: I only say I wouldn't choose the same program again because now that I have visited sites like Cape Coast Castle and the Kakum National Park, I believe that I would rather save the money for things like more private lessons or other such expenses. As far as returning to Dagbe again, I ABSOLUTELY plan to do it eventually,... - Boston Conservatory View Entire Review
I gained a lot of perspective regarding what it means to be a part of the world as a whole. I also learned that certain cultures that some may see as "primitive" are actually more in touch with the heart of things than our American culture. - Santa Clara University View Entire Review
I learned so much about myself. My view of the world changed. I am much more aware of things now, such as what I have, what I don't have, what I need, and what I want. Understanding these things about yourself changes who you will be to the rest of the world and what you will do with the rest of your life. - Oklahoma City University View Entire Review
I learned about the Village life and culture. Of ourse it was worthwhile. View Entire Review
Understanding for the way other cultures live. Understanding of the function of dance in their society. - Radford University View Entire Review
I became more confidant in my abilities to speak up for myself, and to push myself to try new things. The trip was truly worthwhile. - Saint Mary's College of California View Entire Review
It confirmed and greatly expanded and deepened my knowledge of the subject/culture. - Saint Mary's College of California View Entire Review


ThisWorldMusic's Study in Ghana program offers academic or professional credit from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Participants live at the world renowned Dagbe Cultural Institute in the village of Kopeyia, studying traditional West African music, dance and craft making with the Dagbe Institute’s highly trained staff of local artists. Intense periods of study are interspersed with excursions to nearby beaches and open-air markets, as well as participation in and observation of local festivals. 

Next, the Study in Ghana group travels to historic Cape Coast Castle, designated a UNESCO World Heritage site due to its prominent role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. We also visit Kakum National Park Rainforest Preserve, where participants take a tour of the rainforest and go on a “Canopy Walkway,” a series of steel cable reinforced footbridges strung between the treetops. We then explore the capital city of Accra, where students take an exclusive tour of a master drum maker’s workshop, visit one of Ghana’s famous live music clubs and sample Ghanaian cuisine. While in Accra, participants shop at the National Arts Centre and are treated to a private performance and workshop with the acclaimed Ghana National Dance Ensemble. 

Participants in the 3-week summer study abroad program in Ghana earn 6 credits (undergraduate or graduate) or equivalent professional development credits (PDP/CRU/PLU/CEU) from the UMass Department of Music & Dance; those taking the 12-day winter study abroad course earn 3 credits. Enrollment is open to students and professionals worldwide.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Graduate Program
Program Length(s):
  • Summer
  • January Term
  • Custom
  • Short Term
Instruction Language(s):
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • African Studies
  • English Language and Literature
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Fine Arts, Studio Arts
  • Music
Minimum GPA:
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