Technion, Israel Institute of Technology: Haifa - Summer Entrepreneurship and Internship
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
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Dates: June 1st – August 15th “...Israel has more high-tech start-ups per capita than any other nation on earth, by far. It leads the world in civilian research-and-development spending per capita. It ranks second behind the U.S. in the number of ... read more
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Dates: June 1st – August 15th “...Israel has more high-tech start-ups per capita than any other nation on earth, by far. It leads the world in civilian research-and-development spending per capita. It ranks second behind the U.S. in the number of companies listed on the Nasdaq. Israel, with seven million people, attracts as much venture capital as France and Germany combined...” David Brooks, New York Times Nowhere else do technology, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit meet like they do in Israel. Famously coined as the “start-up nation”, Israel is home to the globe’s highest per capita number of scientists and engineers and attracts more per capita venture capital than any other nation on earth. Israel lists more NASDAQ companies than Europe, China, Japan, Korea and India combined and has the highest concentration of high-tech start-ups anywhere outside Silicon Valley. Technion International’s unique summer Entrepreneurship and Internship program offers foreign students an opportunity to explore and study Israel’s fascinating high tech economy whilst simultaneously getting a taste of Israeli academia at the nation’s leading center of science and technology education and applied research. Participating students will gain invaluable professional experience through the program’s exclusive internship opportunities at leading Israeli start-up and high tech firms, and will be able to take home a new and in-depth understanding of the practical and academic foundations of entrepreneurship and innovation. Learn how to identify, value, and capture opportunities and how to start your own company at the Start-Up Nation’s cradle of entrepreneurship – Technion, where many of Israel’s leading start-ups were conceived. Program Overview The summer program provides students with rigorous hands-on academic experience in areas essential to the development of a real life tech start-up. These include marketing fundamentals, economics of innovation, legal and intellectual property rights, strategic business planning and more. The program focuses heavily on both the theory and the practical how-to of business financing, investments and investors, and raising capital. The program’s unique structure incorporates academic courses and internship experience which work in tandem to help students maximize their time in Israel. In addition to the core academics and internship, the program provides weekly meetings with leading Israeli entrepreneurs and business figures, as well as visits to various Israeli companies to explore different aspects of the nation’s start-up and high-tech economy. Other benefits include a lunchtime speaker series, scheduled day-trips to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and a one-on-one mentoring program which pairs participants with experienced Israeli and U.S. based investors and entrepreneurs who will provide continual support and mentoring during the course of the project. Overall, the program offers students a chance to gain invaluable professional experience, unparalleled business and economics instruction, improved team building skills and an opportunity to work with a diverse group of international peers. Academic Courses The program centers on the 3 credit Project Course: Business Plan for the commercialization of technology based idea in which participants model the creation of a hi-tech/biomedical start-up company, focusing on the critical pre-seed phase. Working in small, international teams, students start with a basic research idea and patent application. Over the course of the term students must analyze the technological opportunity, identify the need and compelling product/service offer, validate the market need and size, identify and analyze valid business models, and finally market the business plan to skeptical investors, potential customers and employees, and entrepreneurial team members. In addition, students take the following mandatory core courses:
- Legal and Financial Aspects of Technology Entrepreneurship – 2.5 credits
- Marketing High Tech Start-ups – 2 credits
- General Lab – Internship Course – 0 Credits
Additional courses may be offered according to demand and number of participants. Courses may be offered in the fields of:
- Entrepreneurial Finance
- Innovation Management
- Social Ventures
Overall, students devote two full days per week to the academic portion of the program. Credits are transferrable to students’ home universities. Students gain a minimum of 7.5 academic credits (an academic credit is equal to 1 hour of lecture per week during a full 14 weeks semester). Internship Experience In addition to the academic course load, the program includes an internship placement at an Israeli high tech/start-up firm. Participants are assigned to a firm and a working position directly relevant to their own field of study, and are given a wide degree of freedom to work and problem-solve directly with the firm’s professional staff. Students spend three days per week at their internship. Participants are supervised by both an internal corporate and a Technion academic supervisor, and work in defining, analyzing and solving a real problems in a real entrepreneurial Israeli firm. The goal is to allow students to experience without mitigation the “entrepreneurial heat” in real Israeli start‐ups. Dates of Program The program includes an internship with a minimum of 10 weeks of internship and an academic studies portion. Program dates may change according to the internship chosen and may start as early as May and end as late as September where the internship portion may be prolonged over the minimum of 10 weeks. Student Life Technion is located on a beautiful 300-acre campus in the heart of Haifa, Israel’s beautiful northern port city. Students live on-campus with Israeli and international students and are fully integrated into life at Technion. The campus is home to numerous Kosher cafes and restaurants, and is located near popular off-campus dining, shopping and night-life, as well as Haifa’s world class beaches and the Mount Carmel National Forest. Students of all faiths can find places of worship both on campus and in Haifa, where different religious groups live in tolerance, side-by side. Technion International provides student guides who are available to assist visiting students with a wide range of questions and issues. The Technion International team also organizes special events, trips and activities open to all visiting and foreign students on campus. Admissions and Accreditation Undergraduate students with a GPA of 80 and above are invited to apply. A technology and business studies background is recommended but not required. In order to apply, students must submit:
- Current university transcripts
- A personal statement
- A letter of recommendation from a professor or academic advisor
Applications accompanied by a letter of recommendation must be submitted. Students receive academic credit per course as described above, and a certificate of participation.
Program Tuition and Fees Tuition: $6,500 Housing: $320 per month Medical Insurance: $400 Additional Information All students are required to have health insurance that covers their entire stay in Israel. Once accepted, our staff will provide further information. In addition, students must have a working Israeli cellphone during their stay.
Program Type(s):
Study AbroadInternship
Program Length(s):
- Summer
Instruction Language(s):
- English
Language Requirement(s):
- English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
- Entrepreneurial and Small Business
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